The RAM Process of molding was invented and patented in the mid-1940s by Keith Blackburn and Richard Steele, two ceramic engineering graduates from Ohio State University (OSU). Harold Dawson, another OSU graduate and co-owner of a small machine shop[clarification needed], developed and built the first RAM Press shortly thereafter in Columbus, Ohio. Blackburn and Steele licensed the RAM process and press for a decade, then sold their company to the Wallace Murray Corp. RAM Products Inc. of Columbus, Ohio was organized in 1979 and now manufactures the RAM press.
The RAM Process of molding was invented and patented in the mid-1940s by Keith Blackburn and Richard Steele, two ceramic engineering graduates from Ohio State University (OSU). Harold Dawson, another OSU graduate and co-owner of a small machine shop[clarification needed], developed and built the first RAM Press shortly thereafter in Columbus, Ohio. Blackburn and Steele licensed the RAM process and press for a decade, then sold their company to the Wallace Murray Corp. RAM Products Inc. of Columbus, Ohio was organized in 1979 and now manufactures the RAM press.