| - This guild was created by a small group of Mid-Level players in October 2006, led by a Master Commando named Kabei. He formed a village on Talus in the SouthEast corner of the Planet named Mainstay. The guild and village rapidly grew, the guild from a small group of less than 20 to over 50 in less than a year, and the village into a bustering Metropolis after the House Demolitions project in June 2007. The guild's ideals rapidly transformed as it gained a reputation for helping new players (noobs), who most "PvP" guilds turned away, get into a stable environment by giving them a house, membership in a guild who's veteran players, namely Ponco Sadec, Onn Koo, Kabei, Dur' Gejjen, and Kaloonzu Amalaliz, would be ready and willing to assist in ANY quest, any hunt, and any CLvl grind, at any ti
| - This guild was created by a small group of Mid-Level players in October 2006, led by a Master Commando named Kabei. He formed a village on Talus in the SouthEast corner of the Planet named Mainstay. The guild and village rapidly grew, the guild from a small group of less than 20 to over 50 in less than a year, and the village into a bustering Metropolis after the House Demolitions project in June 2007. The guild's ideals rapidly transformed as it gained a reputation for helping new players (noobs), who most "PvP" guilds turned away, get into a stable environment by giving them a house, membership in a guild who's veteran players, namely Ponco Sadec, Onn Koo, Kabei, Dur' Gejjen, and Kaloonzu Amalaliz, would be ready and willing to assist in ANY quest, any hunt, and any CLvl grind, at any time. The guild also promised funding for armor and keeps an Imperial Faction Base (if the planet was not already at capacity) for acquiring factional rewards, and just for local pride. The guild is in flux, gradually gaining members, with some less patient members being lured away by false promises of validity, or changing their military allegiance, a high crime that has only a few exceptions in the city of Mainstay.