| - This orginially started out as an informative comment to a question posed on the WoW forums, but turned into a whole guide on the matter. I checked the sticky and found no guide for this particular topic, so I decided I would post this as its own thread. Unfortunately, my inexperience with posting a guide meant I did not reserve posts before hand, and as a result, the guide got rather messy. After a lot of thought, consideration and speaking with GM's to find out if I was allowed, I decided to repost the guide in a much cleaner format.
| - This orginially started out as an informative comment to a question posed on the WoW forums, but turned into a whole guide on the matter. I checked the sticky and found no guide for this particular topic, so I decided I would post this as its own thread. Unfortunately, my inexperience with posting a guide meant I did not reserve posts before hand, and as a result, the guide got rather messy. After a lot of thought, consideration and speaking with GM's to find out if I was allowed, I decided to repost the guide in a much cleaner format. A lot of information was added in the new version, such as an in-depth sections for all the races with regards to Death Knights, as well as small additions here and there, rearranging of certain texts and generally an overhaul of the formatting as a whole. All this meaning it is only appropriate I redo this version of the guide to match that of the current one on the WoW Forums. Here goes. Mind you, this is a very long guide as I address just about every aspect of being a Death Knight, from the most basic to the most in depth, some of it due to what I have seen roleplayed and much of it per request as people want it explained. I have cited my sources at the end of the guide and done my best to clearly state what is and isn't speculation. A lot of credit goes to the people who wrote the lore and the people who collected it all in places such as WoWpedia.org and WoWhead.com as well as the people who pointed out certain bit of lore I had missed, so I could collect it all in this guide. Also, many thanks to the people who made Race RP Guides that I could read and reference.