The Legio Twins Saga is a fan fiction series by author Padawan Leanne. It follows the adventures of the two title characters, Mark and Stephanie Legio, after being transported-on two separate occasions- from the suburbs of Planet Earth into the Star Wars universe. The novels in the saga each tell the separate- but related- stories of each of these occasions, encapsulating both their lives in the Star Wars galaxy as well as events on Earth leading up to and following their Star Wars escapades. Both novels are told in the alternating first-person perspectives of Stephanie and Mark Legio; in the second novel, Forced Perspective, third-person sections are also added. A spin-off series, The Light of the Jedi Trilogy, is also planned.
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| - The Legio Twins Saga is a fan fiction series by author Padawan Leanne. It follows the adventures of the two title characters, Mark and Stephanie Legio, after being transported-on two separate occasions- from the suburbs of Planet Earth into the Star Wars universe. The novels in the saga each tell the separate- but related- stories of each of these occasions, encapsulating both their lives in the Star Wars galaxy as well as events on Earth leading up to and following their Star Wars escapades. Both novels are told in the alternating first-person perspectives of Stephanie and Mark Legio; in the second novel, Forced Perspective, third-person sections are also added. A spin-off series, The Light of the Jedi Trilogy, is also planned.
| - *Rebellion Era
*New Republic Era
*New Jedi Order Era
*Legacy Era
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| - *Earth: 2006-2011
*SW Universe: 0 ABY-43 ABY
| - *New Day Dawning
*Forced Perspctive
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| - The Legio Twins Saga is a fan fiction series by author Padawan Leanne. It follows the adventures of the two title characters, Mark and Stephanie Legio, after being transported-on two separate occasions- from the suburbs of Planet Earth into the Star Wars universe. The novels in the saga each tell the separate- but related- stories of each of these occasions, encapsulating both their lives in the Star Wars galaxy as well as events on Earth leading up to and following their Star Wars escapades. Both novels are told in the alternating first-person perspectives of Stephanie and Mark Legio; in the second novel, Forced Perspective, third-person sections are also added. A spin-off series, The Light of the Jedi Trilogy, is also planned.
is Series
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