- The Observer is a small, stealthy robotic Protoss reconnaissance unit.
- Observers (オブザーバー, Obuzābā) are enemies in Killer Is Dead. They are a unique variety of the creatures known as Wires. Observers are specially-enhanced Wires that guard David's mansion. They wield large, powerful sickles in combat, and appear to wear some kind of helmet or protective headgear.
- An observer is a quest item in Fallout 3.
- The Observer is a Remnant unit. They are capable of flying and can shoot powerful laser beams.
- Observer is an exarch of Nocturne.
- Observer was a summoner spell only available to Riot Games Inc. staff. Upon activation, the fog of war is cleared and all units may be seen. This effect only applies to the user who activated the spell. Observer is no longer available in any realm, instead replaced by Spectator Mode.
- An observer is
* "[a] user that interacts across a network to monitor a physical entity.
* "[a]n entity that is able to observe and collect information from communications, potentially posing privacy threats, depending on the context. . . . [I]nitiators, recipients, intermediaries, and enablers can all be observers. Observers are distinguished from eavesdroppers by being at least tacitly authorized.
- A device that can measure opponent's power. Commoners have power level 5. Heroes have a power level over 9,000!
- The Observer is a Redstone-related Block that was added in Update 0.15.0.
- The Observer is a British Sunday newspaper first published in 1791. Since 1993 it has been the sister newspaper of The Guardian. John Peel wrote regularly for The Observer in the second half of the 1980s, frequently reviews of live music events he had attended, but the relationship evidently turned sour: he once called them 'the Sunday newspaper that turned its back on me a few years ago, when I was their man in pop music' (01 March 1992 show). He was then briefly picked up by the newly-launched rival Independent on Sunday.
- Observer is the twentieth episode of The Young Knight season one.
- The observer is a small, stealthy robotic protoss reconnaissance unit.
- An Observer was a block exclusive to Minecraft: Pocket Edition, added as part of the 0.15.0 update, but it is now available under the latest Minecraft PC/Mac Edition, since the 16w03a snapshot. It is a Redstone-compatible block.
- Like his colleagues, Professor Bobo and Pearl Forrester, Brain Guy is deeply dysfunctional. Unlike Bobo and Pearl, Brain Guy apparently has a considerable social and sexual life once the show returns to Earth for Seasons 9 and 10. He is also said to have, as Professor Bobo put it, "B.O." (body odor). Observer denies this, claiming that he doesn't have a body, although eventually he gives himself a sniff and admits that he does, in fact, "stink". Observer, upon joining the crew of "Mads", usually ends up being the one who sends the movies to the Satellite of Love via his psychic abilities.
- The Observers are a species of pale-skinned extraterrestrial humanoids who claim to be omniscient, omnipotent and non-corporeal, supposedly having evolved beyond the need for physical bodies. The fact that they are still physical entities, as obvious as it seems, is always overlooked or denied by them.
- An Observer (옵저버, objeobeo) is a special device used by Scouts. Their main use is to collect visual data and pass the information on to both the Scout themselves and also to allied Light Bearers, who in turn analyse these data and coordinate their own team accordingly. Ship leesoo observer.jpg|Leesoo's initial basic Observer Leesoo Observers.png|Leesoo's most recent personalised Observers Yuto Observers.png|Yuto's personalised Observers floating beside her Miseng Observer.png|Miseng's personalised Observer Observer sight.png|Miseng's Observer collecting visual data on Mirotic guardian White-X (2).png|White-X White-X (1).png|White-X utilising its special function Observer hologram.PNG Dementor - battle Observer.png|The ancient Observer "Purple Dementor" Observers have other functions that
- The Observer spell summons a ball of psychic energy which stands in telepathic contact with its summoner. The ball is fired like any magically-generated projectile (directional check for ranged accuracy, but no throwing or strength checks, magic skill level determining the inaccuracy/deviation) and will follow a straight linear trajectory in the direction towards which it was pointed. At standard level, the Observer will perceive its surroundings with all of the senses available to its caster and at the same range and sharpness as its caster, but as the caster gains abilities that aid in perception (telepathy, scanning, detection of invisibility), the ball gains these as well if they are traits, or can optionally be imbued with them if they are spells, expending the necessary cost for cast
- An observer is someone who is tasked with watching and listening to a particular event. Typically this is done for the purpose of ensuring that it unfolds in a particular manner. Observers generally are not expected to involve themselves in the activities they are observing unless asked. The Obsidian Order operative Korinas was the observer stationed in the Cardassian War Room in 2371 to control the actions of the Cardassian military. (DS9: "Defiant")
- An Observer(観測者Kansokusha), by simple terms, is someone who creates Phenomenon Interventions by acknowledging what they see. It is unknown how one actually becomes an Observer, but someone can actually agree to be Observed by another individual. The idea of an Observer is based on quantum physics: the Schrödinger's cat experiment and Many-worlds interpretation.