| - Shockwave succeeds in creating the first of his new generation of Decepticons — the Constructicons. Their first mission, to accompany Soundwave on a mission to build a transdimensional radio wave scrambler with which to contact their home planet of Cybertron. Meanwhile, the Autobots show G.B. Blackrock around the Ark, and Blackrock offers the Autobots a way to spy on the Decepticons within Blackrock's aerospace plant. Using this system, they learn of the Decepticons' plans, and send a team to intercept them. Elsewhere, Sparkplug Witwicky returns home from his heart attack, and Buster wonders how to explain to his father his recent experience with Optimus Prime, and the subsequent powers he's gained. Near the site of the Constructicon project, trucker Bomber Bill looks forward to a return home after a long assignment, but his truck is stolen by the Constructicons as raw material for the scrambler. Bomber Bill attempts to follow, and meets the Autobots on the way. Together, they engage the Constructicons, who reveal their ability to combine into the super-robot, Devastator. Bomber Bill is able to destroy the scrambler, but not before Soundwave gets part of a message through to Cybertron. Meanwhile, at the aerospace plant, Shockwave discovers that Optimus Prime may no longer possess the Creation Matrix. If this proves true, Shockwave no longer has any reason to allow Prime to live. The Autobots, listening in from the Ark, are helpless.