| - Hiraikotsu (飛来骨, lit: "fly", "come", and "bone" respectively. Sometimes translated to mean "The bone that flies back") is the favored weapon of Sango the demon slayer from the popular anime and manga InuYasha. The Hiraikotsu is a giant boomerang made from the bones of demons. The weapon can slice through many demons and comes in handy when InuYasha and his friends were at Mt. Hakurei. The Hiraikotsu is actually quite heavy (approximately 40 to 50 lbs) and requires a great deal of strength to throw. It can also be used defensively as a shield or a deflector of attacks.
- thumb|300px|Hiraikotsu El Hiraikotsu (飛来骨) es un gigantesco Boomerang y el arma principal de Sango. Esta hecha de los huesos de demonios, y debido a su material sobrenatural, es casi irrompible y es una arma muy poderosa. El arma puede rebanar a través de muchos demonios, es realmente pesado y requiere de mucha fuerza para lanzarlo. Puede también ser utilizado como un protector o para la desviación de ataques.
- Sango uses Hiraikotsu in many different ways. The leather bands at either end allow her to grasp and handle it easily. At six feet in length and what must be fifty pounds or so, she handles Hiraikotsu very nimbly. Miroku stated that she must be very strong in order to be able to lift and carry it. Other than using it as a boomerang, she can swing it and wield it as a melee weapon. She's killed countless demons in this way, as well as hitting Miroku over the head when he was acting as a pervert around women. Hiraikotsu is also big enough for Sango to use it as a shield when the need arises, and the nature of its material makes it excellent for that purpose. When not in use, she uses a strap, possibly made of leather, anchored on either end by a buckle and using friction to hold the strap en
- right|266px Sangos Hiraikotsu (dt. fliegender Knochen) ist ein aus Dämonenknochen bestehender, großer Bumerang. Er ist Sangos Hauptwaffe, die sie benutzt, wenn sie sich gegen Yōkai oder ähnliches behaupten muss. Sangos Großvater kämpfte schon mit dem Hiraikotsu und vererbte es an Sango weiter. Sie trägt ihr Hiraikotsu stets bei sich auf ihren Rücken gebunden. Das Hiraikotsu ist eine sehr vielseitige Waffe. Im Fernkampf ist es zielgenau und da es sich um einen Bumerang handelt, kommt es nach dem Werfen meist wieder zurück. Es hat genügend Wucht, um einen Yōkai zu zerschneiden. Auch im Nahkampf kann Sango große Erfolge verbuchen, es lässt sich gut als Schlagwaffe einsetzen, oder auch als Schild.
| - right|266px Sangos Hiraikotsu (dt. fliegender Knochen) ist ein aus Dämonenknochen bestehender, großer Bumerang. Er ist Sangos Hauptwaffe, die sie benutzt, wenn sie sich gegen Yōkai oder ähnliches behaupten muss. Sangos Großvater kämpfte schon mit dem Hiraikotsu und vererbte es an Sango weiter. Sie trägt ihr Hiraikotsu stets bei sich auf ihren Rücken gebunden. Das Hiraikotsu ist eine sehr vielseitige Waffe. Im Fernkampf ist es zielgenau und da es sich um einen Bumerang handelt, kommt es nach dem Werfen meist wieder zurück. Es hat genügend Wucht, um einen Yōkai zu zerschneiden. Auch im Nahkampf kann Sango große Erfolge verbuchen, es lässt sich gut als Schlagwaffe einsetzen, oder auch als Schild. Im Verlauf der Handlung wird das Hiraikotsu auch hin und wieder ernsthaft beschädigt und muss dann von Sango repariert werden. Gegen Ende der Geschichte kämpft Sango mit Miroku gegen einen knochenfressenden Yōkai, der Hiraikotsu fressen will. Um Miroku zu beschützen, der schon viel zu viel Gift eingesaugt hatte, tränkt Sango ihr Hiraikotsu in Gift und wirft es zum Dämon. Dieser versucht Hiraikotsu zu fressen und stirbt durch das Gift von Sango. Der Knochenbumerang wird dabei ernsthaft beschädigt. Nun muss Sango zu Yakurōdokusen, einem Medizin- und Giftexperten, um Hiraikotsu reparieren zu lassen. Dazu wird es in eine Gift-Sake Mischung getränkt, Sango muss auch in einen Behälter um die verschiedenen Yōkai, die das Hiraikotsu bilden, zu besänftigen. Der Grund dafür ist, dass Sango ihren Bumerung im Kampf geopfert hat, um Miroku zu retten. Nachdem sie die Yōkai beruhigt hat, wird ihr Hiraikotsu sogar um einiges stärker als vorher, denn es kann jetzt dämonische Auren zerschneiden. Naraku wird so durch einen solchen Angriff ernsthaft verletzt und muss das Weite suchen. thumb|left|275px|Sango mit dem Hiraikotsu Kategorie:Waffen
- Hiraikotsu (飛来骨, lit: "fly", "come", and "bone" respectively. Sometimes translated to mean "The bone that flies back") is the favored weapon of Sango the demon slayer from the popular anime and manga InuYasha. The Hiraikotsu is a giant boomerang made from the bones of demons. The weapon can slice through many demons and comes in handy when InuYasha and his friends were at Mt. Hakurei. The Hiraikotsu is actually quite heavy (approximately 40 to 50 lbs) and requires a great deal of strength to throw. It can also be used defensively as a shield or a deflector of attacks. Because the weapon is made from the bones of demons, it is usually unbreakable, though in Kaijinbo's Evil Sword, the weapon was cut in half by the possessed Kaijinbō using Tōkijin. Though powerful enough to even withstand the brunt of the Kaze no Kizu/Wind Scar (or rather a portion of it) upon being reforged at the hands of Tōtōsai, the Hiraikotsu can and has been reflected back at her by Kanna, Kagura and Princess Kaguya. Due to the weight of the weapon, it usually ends up knocking her out. In the manga, Sango destroys the Hiraikotsu to save Miroku and herself from a bone-devouring demon by spreading a highly corrosive