| - *Luke falls into pit* *door rumbles open, nerf enters* *Luke Force-jumps onto back of the nerf, grabs chain hanging from the ceiling, and loops it around nerf. He herds the nerf to the door and charges through. Door frame knocks Luke off nerf onto floor of the pit. Luke is surrounded by guards* *TK-421 and TK-422 exit with Chewie and Luke* *skiff hovering along with Luke, Han, Chewie, Lando, Lobot, Leia, Jabba, TK-421, and TK-422* *Luke removes blindfold* *Luke shakes his head as skiff stops. Sail barge in background* *Boba Fett flies over, lands next to Lobot, knocking Han off* *skiff flies off*
| - *Luke falls into pit* *door rumbles open, nerf enters* *Luke Force-jumps onto back of the nerf, grabs chain hanging from the ceiling, and loops it around nerf. He herds the nerf to the door and charges through. Door frame knocks Luke off nerf onto floor of the pit. Luke is surrounded by guards* *TK-421 and TK-422 exit with Chewie and Luke* *skiff hovering along with Luke, Han, Chewie, Lando, Lobot, Leia, Jabba, TK-421, and TK-422* *Luke removes blindfold* *Luke shakes his head as skiff stops. Sail barge in background* *TK-421 and TK-422 push Luke onto platform. Luke springboards off edge, flies up, missing lightsaber, overshoots the skiff, and lands headfirst in the sand* *Calrissian jumps out, throws off his helmet. Lobot knocks TK-421 and TK-422 off, into sand* *Boba Fett flies over, lands next to Lobot, knocking Han off* *Lobot fights Fett. Lobot knocked over, Boba raises pole, about to smash it down* *Leia spins, her chain hits Fett’s jetpack, which activates and sends him headfirst into the sand next to TK-421 and TK-422* *Leia, Lando, and Lobot turn to Jabba, look at each other, then run to Jabba, lift him up, and throw him off the edge. Jabba lands headfirst in the sand next to Fett, TK-421, and TK-422* *R2-D2 bumps C-3PO into hole in the deck. Cannon lifts out of hole and fires. R2-D2 jets after C-3PO, who lands on the skiff* *cut to Han and Luke stuck headfirst in sand. Grapples lower down from skiff (out of shot) and pick them up* *skiff flies off* *Falcon flies away from Tatooine, followed by Luke’s X-wing* *exit Falcon and X-wing*