| - thumb|Eliot Ness in Die Unbestechlichen Eliot Ness ist ein fiktiver Charakter aus der Fernsehserie Die Unbestechlichen. Er wird vom Schauspieler Robert Stack gespielt. (VOY: ) Eliot Ness basiert auf dem Prohibitionsagenten gleichen Namens, der im Chicago der 1930er Jahre insbesondere gegen den Gangsterboss Al Capone kämpfte.
- Eliot Ness was a hunter who worked as an investigator from the 1940s.
- Eliot Ness was a chief investigator of the Prohibition Bureau, leader of a Chicago group of crime fighters known as "The Untouchables". He was responsible for the takedown of Prohibition-era gang boss Al Capone in 1931.
- Eliot Ness (April 19, 1903 – May 16, 1957) was an American Prohibition agent, famous for his efforts to enforce Prohibition in Chicago, Illinois, as the leader of a legendary team of law enforcement agents nicknamed The Untouchables.
- Eliot Ness was a Prohibition agent in Chicago, United States, who fought to take down the devious gangster Al Capone. Ness was also opposed by Eobard Thawne's syndicate and assisted by the Legends.
- In 2376, Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres watched a scene from The Untouchables which involved the character of Eliot Ness. (VOY: "Memorial") Ness was modeled after real-life Prohibition agent Eliot Ness.
- Eliot Ness était un policier de Chicago au 20ème siècle célèbre pour avoir dirigé un groupe luttant contre la Prohibition dans les années 1920 et 1930, et pour être parvenu à faire condamner le gangster Al Capone en 1931. (Réalité extrapolée *)