poison on the weapon and throwing it at the demon. As the demon dissolves from the poison, so does the Hiraikotsu and Sango ruefully apologizes for sacrificing her most trusted weapon. In order to repair the weapon, Tōtōsai and Myōga advise Sango and her friends to visit Yakurou Dokusen, a sage of medicines and poisons. While initially reluctant, Yakurou Dokusen offers Sango a method to fix Hiraikotsu. In order to do so, she must defeat several powerful demons with her own strength and transform the poison that Yakurou Dokusen has submerged the Hiraikotsu in into medicine before the poison completely dissolves her weapon. The yōkai attacking her were revealed to be the same creatures that comprised the Hiraikotsu, who were displeased with Sango for sacrificing them for a mere human like Miroku. The yōkai offer to fight by her side once again if Sango pledges not to commit a similar betrayal in the future, a pledge she couldn't commit to, out of her feelings for Miroku. In the end, the yōkai sense Miroku's resolution, and decided to fight by her side once again as the reborn Hiraikotsu, to see the situation towards the end. This "reforging" of the Hiraikotsu ended in it being given the ability to absorb Jaki, which allowed it to cut through Naraku and even prevent the reformation of his body.
- thumb|300px|Hiraikotsu El Hiraikotsu (飛来骨) es un gigantesco Boomerang y el arma principal de Sango. Esta hecha de los huesos de demonios, y debido a su material sobrenatural, es casi irrompible y es una arma muy poderosa. El arma puede rebanar a través de muchos demonios, es realmente pesado y requiere de mucha fuerza para lanzarlo. Puede también ser utilizado como un protector o para la desviación de ataques. Despues de la pelea contra el demonio recolector de huesos queda considerablemente dañado debido a que Sango le aplica un poderoso veneno y lo lanza contra el demonio. Para repararlo Sango, con ayuda del maestro de las pociones, busca calmar las almas de los demonios que cuyos huesos conforman el hiraikotsu. Despues de lograrlo, ademas de quedar reparado, obtiene poderes sobrenaturales que le permiten crear su propia energía demoniaca para poder cortar la de sus oponentes, como queda demostrado al partir en dos a Naraku de un único y realmente poderoso ataque. Categoría:Armas Categoría:Objetos
- Sango uses Hiraikotsu in many different ways. The leather bands at either end allow her to grasp and handle it easily. At six feet in length and what must be fifty pounds or so, she handles Hiraikotsu very nimbly. Miroku stated that she must be very strong in order to be able to lift and carry it. Other than using it as a boomerang, she can swing it and wield it as a melee weapon. She's killed countless demons in this way, as well as hitting Miroku over the head when he was acting as a pervert around women. Hiraikotsu is also big enough for Sango to use it as a shield when the need arises, and the nature of its material makes it excellent for that purpose. When not in use, she uses a strap, possibly made of leather, anchored on either end by a buckle and using friction to hold the strap ends in place. She slings the strap over her right shoulder and the strap crosses down her body to below her left hip. Sango has the basic knowledge and experience to repair Hiraikotsu; she likely was required to learn how to do so, as she sometimes went on exterminations alone. In the anime she had to return to her village to repair a large crack in the surface. The demon bones are worked as if the material was steel. A blacksmith's furnace is used to heat the weapon and bones until red-hot, and more bone is used to fill the crack, repeatedly struck with a blacksmith's hammer. According to Sango's comments, it was likely her father that taught her how to do so. While she admits that her father's handiwork would have been better, she was able to perform repairs of a quality that she was more than happy with. Although Sango is very attached to Hiraikotsu, she is not beyond sacrificing it to save those she loves. In Inuyasha the Final Act, while trapped by a dangerous bone-collecting demon, Sango destroys her valued weapon with poison to save Miroku and herself from being devoured. Sango and her comrades are led by Myōga to a mysterious demon potions maker whom Myōga claims can revive Hiraikotsu. The Potions Maker agrees to fix it, dissolving Hiraikotsu in one jug and telling Sango to slay the demons in the second jug, warning her if she failed Hiraikotsu would dissolve into nothing. Sango then is determined to reclaim her weapon and jumps into the jug, and is quickly confronted by multiple demons. While trying to fight them, the demons angrily demand why Sango sacrificed them. Sango realizes the demons she's facing are what created Hiraikotsu. Hiraikotsu is furious Sango would sacrifice it for a human man, Miroku, and demands that Sango never betray it again and abandon Miroku. Sango refuses, declaring if Miroku died she wouldn't be able to live, thus, she would sacrifice Hiraikotsu again to save him. Hiraikotsu is further enraged and decides to kill Sango, however, it senses Miroku's resolve to protect Sango at the cost of his life and changes its mind. Hiraikotsu then admits it cannot understand human love but Miroku's courage has impressed it so it revives as Hiraikotsu to fight by Sango once more. After Hiraikotsu is reforged, it gains the power to not only emit a demonic aura, but to also absorb miasma/poison and disperse it, making it much more dangerous against Naraku and enemies.