Title: Bal (manga) / Shoukanshi(anime) - "summoner" ' 'Ascot (アスコット Asukotto?) is a young child with the unusual ability to summon monsters (called a "Palu"), whom he considers to be his friends. Although hideous, they have no ill will, but villagers still fear them. Thus, Ascot was driven away until Zagato offered to give him and his friends a home in exchange for serving under him. In the anime he destroys Presea's house with his monsters, and essentially causes her death. Later, he confronts the Knights again (their first encounter in the manga), but Umi slaps him for using his friends and causing them pain. Then she lectures him about standing up for his friends. This causes a change of heart in Ascot and he then forsakes Zagato. In the second series, he has used the power of his own w
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| - Title: Bal (manga) / Shoukanshi(anime) - "summoner" ' 'Ascot (アスコット Asukotto?) is a young child with the unusual ability to summon monsters (called a "Palu"), whom he considers to be his friends. Although hideous, they have no ill will, but villagers still fear them. Thus, Ascot was driven away until Zagato offered to give him and his friends a home in exchange for serving under him. In the anime he destroys Presea's house with his monsters, and essentially causes her death. Later, he confronts the Knights again (their first encounter in the manga), but Umi slaps him for using his friends and causing them pain. Then she lectures him about standing up for his friends. This causes a change of heart in Ascot and he then forsakes Zagato. In the second series, he has used the power of his own w
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| - Title: Bal (manga) / Shoukanshi(anime) - "summoner" ' 'Ascot (アスコット Asukotto?) is a young child with the unusual ability to summon monsters (called a "Palu"), whom he considers to be his friends. Although hideous, they have no ill will, but villagers still fear them. Thus, Ascot was driven away until Zagato offered to give him and his friends a home in exchange for serving under him. In the anime he destroys Presea's house with his monsters, and essentially causes her death. Later, he confronts the Knights again (their first encounter in the manga), but Umi slaps him for using his friends and causing them pain. Then she lectures him about standing up for his friends. This causes a change of heart in Ascot and he then forsakes Zagato. In the second series, he has used the power of his own will to make himself into a teenager, making him much taller,because of his love for Umi. While he still summons monsters, he has learned other spells from Clef to avoid using his friends as living weapons.
is Romances
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