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In the cold depths of the Land of Bears, just in the deep forest like area, was a small bar that welcomed incoming travelers and tourist. The bar treated the outsiders with great hospitality, just as if the people were actually from the land. There was slow music playing, some people dancing, some people drinking, and others, well, gambling. Even though they gambled, they weren't loud and rowdy like the gamblers in the Land of Fire. They were calm and reserved, as they didn't want the bar owner to kick them out. It was a joyous place, many people laughed together and got along great. All in all, they were having a good time.

  • Tired Eyes: Kazuhide vs Seigetsu
  • In the cold depths of the Land of Bears, just in the deep forest like area, was a small bar that welcomed incoming travelers and tourist. The bar treated the outsiders with great hospitality, just as if the people were actually from the land. There was slow music playing, some people dancing, some people drinking, and others, well, gambling. Even though they gambled, they weren't loud and rowdy like the gamblers in the Land of Fire. They were calm and reserved, as they didn't want the bar owner to kick them out. It was a joyous place, many people laughed together and got along great. All in all, they were having a good time.
  • In the cold depths of the Land of Bears, just in the deep forest like area, was a small bar that welcomed incoming travelers and tourist. The bar treated the outsiders with great hospitality, just as if the people were actually from the land. There was slow music playing, some people dancing, some people drinking, and others, well, gambling. Even though they gambled, they weren't loud and rowdy like the gamblers in the Land of Fire. They were calm and reserved, as they didn't want the bar owner to kick them out. It was a joyous place, many people laughed together and got along great. All in all, they were having a good time. Sitting at the bar, with an ice-cold glass of water, was a hooded-figure. He peaked left and right, making sure there was no one around him that he knew. The hooded figured let out a deep sigh and slowly entered his psyche. It was a dark place, with just a single beam of light which shinned over the large feline lying on it's front arms. It laid behind a bowl of milk, with it's eyes closed. From the man's shoulder, emerged the spiritual make up of a being resting as an extension of him. The three that now resided in the psyche gave up exactly who this was. It was none other than Seigetsu Uchiha, a young man from the prestigious Uchiha Clan. "Man does it feel good to be away from the village and all that paper work! Back to the golden days of catching mercenaries." The young Uchiha shouted out in the dark psyche that was home to the feline. The being that rested on his shoulder was in dismay at the boy's words and quickly thought of something to say. "Seigetsu, didn't you work hard just so you could become Hokage. Why would you abandon all that work, that will pile up when you return." He ask. "Uh, yeah! But see, when I get back there shouldn't be any work at all. I left a physical clone back at the mansion. It should be able to take care of everything. So how about you just sit back and relax, K'un. You stress to much.." Walking towards the feline lying down, Seigetsu began to pet it slowly, and the beasts' tail began to lift into the atmosphere and sway back and forward. "See, Matatabi likes it." Exiting his psyche, Seigetsu still sat at the bar table. The two men next to him were not there before, and were having somewhat of a rowdy conversation. "Wait, you mean.. You think that's THE Kazuhide." One of the man spoke. "I know it's him. I know it's him no doubt!" "Woah! Kazuhide? They've been looking for this guy back when I was still apart of the Shinsengumi. You mean to tell me, they still haven't capture him?!" Seigetsu's eyes widened, he stood from his seat and walked near the men. After greeting them, he held his hand under his chin. "You wouldn't know where to find this Kazuhide, now would you?" "Hah! Come...join us kid, we'll pour ya a drink," the larger of the two patrons boasted in a loud voice, his drink splashing from his mug as he swung it. "So...you've heard of him as well?" he continues, ignoring the question from the young Uchiha in favor of his drunken rant, "Well...I'll tell you a tale that..." For some time the man continued his disjointed story that would continually steer off onto random tangents derived from the most mundane elements of his tale. Steadily gaining momentum, and volume, the man soon had the attention of most everyone in the room. Unfortunately, the story itself spoke little of Kazuhide after the first couple lines weaved together by the intoxicated patron. Seemingly sensing the growing dissatisfaction of the hooded man, despite being quite wasted himself, the second individual cut into his partner's monologue. "H-Heeeeeeyy!" he interrupted by stumbling into the larger gentelman, hiccuping in the process, "I have an idea. Weren't you going to tell this *hic* kid about where that dude was? Instead *hic* what if we all went and picked 'em up." With that said the man brimmed with confidence, as if he has just offered the group a cure to