| - Jed Babbin is a former United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense who served during the first Bush administration in the United States, and is the author of the political book Inside the Asylum as well as Showdown and In the Words of Our Enemies. He is a political commentator and contributing editor to The American Spectator, and a contributor to National Review Online. Mr. Babbin is also a frequent guest host on Talk Radio WMET in Washington, D.C. He is an online editor of Human Events. Babbin is an ardent detractor of what he describes as the "527 Media", which he considers to be composed of The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, CBS and NBC.[citation needed] Babbin alleges those outlets are little more than an extension of the Democratic National Committee and charges that they willfully distort truth to pursue their own agenda. Babbin argues that the only way to disrupt what he sees as the 527 Media's "narrative" is for elected Republican officials to tell the "truth" about current situations (such as the conflict in Iraq) without it being passed through what he sees as the filter of the 527 Media.[citation needed] Babbin is an alumnus of Stevens Institute of Technology (B.E. 1970), Cumberland School of Law (J.D. 1973), and Georgetown University Law Center (LL.M. 1978). He guest-hosted The Rush Limbaugh Program on July 17, 2008. He guest-hosted the Mark Levin Show on August 10, 2009. He guest-hosted the Roger Hedgecock Show on April 21, 2010. He guest-hosted Michael Savage's show, The Savage Nation, in 2011 on August 11 and 17. In 2012, he hosted on January 23, February 1, June 15, and June 27. Back in Sept 2009 Babbin accused the US President Obama of being so angry in a speech to Congress that it was "palpable and almost shocking." He further accused President Obama of being "unpresidential."[citation needed] Babbin feels that the Zumwalt class destroyer is less expensive and more effective than the Arleigh Burke class destroyer, however Admiral Gary Roughead, the Chief of Naval Operations has said that the switch away from the Zumwalt was in response to emerging threats and it would be less expensive to build new Burkes than it would be to reconfigure the Zumwalt to match the Navy's needs.