In the late 1970s, Mexican toy company Lily Ledy produced a series of hand puppets based on Plaza Sésamo. Characters included Abelardo, Paco, and Ernie and Bert. The toys were packaged in boxes that resembled a cardboard television. They also produced finger puppets of Abelardo, Paco, Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch.
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| - In the late 1970s, Mexican toy company Lily Ledy produced a series of hand puppets based on Plaza Sésamo. Characters included Abelardo, Paco, and Ernie and Bert. The toys were packaged in boxes that resembled a cardboard television. They also produced finger puppets of Abelardo, Paco, Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch.
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| - In the late 1970s, Mexican toy company Lily Ledy produced a series of hand puppets based on Plaza Sésamo. Characters included Abelardo, Paco, and Ernie and Bert. The toys were packaged in boxes that resembled a cardboard television. They also produced finger puppets of Abelardo, Paco, Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch.