| - The Karras Region is North of Hoenn and thus is covered mostly with snow. It has a large variety of caves and valleys as well as large mountains and many levels of underground passages. By use of the underground passages, trainers can travel to certain islands (with the danger of the tunnel caving in if course) without having to brave the open seas. The Karras Region is cut into four smaller areas. Northern Karras Mainland is almost always in a blizzard. There are mountains and valleys but many trainers find refuge in the long deep caves. There are only three cities in the north (Frostwick City, Whiteblink City, and Snowquake City) and the famous FROZEN TOWER. If trainers brave the cold, they are usually rewarded by finding rare or legendary pokemon. Middle Karass Mainland is a tad warmer with frequent rainshowers and dense forests. There are 3 towns (Hawksun Town, Storman Town, and Redoak Town), 2 cities (Redstone City and Blackgem City), and a Battle Village. Their is, every once in a while, a snowstorm which brings along new snow pokemon which sometimes invade the towns and cities in search of food. This is where most of the pokemon live. Sourthern Karras Mainland is a tiny area with one town just on the oceans edge. This area is inhabitted with fire pokemon as well as rock and ground pokemon. It is mostly a large desert with unrule sandstorms and volcanoes that frequently erupt. It is said that on certain days a large black volcano is seen and atop it the legendary pokemon appear. However it is a rigorous journey that only the bravest of the brave can accomplish. The Karras Islands are mainly battle areas with no towns or cities. There are 4 total (Nevermore Island, Freebirth Island, Dream Island, and Warrior Island). There are certain pokemon types only obtained in these regions. Nevermore Island is where most of the dark pokemon reside. Freebirth Island is where all of the smaller pokemon as well as, in rare cases, packs of starter pokemon live. Dream Island is a place where it is said that the Karras Region was begun. It is said that the pokemon that created teh Karras Region still resides there. Finally there is Warrior Island where the Elite Four resides. Both the Nevermore and Freebirth Islands are accessible from the underground. The first map is the normal map, and the second is the one that shows the attractions. Sunday's Blackspout is the black dot near the bottom, Elite Four is the island with a white star on it, Blue "F" is the FROZEN TOWER, and the Red "B" is the Battle Village.