| - History of location is unknown.
- Baltimore is a city in the US state of Maryland. In July 1916, the German U-boat Deutschland surfaced in the harbor of Baltimore.
- Unlike many people think, Balto is not a movie about a dog who saved the city of Nome from AIDS, nor it was told to a little girl by her cracked grandmother while abusing their pet husky. Nor it was made by Universal Pictures and Amblimation. Nor it has two sequels.
- [Source] Baltimore is a secondary character and a runesmith in Vergen in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. He is described by Thorak as "the greatest specialist the world has ever seen […] me and my apprentices still can't recreate all the runes he could inscribe." Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow. Baltimore is missing by the time Geralt arrives in Vergen and the duties of town runesmith are being filled by Thorak. When Geralt ultimately discovers that Baltimore is dead, by Thorak's hand, a new runesmith is appointed, Bouward. Significant plot details end here.
- Baltimore is the largest city in Maryland. It was the backdrop of Law & Order precursor Homicide: Life on the Street. In L&O lore, Baltimore was the former stomping grounds of then-Detective John Munch, who later swore he'd never return there.
- The University of Baltimore played in NCAA Division I from 1979-1983.
- Coda postal 212xx. No es plu parte de la condia de Baltimore.
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* Baltimore Review
- Baltimore is a city in Maryland.
- Baltimore is a city in the state of Maryland.
- Baltimore sur the witcher 2
- Its metro population is over 2,600,000.
- Baltimore was a city in Maryland before the Great War.
- "Baltimore" is a song on Moon Man's White Power EP. Audrina Patridge makes a brief appearance in it. The song is about the 2015 Baltimore riots.
- The flag of Baltimore.
- (This population figure, as well as the demographic figures below, represent the Baltimore Sprawl and excludes the neighboring Washington Sprawl, the State of Delaware, and the neighboring Philadelphia Sprawl)
- Baltimore is the largest independent city (not belonging to a county) in the United States and the largest city and cultural center of the U.S. state of Maryland. The city is located in central Maryland along the tidal portion of the Patapsco River, an arm of the Chesapeake Bay. Founded in 1729, Baltimore is the largest U.S. seaport in the mid-atlantic and is situated closer to major Midwestern markets than any other major seaport on the East Coast.
- Baltimore is a city in Maryland. The radio station WXOP is located there. (TXF: "Redrum") The USS Valor Victory docked at a Baltimore civilian dock in 2001. (TXF: "Nothing Important Happened Today II", "The Truth")
- Baltimore era una ciudad en Maryland antes de la Gran Guerra.
- Baltimore was the site of the Republican Party's 1864 Presidential Convention, which was delayed by the final thrust of the Second American Revolution.
- Baltimore is the largest city in the U.S. state of Maryland and the 26th largest city in the country. Baltimore is where Warlock and his mother reside.
- Baltimore was a city in the state of Maryland, in the United States of America on Earth. In 1914, Babe Ruth played for the professional baseball team in Baltimore, the Baltimore Orioles. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation) The Great Starship Race run in 2269 started in Baltimore. The New Pride of Baltimore, the winning vessel in that competition, was named after the city. (TOS novel: The Great Starship Race) Doctor Mark Piper was conducting research work at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore in the early 2270s. (TOS novel: Traitor Winds)
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Baltimore article. Take me to the Baltimore article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- Baltimore is the largest independent city in the United States of America and the largest city and cultural center of the US state of Maryland. The city is located in central Maryland along the tidal portion of the Patapsco River, an arm of the Chesapeake Bay. Baltimore is sometimes referred to as Baltimore City in order to distinguish it from surrounding Baltimore County. Founded in 1729, Baltimore is the largest U.S. seaport in the Mid-Atlantic and is situated closer to major Midwestern markets than any other major seaport on the East Coast. Baltimore's Inner Harbor was once the second leading port of entry for immigrants to the United States and a major manufacturing center. After a decline in manufacturing, like most other major American coastal cities, Baltimore shifted to a service-o
- Baltimore was an American city, situated in the state of Maryland, proximate to both Bethesda and Washington DC. (PROSE: Blue Box) It was Peri Brown's home town, (PROSE: Graham Dilley Saves the World) and the location of a Cyberman invasion in September 1984 which was thwarted by the Sixth Doctor. (AUDIO: The Reaping) The Institute of Space Studies, a research organisation which UNIT consulted on extraterrestrial phenomena, was headquartered there. (TV: Spearhead from Space) The city was in ruins for many years after the 22nd century Dalek invasion. (AUDIO: Nekromanteia)
- (This population figure, as well as the demographic figures below, represent the Baltimore Sprawl and excludes the neighboring Washington Sprawl, the State of Delaware, and the neighboring Philadelphia Sprawl)
- Baltimore was an American city in the state of Maryland. David Palmer was the Baltimore representative in the Maryland State Congress before becoming the state's Senator. During that time, he and his family lived in the city. Franklin Gibson was a prominent attorney based in Baltimore. His son, Lyle Gibson, lived in an apartment at the Harbor Towers, until he was killed during a struggle with Keith Palmer after Gibson raped Keith's sister, Nicole Palmer. (Findings at CTU)
- Baltimore es una ciudad ubicada en la costa atlántica de los Estados Unidos en el estado de Maryland. La ciudad sirvió como la tercer ubicación de la sede del Magicongreso Único de la Sociedad Americana. Ellos se mudaron allí desde Williamsburg, Virginia, ya que Baltimore era donde vivía el Presidente Able Fleming. Con el brote de la Guerra Revolucionaria en 1775, la sede se mudó a Washington, D. C..
- VegBaltimore.com: Your Vegetarian and Vegan Guide to Baltimore brought to you by Compassion Over Killing A growing number of Americans nationwide are opting for vegetarian meals when dining out—and restaurants everywhere, including dozens of places in and around Baltimore City, are responding to this increase in demand by offering a variety of meat-, egg, and dairy-free dishes.
- Baltimore was a city in the state of Maryland on Earth's North American continent. During the 20th and 21st centuries, it was a key port of call on the Chesapeake Bay. It was also the location of Johns Hopkins University. (TOS novel: Traitor Winds) The city suffered heavy damage during the Third World War when nuclear devices were detonated over Washington, DC, blasting the surrounding states "off the map." (Star Trek: First Contact novelization)
- Baltimore is the largest city in the U.S. state of Maryland and the 26th largest city in the country. It is located in the central area of the state along the tidal portion of the Patapsco River, an arm of the Chesapeake Bay. The independent city is often referred to as Baltimore City to distinguish it from surrounding Baltimore County. Founded in 1729, Baltimore is the second largest seaport in the Mid-Atlantic United States and is situated closer to Midwestern markets than any other major seaport on the East Coast. Baltimore's Inner Harbor was once the second leading port of entry for immigrants to the United States and a major manufacturing center. After a decline in manufacturing, Baltimore shifted to a service-oriented economy, with the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Univers