| - Julian und Tim geraten über die verzockten Eheringe in Streit. Tief enttäuscht von der Verantwortungslosigkeit seines Bruders, macht Julian Tim schwerste Vorwürfe. Tim versucht daraufhin alles, um die Ringe zurückzuholen und wendet sich in seiner Verzweiflung an Jenny. Diese denkt jedoch gar nicht daran und schmeißt die Ringe weg. Als Tim sie schließlich findet, rennt er um sein Leben, um noch rechtzeitig zur Trauung zu kommen. Doch Tim wird es nicht schaffen - denn im selben Moment bricht Julian während der Zeremonie zusammen...
- 312 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na okrężnej trasie pomiędzy krańcem Ursynów Południowy.
- El trescientos doze (312) es el número natural que sigue al 311 y precede al 313. Categoría:Números
- Victoria Winters, distraught over David Collins' disappearance, breaks down in tears and is comforted by Barnabas Collins. The vampire is overcome with bloodlust and, baring his fangs, starts to bite Victoria... Barnabas returns to the Old House where he anxiously calls for Willie Loomis. When questioned, Willie explains that he has not seen David "for days". Barnabas, unwilling to risk exposure, is determined to find David before anyone else does. If David knows too much, then he will have to take action.
| - Julian und Tim geraten über die verzockten Eheringe in Streit. Tief enttäuscht von der Verantwortungslosigkeit seines Bruders, macht Julian Tim schwerste Vorwürfe. Tim versucht daraufhin alles, um die Ringe zurückzuholen und wendet sich in seiner Verzweiflung an Jenny. Diese denkt jedoch gar nicht daran und schmeißt die Ringe weg. Als Tim sie schließlich findet, rennt er um sein Leben, um noch rechtzeitig zur Trauung zu kommen. Doch Tim wird es nicht schaffen - denn im selben Moment bricht Julian während der Zeremonie zusammen...
- 312 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na okrężnej trasie pomiędzy krańcem Ursynów Południowy.
- El trescientos doze (312) es el número natural que sigue al 311 y precede al 313. Categoría:Números
- Victoria Winters, distraught over David Collins' disappearance, breaks down in tears and is comforted by Barnabas Collins. The vampire is overcome with bloodlust and, baring his fangs, starts to bite Victoria... ...but Carolyn Stoddard and Joe Haskell's arrival prevents him from doing so. Barnabas regains his composure as Joe decides to call Sheriff Patterson about the missing David. Barnabas is disturbed to learn that David probably went looking for Sarah Collins in the hope of helping Joe discover the identity of Maggie Evans' abductor. He also finds out that is was Sarah who informed Sam Evans where to find Maggie when she escaped from her kidnapper. Joe leaves to phone the Sheriff and, while Carolyn and Victoria debate telling Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Roger Collins, who are in Boston, Barnabas slips away. Barnabas returns to the Old House where he anxiously calls for Willie Loomis. When questioned, Willie explains that he has not seen David "for days". Barnabas, unwilling to risk exposure, is determined to find David before anyone else does. If David knows too much, then he will have to take action. Back at Collinwood, Sheriff Patterson arrives. David has been missing for "six hours", and the Sheriff wonders if the boy might have been kidnapped. Carolyn dreads to think of the possibilities, especially with a maniac still loose. Having searched all over the estate, Joe believes David is at the Old House, the one place he and Carolyn did not look. Victoria remembers seeing Sarah during the costume party Barnabas held for the family. Hearing this, Joe is more determined than ever to search the Old House, and Sheriff Patterson agrees. As Barnabas and Willie prepare to go out and search for David, Joe and the Sheriff come to the Old House. Both Barnabas and Willie dismiss the suggestion that Sarah and David have been sneaking inside to play. Indeed, Willie fairly explodes at Joe when the other man wants to look around. Barnabas, however, defuses the situation and allows Sheriff Patterson and Joe to search. Alone with Barnabas, Willie is in a state of panic at the idea of the basement being explored and what will be found there. Barnabas orders him to be silent, but Willie knows his vampire master is as scared and nervous as he is. Morning arrives, and Willie anxiously reminds Barnabas he must return to his coffin. At that moment, the Sheriff and Joe return with nothing having been found. They have searched everywhere...except the locked cellar. Barnabas assures him they will find nothing there. He claims the door has been firmly locked ever since he took up residence in the Old House. When Sheriff Patterson insists on searching there, Barnabas lies about misplacing the key. Joe wants to break the door down, but Barnabas protests. Just then, Carolyn rushes into the room. One of the deputies has had a report of a little boy matching David's description seen walking along the beach road two miles outside of Collinsport. The trio depart, but not before Joe and the Sheriff cast suspicious glances in Barnabas' direction. Before going to his coffin, Barnabas orders Willie to search for David and to bring the boy to the Old House.