| - Nack the Weasel is tasked by Dr. Eggman to sneak into Knothole and carry out an assassination in exchange for fifty gems. In Knothole, the Chaotix and Freedom Fighters are engaged in a training exercise under the watch of Sally and General D'Coolette. Sally hopes the exercise will help the teams cooperate with each other, but the general points out that Sonic will probably never "grow up" as a person. Sally notes that there's still hope for him, as Antoine got his act together over the last year. The general grimly notes that Antoine has become the cold sort of man that would never be suited to court the princess. King Max and Queen Alicia give them a call, asking about D'Coolette's health. Apparently Dr. Quack has diagnosed both the general and the king's recent health problems as the aftereffects of some type of poison they ingested long ago, possibly during war times. General D'Coolette suddenly passes out, bringing the training session to an abrupt halt. Later, the Freedom Fighters chat on a stroll through Knothole Village. The group is somewhat disturbed that Antoine apparently showed no reaction to his father's condition. Sonic notices a large billboard for Mina Mongoose's upcoming concert and muses on how fast their friend has become a pop sensation. Tails nervously begins to ask Fiona if she'll be his date at the concert. Sonic, worried that he'll be crushed if she refuses, interrupts him and proposes that they all go together. The group splits up, and Sonic tells Fiona that Tails really respects her. Fiona, thinking that he was responsible for Anti-Sonic's attempts to woo all the girls in Knothole, is reminded of how Sonic left her behind when fleeing one of Dr. Robotnik's bases with Mighty and Ray (KtE #28). She explains that she blamed Sonic for years, but started to believe that he was really selfless when he sacrificed himself during the Xorda attack. In light of recent events, however, she's decided that despite his good intentions he can be pretty selfish. Later, the group meets Mina backstage, wishing her luck with her show. Her boyfriend, Ash, interrupts the reunion by rushing her onstage while Sonic wonders why Ash seems angry at him. In the middle of the performance, a disguised Nack pulls out a laser weapon and takes aim at her, only to be jostled by another member of the audience and accidentally set a nearby tree on fire. Sonic rushes to Mina's side to make sure she's okay, and spots Nack making his escape. Bunnie knocks the blazing tree into a nearby lake while Sonic cuts Nack off and knocks him out with a single punch. Nack wakes up in a jail cell with Sonic and Sally standing outside, questioning his motives. Nack refuses to talk, not wanting to ruin his credibility with future employers. Sally points out that his old friends - Jeff, Karl, and Konor - are in a nearby cell, ready to reunite with their traitorous boss. Afraid of getting beaten up, Nack reveals that he was hired by Eggman. He explains that the madman developed an obsessive hatred for Mina's music and will go to any lengths to stop her from singing again. Sally assigns the Freedom Fighters as Mina's new security detail for the remainder of the concert. Ash is upset by the idea of Sonic watching over her, but eventually relents. Meanwhile, in New Megaopolis, Eggman unveils his next agents in the attempt to assassinate Mina: new models of Heavy and Bomb.