Someshta, also known as the Green Man, was the last of the Nym. He was set to guard the Eye of the World until the Dragon was reborn. It was common for Ogier Elders to consult with him. He was killed when Rand al'Thor reached the Eye and was confronted by Balthamel and Aginor. Someshta killed Balthamel at the cost of his own life. In his final moments, a tree sprung up at the exact location he fell. His garden began falling to the Blight, but the Ogier Loial used his treesinging abilities to keep his tree alive.
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| - Someshta, auch bekannt als der Grüne Mann, war der letzte der Nym. Er wurde eingesetzt, um das Auge der Welt zu bewachen, bis der Drache wiedergeboren war. Es war üblich für Ogier-Älteste, sich mit ihm zu beraten. Er wurde getötet, als Rand al'Thor das Auge erreichte und von Balthamel und Aginor angegriffen wurde. Someshta tötete Balthamel um den Preis seines eigenen Lebens. In seinen letzten Momenten wuchs ein Baum dort, wo er fiel. Sein Garten begann der Fäule zum Opfer zu fallen, doch der Ogier Loial nutzte seine Fähigkeiten des Baumsingens, um den Baum am Leben zu erhalten.
- Someshta, also known as the Green Man, was the last of the Nym. He was set to guard the Eye of the World until the Dragon was reborn. It was common for Ogier Elders to consult with him. He was killed when Rand al'Thor reached the Eye and was confronted by Balthamel and Aginor. Someshta killed Balthamel at the cost of his own life. In his final moments, a tree sprung up at the exact location he fell. His garden began falling to the Blight, but the Ogier Loial used his treesinging abilities to keep his tree alive.
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| - Someshta, auch bekannt als der Grüne Mann, war der letzte der Nym. Er wurde eingesetzt, um das Auge der Welt zu bewachen, bis der Drache wiedergeboren war. Es war üblich für Ogier-Älteste, sich mit ihm zu beraten. Er wurde getötet, als Rand al'Thor das Auge erreichte und von Balthamel und Aginor angegriffen wurde. Someshta tötete Balthamel um den Preis seines eigenen Lebens. In seinen letzten Momenten wuchs ein Baum dort, wo er fiel. Sein Garten begann der Fäule zum Opfer zu fallen, doch der Ogier Loial nutzte seine Fähigkeiten des Baumsingens, um den Baum am Leben zu erhalten.
- Someshta, also known as the Green Man, was the last of the Nym. He was set to guard the Eye of the World until the Dragon was reborn. It was common for Ogier Elders to consult with him. He was killed when Rand al'Thor reached the Eye and was confronted by Balthamel and Aginor. Someshta killed Balthamel at the cost of his own life. In his final moments, a tree sprung up at the exact location he fell. His garden began falling to the Blight, but the Ogier Loial used his treesinging abilities to keep his tree alive.