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- The War in Iraq or Iraq War is a military conflict that started between U.S Forces and Iraqi dictatorship led by Saddam Hussein on March 20, 2003.
- The War in Iraq, also known as The Let's Fuck the Mother Fuckers up before They Fucking Go Fuck Up Some More Shit War (shortened to The LFTMFUBTFGFUSMSW War, pronounced Luh-fet-muh-fub-tuh-fuh-guh-fuss-muh-saw), which has managed to last over a period of several months, is finally going to come to an end, as Barack Obama has told us: "Let me state this as clearly as I can: by October 31, 2376, the Iraq War might end" Which made Americans, for whatever reason, very happy, even though the majority of them won't be alive when that date comes.
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- The War in Iraq or Iraq War is a military conflict that started between U.S Forces and Iraqi dictatorship led by Saddam Hussein on March 20, 2003.
- The War in Iraq, also known as The Let's Fuck the Mother Fuckers up before They Fucking Go Fuck Up Some More Shit War (shortened to The LFTMFUBTFGFUSMSW War, pronounced Luh-fet-muh-fub-tuh-fuh-guh-fuss-muh-saw), which has managed to last over a period of several months, is finally going to come to an end, as Barack Obama has told us: "Let me state this as clearly as I can: by October 31, 2376, the Iraq War might end" Which made Americans, for whatever reason, very happy, even though the majority of them won't be alive when that date comes. Iraqians, as most people like to call them, see this war as "an unfair advantage for Americans". Of course, they'd be speaking their own fucking language, so it'd probably sound more like "!_@&#$-34q843-214y_#7-4Q234872Q-4" or something of that similarity. During the George Bush presidency, George W. Bush announced that the war will continue until he has enough oil to fill his cereal bowl, while Kanye West interrupted him and said, "Ay, George, Ima letya finish, but Iraq has the best oil of all time! ALL TIME!" According to some random guy from Oklahoma, the cost for the war is currently at $144 billion but who really knows that for sure? What if this guy is on a vacation and that's how much the vacation costs?