| - Prior to the beginning of Power Rangers Super Megaforce, Lewis decides to join the Megaforce Rangers on their quest to find the Greatest Treasure in the Universe. Lewis usually helps Tensou & Kaizo on board while the Megaforce Rangers are away in battle. Later, when he wishes that he can help the rangers, Lewis is greeted by three of the Power Rangers, the Green Power Ranger, the Quantum Ranger, & the White Dino Ranger, who give him the ability to become the Silver Megaforce Ranger. Unlike his fellow rangers, who morph into the past rangers using Rangers Cards, Lewis uses magical keys called Ranger Keys to morph into any of the past sixth rangers.
| - Prior to the beginning of Power Rangers Super Megaforce, Lewis decides to join the Megaforce Rangers on their quest to find the Greatest Treasure in the Universe. Lewis usually helps Tensou & Kaizo on board while the Megaforce Rangers are away in battle. Later, when he wishes that he can help the rangers, Lewis is greeted by three of the Power Rangers, the Green Power Ranger, the Quantum Ranger, & the White Dino Ranger, who give him the ability to become the Silver Megaforce Ranger. Unlike his fellow rangers, who morph into the past rangers using Rangers Cards, Lewis uses magical keys called Ranger Keys to morph into any of the past sixth rangers. Later, when the Pirate Rangers arrive & replace the Megaforce Rangers, who are ordered to travel into battle against the Brute Space Empire, Lewis decides to stay on the Zordon's Revenge to assist the Pirate Rangers. The Pirate Rangers are quite sure about it at first, but when Lewis proves himself worthy, the Pirate Rangers approve & make Lewis a official member, thus renaming him the Silver Pirate Ranger.