| - An Item Box is the quintessential representation of the Mario Kart series: they are the unique, rotating boxes or panels which give players various types of Items to secure or take the lead. These item boxes always change in their appearances.
- An Item Box is container which keeps special items and treasures in Star Fox Adventures. Fox McCloud found several of these boxes throughout Dinosaur Planet while on his expedition to try and reconnect the shattered planet. From the Sacred RedEye Teeth to the Bridge Cogs, the boxes secure important items which prove vital to the locations they are discovered in.
- player. Items are deposited directly from the player's Inventory.
- Item Box (アイテムボックス Aitemu bokkusu?), znany również jako Monitor, Video Monitor, lub Item Capsule – elementy rozgrywki pojawiające się w serii Sonic the Hedgehog.
- Die Item Box (dt. Objektboxen, jap. アイテムボックス Aitemu bokkusu) ist eine Art Kasten, in dem sich verschiedene Items befinden oder eine bestimmte Anzahl eines Item befinden. Sie ist eines der häufigsten Objekte in der Sonic the Hedgehog Serie und befindet sich in den Action Stages. Dort sind sie an den verschiedensten Stellen zu finden und können meist durch Berührung eingesammelt werden.
- Los Item Box (アイテムボックス Aitemu bokkusu), también conocido como Monitores, son contenedores rompibles en Sonic the Hedgehog. Apareció por primera vez en la versión de 16 bits de Sonic the Hedgehog, los Item Box contienen diversos tipos de power-ups o bonificaciones que se pueden usar por el jugador. Colocado en el suelo, el aire o incluso oculto en muchos lugares de las zonas, el jugador puede romper para conseguir power-ups o un elemento simplemente saltando sobre ella, realizando el Spin Attack o haciendo otra técnica. En juegos anteriores, los Item Box se ilustran principalmente como monitores grises con pantalla parpadeante. En los juegos posteriores, estos monitores se han convertido flotantes cápsulas de vidrio.
- An Item Box will give you one of many items when you drive through it. You will get better items if you are lower in rank. If you are in first place, you will probably only get Green Shells, Red Shells, and Fake Item Boxes.
- Item Boxes are blue boxes that Dr. Light send to the forest to support Mega Man and can be found by him throughout the game. They contain either Information Cards or Energy Tanks.
- Item Boxes can be used to obtain items in the Mario Kart series. These item boxes will give your Mario Kart items like banana peels, blue shells, starman, green shells, etc. These are all over the track, don't mistake them for a fake item box though! In Mario Kart: Double Dash‼, there are double and single item boxes. The appearance are like item blocks the Super Mario series, just except blue, and they did not change much over time. In Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 they are hexagons instead.
- Item Boxes are items that appear in the Mario Kart series. They contain random items which are available as the racer drives through a block, though the item depends on the racer's position in the race. Their appearance can be compared to Exclamation Blocks as they have a question mark on them. There is also a Fake Item Box that is one of the items.