| - When there's one character who is meant to stand out because she's the most desirable, she's pretty much always going to be a blonde. She may be Book Dumb, but she is never ditzy or foolish if intelligence is even an issue. She might be attractive in her option but, more likely, it's everyone else who considers her exotic. If there's a group of girls, then all the guys will want the blonde. She may be the school's Prom Queen. She is the blonde whose seemingly effortless romatic abilities we see or hear about so much that she always seems to get her man, at least at first. She may blur the line between innocent and evil in her social goals. If a man's having an affair, she's the one he's doing it with. Not that she's trying to steal him away - she wants to be happy and it's just convenient
| - When there's one character who is meant to stand out because she's the most desirable, she's pretty much always going to be a blonde. She may be Book Dumb, but she is never ditzy or foolish if intelligence is even an issue. She might be attractive in her option but, more likely, it's everyone else who considers her exotic. If there's a group of girls, then all the guys will want the blonde. She may be the school's Prom Queen. She is the blonde whose seemingly effortless romatic abilities we see or hear about so much that she always seems to get her man, at least at first. She may blur the line between innocent and evil in her social goals. If a man's having an affair, she's the one he's doing it with. Not that she's trying to steal him away - she wants to be happy and it's just convenient that he finds her irresistible. Whether it's a single person informing us of her attractiveness or all the guys wanting her, all anyone can say about her is that she's gorgeous, sexy, or beautiful, as if that's all there is to her. She may be actively charming, athletic, rich, or even smart, but her sex appeal is considered her biggest asset. Expect her to be energetic but not necessarily to the extent of the Genki Girl. One thing's for sure: the lovable blonde is no Girl Next Door. Often times she's a Foil to a dark-haired character who is less glamorous and popular. Compare the Power Blonde and Brainless Beauty. Contrast helpless, scatter-brained Dumb Blonde. Can be Plenty of Blondes. Examples of Everyone Loves Blondes include: