| - The story is set during James T. Kirk's first five-year mission as captain of the USS Enterprise and focuses on efforts to communicate with a nonhumanoid species.
- Once More with Feeling is a Neon Genesis Evangelion(TV Series) fanfiction published on [1] by author [2]. It is in progress.
- Once More with Feeling é un álbum recopilatorio da banda de Placebo. Foi editado o 30 de novembro de 2004.
- "I'm going to enjoy killing you" The hezrou demon stood as tall as an ogre, and every one of its movements showed off its supernaturally well-toned muscles. Jel stood his ground, but he could hear the rest of the outriders behind him shuffling slightly. Hezrous smell like rotting flesh and no matter how well drilled his men were, all of them together were no match for the demon. "I'm going to rip your limbs off, then beat your men to death to death with them, then hang you from the trees for all your friends to see, then I'm-" Jel looked up at the strange wizard
| - The story is set during James T. Kirk's first five-year mission as captain of the USS Enterprise and focuses on efforts to communicate with a nonhumanoid species.
- Once More with Feeling is a Neon Genesis Evangelion(TV Series) fanfiction published on [1] by author [2]. It is in progress.
- Once More with Feeling é un álbum recopilatorio da banda de Placebo. Foi editado o 30 de novembro de 2004.
- "I'm going to enjoy killing you" The hezrou demon stood as tall as an ogre, and every one of its movements showed off its supernaturally well-toned muscles. Jel stood his ground, but he could hear the rest of the outriders behind him shuffling slightly. Hezrous smell like rotting flesh and no matter how well drilled his men were, all of them together were no match for the demon. "I'm going to rip your limbs off, then beat your men to death to death with them, then hang you from the trees for all your friends to see, then I'm-" The demon's threat was cut short by a brief flash from a tree behind him, followed by a fiery detonation. Jel and his men surged forward, stabbing and kicking the demon until it disappeared in a puff of smoke. "They're not all that bad, demons. It's just their lack of proper personalities." Boko climbed down from his hiding spot and walked over to Jel, and watched the rest of the outriders smother the small fires his spell had started. "Sorry that took so long. With so much bluster, I thought it was trying to impress a mate, but I guess it just liked to talk" Jel looked up at the strange wizard "Think there's another one nearby?" "They can teleport around freely, so that's neither here nor there" Boko laughed at his own joke, but then resumed his serious expression "One will turn up soon enough. This grove was the sight of some bad business a few years ago. Demons are drawn to it, they feel safe here." "Do you wany to hide again and wait? My boys are good for at least another 4 hours" "Nah friend. Trying the same trick twice is unoriginal, and asking for trouble. Demons are dumb, not because they're stupid but because they choose not to use the brains they were born with. If they suspect something's up we'll all be hanging from the trees like fruit in the worst orchard. Better we keep moving, and circle back here later tonight." Jel nodded "Alright men, mount up we leave in two minutes. Jace, Buridir, sweep the area then take rear. Savage, you're on point". Savage, a particularly bulky goblin, nodded and climbed onto his riding wolf. Savage was an interesting person, to put it lightly. Agendered and asexual, it seemed to exist only to explode in a whirl of daggers and magic at the drop of a hat It was technically an emissary from one of the local tribes, but Jel suspected that Savage was so batshit crazy that the tribe leader had just wanted savage gone before it flipped out and murdered someone. Jel's normal tactic was to have it slightly separated from the rest of the column, ready to blindside any attackers in a maelstrom of violence and fire. Strangely, Savage and Boko seemed to be forming a friendship of sorts. The rest of the outriders quickly packed and mounted up. It had taken him the better part of a year, but Jel was sure the Outriders were toughest, meanest and best disciplined unit in the Dominion military. He had worked hard getting them there, and felt no shame in trading and recruiting until he had a unit he could be proud of. Oh, if only Corrak could step out of the trees and see them now. Boko rolled his shoulders and stretched, before gently floating a few feet off the ground. "This red night doesn't bode well. It will upset the bats and moths, and anything that makes its way by the stars" Jel shrugged "There hasn't been good news in this forest for more than a decade. But if we can send another demon home tonight, we'll have done our part. The Warden will sign our pay checks and will fund me forming up a second unit, and then that unit will go on to do their part. If the world ends tomorrow, it won't be because The Outriders didn't do their job" Boko grinned from ear to ear. "Does that comfort you at all?" Jel thought for a moment, and nodded. "Everyone dies, no use bitching about it when it happens. When some foe drags me kicking and screaming into Pharasma's line, I will stand with pride. What about you? What brings you comfort?" Now it was Boko's turn t pause and think. "There was never a time where there was an opportunity of going on a long walk that was spurned. Also, I buried two bottles of duergar brandy, 5,000 gold pieces and a scroll of reincarnation in a small chest under a log once." Jel looked curious "What's the point of that?" "Whoever digs it up is going to have a really good day. Lets go north a little bit, see if anything's happening near the old orchard" Jel climbed onto his dire boar. "You heard the man, north! It's gonna be a long night. Let's go to work"