cancer. "Thatsagoodidea," the first man responded with slurred words, pulling himself up to his feet with a sway. Unfortunately, the man was far too wasted for any kind of complicated activity, and the quick rise from his seat made that abundantly clear. Staggering back and forth the man nearly topples over if not for the sudden intervention of the barkeep, who had suddenly appeared behind the man. With a firm hand, he he gently forced the man back into his seat before turning back to the patrons in the room who were gathering around. "Why doesn't everyone calm down," the gruff man instructed with a stern voice, "It's getting dark soon, and it looks like it might even rain. Nobody needs to be wandering off aimlessly chasing after drunken stories." With that small intervention the bar ruckus reverted back into a more peaceful atmosphere and the small crowd dissipated and everyone returned to their own activities. As the proprietor of the establishment wandered back behind the bar, he gave Seigetsu a stern look. "You look like someone who was hoping to find someone," he begun with a cold tone, as he polished the bar with a white cloth, "While I can imagine it's of the utmost importance to you...you should know that this business doesn't need any undue commotion." With that small explanation given the man continues polishing the bar as if nothing had happened, only looking up as a dark haired man enters the establishment. Compared to a majority of the people coming in and out of the building, the barkeep specifically addresses this man as he enters. "Welcome back. Are you going to be staying the night, or are you just stopping by for a drink?" "Afraid I'm just here for a drink, though it looks like I should have stopped by in on a less busy night," the man responds in a manner suggesting familiarity with the owner, "I'll take the usual, old man." With his part said, the man strolls casually over to a table in corner of the building and takes a seat. In the meantime the barkeep pulls a dusty bottle from underneath the bar and pair of glasses. Calling over one of the girls who was waiting on customers, the proprietor nods his head over to the man in the corner. Seemingly familiar with the situation, the waitress picks up the cups and the bottle and joins the man in the corner. "It's good of you to visit again Kazuhide..." the waitress said in a cheery tone, sitting across from the man before pouring him a drink. In the midst of the drunks story, Seigetsu had lost him percent through the story positioning himself a distance further from the man. The nasty smell of the sake was getting into Seigetsu's causing him to feel light-headed from the disgusting drink. Shaking his head of the stupidity flowing from the man's mouth, Seigetsu couldn't help but hang his head in sorrow. "I mean.." K'un stated, pausing in mid-sentence. "You're stupid, but these guys are just terrible." He finished his insulting sentence. Seigetsu slowly nodded his head, but then shouted out. "Hey!" He truly was a doink. Seigetsu was then approached by the bartender, who spouted some dusty words in his area. Taking the man's words into consideration, Seigetsu gave him a nasty glare. "Well judging from how it is outside.. I don't think we'd be able to tussle out there. So look, I'll cut you this. Here's a check for 2,000,000 ryō. This shoulder cover everything, including some extra pocket change." Reaching into his pocket, Seigetsu pulled out a check book, and utilizing the tip of his finger, he began to inscribe kanji onto it. Sliding it across the bar table, he rested in his seat and began to listen to the music. Suddenly another man entered the bar, and as he took his seat, the bartender tended to him quickly. After pulled out a dusty bottle, chills began to run down Seigetsu's back. Turning around to the sensation of someone's presence behind him, Seigetsu's eyes met the drunken man from before. The drunk pointed towards the table that the newly emerged man had sat down too. "I may be drunk. *hic* But that's him.. *hic, hic, hic* Kazuhide." Turning his head sideways at the drunk, Seigetsu lifted an eyebrow. "First off, that was weird. What kind of hiccup pattern was that? Second, you're drunk taking your word for this might be suicide. But then again, who said I could die." Casually stepping down from the stool at the bar table, Seigetsu began to make his way towards the table in the back. Once finally reaching the table, Seigetsu meet up with the glasses filled with the dust wine. "Hey, Kazuhide, just the man I've been looking for!" Glancing over at the newcomer, Kazuhide sighs before diverting his gaze away. "Looks like someone annoying has joined the mix," he thinks to himself, before addressing the individual. "Sorry kid...the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is drink alongside another man," the dark-haired stranger explains dismissively. "As you can see...I already have more than enough company for this evening," he continues, casually nodding his head towards the waitress sitting with him, "So...why don't you run along and find yourself a more appropriate source of entertainment." While he hoped that would be a satisfactory explanation, nothing good ever came from a a meeting like this. Furthermore, if history was to be considered, individuals