| - Commander Abraham Tower is in the briefing room of G.U.N. HQ with Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat, explaining the situation regarding E-102 Gamma while Dr. Eggman does the same in his Eggdome with E-123 Omega. They explain to their respective viewers that E-102 Gamma was originally an elite fighting robot that served and was built by Eggman, until he went rogue after the Egg Carrier crashed and destroyed as many of the other E-100 Series as he could. Once he had destroyed the last known E-100, he traveled all over Mobius fighting the Eggman Empire and performing good deeds such as secretly helping the Downunda Freedom Fighters, but has never openly helped or allied with anyone. Commander Tower wishes to change that by recruiting Gamma and offering the failing robot asylum and sends out Shadow to find him, but Eggman has other plans. He orders Omega to find and destroy Gamma. At first the robot refuses, saying that Eggman had put him in storage for over a year and that he was made to destroy Sonic the Hedgehog, not to perform this lower task. Eggman then threatens Omega that he'll put him into storage for another decade if he doesn't do as he's ordered. Feeling distraught about not being able to turn Metal Sonic to his side, Shadow sets off alone at once to find Gamma in a GUN helicopter, as does Omega with his jet boosters. After Omega is gone, Snively questions whether or not sending Omega to destroy Gamma was a wise idea as he was so powerful, but Eggman says that he doesn't want anything interrupting his rematch with Sonic. Snively then says that Lien-Da and the Dark Egg Legion are ready to engage the advancing Freedom Fighters and Chaotix, giving Eggman just enough time to press his scarf. Shadow is dropped off at the mountains and finds Gamma after he prepared to fire on him, and explains that he didn't shoot because Shadow was an enemy of Dr. Eggman after he fell for his tracks-in-the-snow trap. Shadow notices that Gamma is damaged, and convinces him to go GUN's extraction point after convincing him he can do better with aid. They head off through the snow, but Gamma picks up an Eggman Empire radio signature and Omega bursts through the trees, grappling with Shadow. Gamma flees to the extraction point while Shadow holds off Omega. When Omega challenged Shadow, he tricked him into thinking he would fire on him after he induced his spin-dash, but instead loaded him into his cannon and catapulted him into the sky. While Shadow is gone, the two robots threaten each other over their radios and Omega says that he is superior to his brother. Gamma then retaliates that all Omega's advantages have their disabilities, and that his own disadvantages give him an edge in silent tactics and assassination in opposition to mass destruction. He proves his point by taking three precise blasts at Omega and sends him to the ground. Gamma then admits that he is old and weak, just as his brother said, and that those against Eggman will need something more. Gamma tries to explain how robots can have souls, but Omega has little care for his weaker brother's words. Shadow rushes back to rescue Gamma, but Omega blasts a full barrage of ammo at Gamma, destroying him. However, despite his brother's destruction, Gamma's soul has merged with Omega turning him into a kinder robot, with no intent on destroying the world. Shadow explains to Omega to turn against the doctor for wasting his potential as a killing machine and helps him build a grave for Gamma. The duo are taken back to GUN, with Omega joining the team. Later, Shadow is in the GUN rec room with Hope Kintobor, who just finished her analysis of Omega, and Rouge talking about the recent events. Finally, Rouge explains to Shadow that they will be heading to the Special Zone to retrieve another Chaos Emerald.