Attributes | Values |
| - Annabelle Lennox (Earth-7194)
| - Annabelle's strength is twice that of any woman her age and height.
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| - *Annabelle is one of the few Kree hybrids among the Young Avengers who visibly resembles more to the Kree than human.
*Annabelle seems to have a big weak spot for sweets.
| - Avengers Academy, Los Angeles, California; Formerly SWORD Orbital Headquarters
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| - ===Origins===
Annabelle is the daughter of a SHIELD agent and female Kree agent posing as another agent for SHIELD, both who seemingly fell in love with one another. Though the female Kree initially took the human agent as her husband to further integrate into human society and keep her cover, she did genuinely fall in love with him. Eventually after the Age of Heroes passed, the two would eventually end up expecting a child, Annabelle who would come into a world of peace and where the two agents could spend some considerable time with her compared to the past.
Unfortunately, Annabelle only got to spend three short years with her parents before her father was killed during a raid of a weapon smuggling operation against organized crime. Though devastated by the loss, it was also bad timing in that Annabelle's mother was called back to Hala forcing her to make up a lie to fellow agents who took her daughter in before she disappeared. Following this, SHIELD began to realize something off about the child and discovered that her skin was taking on a gray tone which brought concern she might be powered. DNA results showed that she was in fact part alien, making them question if her father or mother were the alien in disguise all this time, but for now they decided she was best to go to SWORD who dealt with aliens often and this is where she would be raised.
With now being under the care of SWORD, Annabelle started training from a young age in how to use various martial arts, weapons, and how to be an overall agent. She trained with a handful of other young agents as she grew, some of them recruited from mainly pre-teens and few were like her in having no where else to go. Due to being with SWORD though Annabelle was initially told she was an enhanced they discovered at an orphanage as a child which was a resulting in her gray skin and her recently discover pyrokinesis, yet she had a sneaking suspicion like some of her friends among the junior agents that she too was alien in origin. Unfortunately, she wasn't entirely sure to which race she belonged and only that SWORD was keeping her in the dark like many.
Back on Earth
During her growing up on SWORD headquarters though, Annabelle also did learn of the exploits of many heroes, including some of which worked with SWORD at times. As a result she was one of the many young people who dreamed of using her abilities to help the world in a similar manner but resigned herself for the time being in helping to keep track of alien encounters and those ousted on Earth who might be intending harm or not. But after a time it seemed the chance to join the ranks of heroes came when Annabelle overheard the talk between Ita Santorem and a SWORD higher up of her joining the Avengers Academy.
Curious and excited at such a notion, Annabelle eventually left SWORD headquarters herself and made her way to Earth. Much to the surprise of staff she quickly enrolled into the academy since registration was open to anyone seeking to join, but much to the chagrin of Talon and Veris who recognized she was a Kree but for the time being have said nothing.
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| - Unknown Father , Unknown Kree Mother
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| - Young Avengers, New Warriors Squad; Formerly SWORD
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| - Her own power, SHIELD vehicles
| - *Mixed Martial Arts: Annabelle was trained from a young age by SWORD in various forms of mixed martial arts. This ranges from Jujitsu, Muay Thai, Karate, Kickboxing, and some Baguashang all of which allow her to make full use of just about all her limbs from legs, shins, elbows, fingers, fists, and feet. She prefers the grappling techniques, common use of her punches and kicks, and throwing techniques which closely resemble her having a brawler-style of fighting. She ranges to having an Orange belt to first rank black belt level in her skill.
*Expert Marksman: Annabelle has a near perfect accuracy when it comes to her aim, being able to throw or fire at targets for at least 7 out of 10 chance to hit them. She can throw objects, projectiles, or weapons from about twenty feet accurately and use a small firearm from about 150 yards without missing, unless obstacles or something else gets in the way. Any further she usually leaves up to chance or try to at least graze her target.
*Weapons Expert: Again from a young age Annabelle has been taught to use a few different kinds of weapons, for both close and long range combat. She has shown to do quite well in using bladed weapons, especially the use of a pair of broad swords in which she is rather ambidextrous to be able to use both hands and can easily and effectively slash, stab, and block with a small dagger or knife. In fact, she can also use throwing knives to throw which her accuracy is again rather excellent from twenty feet away. She also has been able to learn to use a few different types of guns, especially revolvers, shotguns, and rifles, from loading them with different types of ammo to firing accurately with each one. Lastly she also has shown some skill in using whips, archery, and a Bo staff or spear though not quite as often as her swords and firearms.
*Multilingual in various alien languages: Due to her affiliation with SWORD, Annabelle was also taught several different languages on record in their data base in the off chance she should run into them. Some of this includes Skrullix, Shi'ar, and unknowingly to her the Kree language, just to name a few.
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| - *When it comes to her fire abilities Annabelle can risk generating too much heat around herself or within her body, causing heat exhaustion and could cause her to pass out and have some dehydration.
*Using her White Fire Manipulation for long periods of time without a break can eventually cause Annabelle to because exhausted quicker than normal despite her Kree Physiology.
*Unlike normal Kree, Annabelle must have oxygen in order to breathe comfortably and can withstand only a short time in a nitrogen rich environment before she becomes affected by it. In other words she can begin to lose consciousness or have similar symptoms to decompression sickness.
*Annabelle also does not have the benefits of being a full Kree, her kree abilities being a lesser degree of what they can do.
*In fact, Annabelle still has many weaknesses to a human, meaning she is much more vulnerable than the average Kree warrior would be.
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| - Student; Formerly SWORD agent
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