with this volume and intensity of chakra rarely started conversations for reasons that would be solved in an efficient manner. Sighing once again, he cursed the fact that he hadn't checked the bar for any troublesome customers before stopping inside. Additionally, the fact that he had heard his name brought up numerous times since he had arrived was disheartening. Perhaps he had been taking too much work in the area lately, the last thing he needed was more proper shinobi, like the one before him now, paying attention to him. Seigetsu jumped and his legs spread apart as if he were taking a fighting stance, but instead he placed his hand up balling it. The was the action anime characters made when they were being insulted. Swinging his hand back in forth, swearing in his mind his face boiled red. "I don't swing that way, sir! I'll have you know, I'm engaged to the fairest maiden in all of the Land of Lightning." The man continued, as Seigetsu's words were simply overshadowed. Smashing his fist into his palm, a shockwave occurred throughout the bar. All former conversation ceased to exist, and everyone turned their attention to the table where the two men where. The drunks even got sober. With his glare focused on Kazuhide, Seigetsu spoke out. "Leave." His words weren't intended for the man of black hair, but the the woman that sat next to him and the others within the bar. No one made a single movement, and Seigetsu skipped a breath. "I don't think you heard me. I said, LEAVE." With that last word, a loud roar of thunder boomed shatter every glass window in the bar. Men and women evacuated the bar in a rapid frenzy. "Now, let's make this quick." Kazuhide sat there with a disappointed look as the people in bar fled the premises. Nearly everyone quickly vacated the building, except for the waitress who had been sitting alongside the dark haired swordsman. Frozen by the circumstances at hand, she clenched her apron and stared at the floor. "Sorry, it looks like we'll have to catch up another time," Kazuhide speaks calmly, catching her off guard as she looks up at him, tears forming in her eyes. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a small stack of worn banknotes. Counting a few off he places them quietly on the table before handing the rest to the woman. "Looks like your shift has been cut short by my presence and someone's impatience," he comments with a small smile, "This should cover that...and a short holiday. You should get going. Next time I'm in town...we'll have that drink." Watching her carefully as she hurried out the door, far more composed than she was a few moments ago, Kazuhide lets out yet another sigh. Turning his attention back to the shinobi before him, he pulls himself to his feet and begins to make his way to the door. "Over the top theatrics, determined to come off as morally pure, and a completely disrespectful attitude to civilians...leaf shinobi never change," Kazuhide comments coldly, "I'll be outside...I trust you'll not leave me waiting long." Making his way out of the building, the swordsman was sorely prepared for the escalation at hand, but before things got especially out of hand he needed to find out this individual's motive. Following behind the man solemly, Seigetsu held his hand on out. "Hey, call us what you want. If we need to get a job done, we'll get it done. Many people seek your head, Kazuhide, but it's against my code to kill any shinobi. But I have a place cozy enough for you." Placing his hand on the hilt of his blade, Seigetsu and the man had finally reached outside where another hammer of lightning screamed through the sky spreading the clouds apart. "You're the time that won't go down quietly. Force will be needed on you, Kazuhide of the Uchiha clan." "Hmm...even if you did manage to capture me, do you think anything would change?" Kazuhide begun with a novel blend of sarcasm with an inquisitive tone, turning back around to face the young Hokage, "I may have completed a handful of illicit activities within your jurisdiction, but I can assure you that they were well funded for by third parties. In fact, I have no doubt most of my involvement in your country has been organized by people who would consider your allies." With his piece said, Kazuhide resolved himself to the ordeal that was developing before him. Unfortunately, he couldn't he help but deliver an extra jab as he stretched his arms, "Perhaps if you attended to your lovely lady of a Raikage, rather than chasing after people like me, the Land of Lightning wouldn't be sponsoring so many endeavors in your nation." "To be quite frank with you, I don't give a damn. As long as she can ride a good dic-, you've been evading arrest long enough Kazuhide. Way back when I was doing work for the Shinsengumi." Seigetsu had to catch himself with his words. Even if she could take the ham, he couldn't let such information be leaked out. It would ruin her as a Kage. She's easily be talked about to everyone in the village. "Oh man! If I would've said that she would have never forgiven me. She'd be a laughing stock and become suicidal." Chills began to slide down his back. "Enough.." Clinching onto his blade under his haori, Seigetsu dashed at quick speeds towards Kazuhide. Reckless.
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