| - Ffring was a male hare who was part of a trio of curious hares that always talked in turn. Also included in the threesome were Trubbs and Wother. He was a Salamandastron hare who served under Boar the Fighter. Ffring was sent by Boar to bring the four travelers, Martin the Warrior, Young Dinny, Gonff the Mousethief and Log-a-Log Big Club into Salamandastron. Soon after, the crew of the searat Ripfang and his ship Bloodwake were sighted sailing in towards the coast. A pitched battle took place between Boar's followers and the searats, with Ffring and Co. directly in the center; Ffring lost his tail during the fight. Boar was slain, and the remaining hares, along with the four travelers, captured the Bloodwake and sailed to Mossflower Woods to fight Tsarmina's Kotir Army. After Martin dammed the River Moss, Kotir was flooded and Ffring helped to fish out the defeated vermin. Later, Ffring formed the Fur and Foot Fighters Border Patrol out of the remaining Salamandastron hares.