| - {Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
- {Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
- {Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
- {Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
- {Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
- {Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
- {Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
- {Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
- {A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
- {Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
- {Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
- {Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
- {A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
- {InPain} Agh.
- {Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
- {A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
- {Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
- {Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
- {A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
- {Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
- {Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
- {Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
- {A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
- {Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
- {Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
- {Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
- {Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
- {Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
- Let me know if that changes.
- Later, then.
- All right.
- {Grateful} Thanks.
- All right, then.
- Gotcha.
- Not a problem.
- Okay. Let me know.
- Some other time.
- Take as much time as you need.
- Well, we're always open...
- {Question} Now, are we all set?
- {selling drinks} Bottoms up...
- {selling drinks} Cheers...
- {selling drinks} Here's the menu...
- {selling drinks} Here's what we got.
- {selling drinks} Plenty on tap.
- {Angry} This was supposed to be Cooke's way of paying for what he'd done to me!
- {Defiant} I'm going to go back and talk to him. And I want you to come with me.
- {Disgust} You can deal with selling the chems then. Give me half of Nelson's money and I guess that's the best I can expect.
- {Worried} I don't think so. She seems like a very dangerous person. Possibly irrational.
- {Stern} I want my money. I know you're good for it.
- Man has to fight for what's his. Only rule I ever stuck by.
- {Friendly} Well, good luck. Maybe I'll see you around Diamond City.
- {Worried} I mean, I can pay you, but I've only got 80 caps. Sorry, I hope it's enough.
- {bitterly / Disgust} Nice of you to call it a fight. But we both know what really happened. Cooke kicked my ass.
- {Suspicious} We'll see. You better not be trying to screw me over again.
- {the player should be worried - you're not inspiring a lot of confidence / Worried} I'll, uh, back you up. Don't worry.
- {Disgust} Well thanks for nothing. Should have known better than to trust you.
- {Worried} I don't know. Things just got... crazy. I can't believe he's actually dead.
- {Nervous} You do what you think is best. I trust you'll make the right call.
- {Worried} If you won't help, then... well, I have to protect my family.
- {Pleading} Wait, just hear me out. I'll make it worth your while.
- {Depressed} When we got married I was rich, young and handsome. Since then... nothing has gone my way.
- {Afraid} No, no. We can't do that. She hasn't actually done anything. I just think we should be on our guard.
- {hopefully / Pleading} Will you help me talk to Cooke? Get him to leave my wife alone?
- {Disbelief} Holy shit, Cooke. Does Malcolm know about this?
- {Worried} Oh. Wow. Well... I guess he had it coming, right?
- {Worried} Colette. Says she's Cooke's daughter. I didn't even know he had a daughter, but I guess it's not surprising.
- {Happy} Now that Cooke is gone... I can buy his house. Darcy can finally be an Upper like she's always wanted.
- {heatedly - "my wife" is pointed reminder to Cooke / Angry} This is between me and my wife!
- {Worried} You're right. It's the only way to protect ourselves. Who should do it - you or me?
- {Defiant} Hey, I'm not hassling with the chems for a lousy 30% cut. You got what you wanted, deal with it.
- {Depressed} I thought it was dead obvious. Cooke is sleeping with my wife.
- {Confident} I know where we're headed. Just follow me.
- {Confident} You take the money from Nelson, and I'll take the chems.
- {Disgust} Until he decides he's bored with her and she comes crawling back home to me.
- {Confident} Right, down along the river. Let's do this.
- {Worried} Cooke was her father! If she gets it into her head that you or I was somehow responsible for his death, who knows what she'll do?
- {rolling your eyes in disgust / Disbelief} You're something else. 500 caps, remember? The crumbs you left me from the Latimer ambush.
- {Defiant} It's time for you to shut up and listen, Cooke.
- {Angry} I'm not going to be pushed around any more!
- {Angry} As far as you need to. I don't want him dead, but otherwise... He deserves to suffer for what he's done.
- {completely humiliated after being beaten up by your wife's lover / Depressed} I'll be at home, Darcy. Taking care of our son.
- {taking a swing at your wife's lover / Angry} You son of a bitch!
- {stop talking - embarrassed to go on / Depressed} You were in the Taphouse before, when...
- {Disgust} This has how it's gone all my life. I've been screwed every time I had a chance to make it big.
- {Angry} Good. I hope you don't have to kill him, but you can make it as painful as you want. He deserves whatever he gets.
- {now owner of the Colonial Taphouse, chipper, upbeat} You drinking, friend?
- {Suspicious} Good? Hardly. But I don't mind you helping me get rich.
- {Worried} Easy for you to say. I have my family to think about. I'll just to have to deal with her myself.
- {Worried} That's good for now. But, what if she keeps digging? She might eventually decide one of us is to blame.
- {suddenly snapping back to reality from your shock at Cooke's death / Worried} Hell, I've got to get out of here. You should too. Before someone walks in here and pins this on us.
- {Worried} I don't think we have much of a choice at this point. It's her or us. The only question is, who should do it?
- {Grateful} Oh yeah. I'm in. It's about time my luck started turning around.
- {determined / Defiant} Let's get this over with. Come on.