| - The Forces of the Universe is a chronicle that follows the Failsafe team, in their quest to save Spherus Magna from a second, more severe, shattering. Prolouge. "Before Toa, before Glatorian, before the Great beings, before life itself even began, the universe was formed. In it, there are elements, such as fire, water, air, and more. But beyond those elements, four forces keep everything in order, preserve the laws of physics, and keep chaos from ruling. If one was able to master these forces, they would hold the difference between peace and destruction. These forces are; gravitation, electromagnetism, weak force, and strong force. Deceptively named, they may not seem like much. But they hold up the line that keeps the universe together. They are...The forces of the universe." The being finished talking. The other beings around him started conversing among themselves. "And what does this have to do with our problem?" Asked one of the others. "This has to do with our problem, because this could be the solution." Replied the being. "I still do not feel it right to give our creations such power. Not even we should be able to hold that amount of power." "What other choice do we have? Besides, they themselves will not hold the power; they will be mere guardians. Plus, I have an idea for a fail-safe that will ensure that the guardians will not run wild and use each force for their own desires." "A fail-safe? No. Just..no. All of our past fail-safes in the past have been failures themselves. Though, if we were to go forth with this idea, I would like to know what you have in mind." The being explained his plan. The room burst into chaos. "What?" "You can't be serious." "That's crazy!" "Absolutely not!" "Not even we, the Great beings, have any right to do that!" "We are inventors, not gods." "We can not mess with the flow of life." The being motioned for silence. "I can understand your reluctance. However, it is the only chance we have to save the universe." Another being stood up. "There must be another way. We can not, I repeat, can NOT bring a dead, dissapiated being back to life. And you also suggest that we change the being's very body structure immensely!" "Yes, I am. And I am still doubtful about it too. But I know that there is no other way." The being sat back down. "You do realize that this will wipe most, if not all, memory out of the being?" "Yes." "I hate to remove the right of knowledge from anything. However, you are correct. There is no other way. But what will guard each force?" "Four very powerful creatures. Scramus, the Screamer, guardian of gravitation. Felinus, the Great cat, guardian of electromagnetism. Scorpio, the Scorpion. And Draco, the Dragon." "Are you sure they will be able to guard the forces?" "No. No, I am not. I am not sure of anything right now." "But as we know, it is the only solution. We shall commence it immediatley. But, what should we call the re-invented being?" "Kovastrin, master of ice." "If that is all, let's begin." "No. That is not all. You need to know what will happen if we fail." "What?" "If we fail, and the forces fall into evil hands, they can be used to control the universe. We need to make the guardians able to guard the forces from evil at all costs." "Is that all now?" "As far as I know, yes. That is all. We can now begin. 22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC)22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC)22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC)22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC)~ Kovastrin opened his eyes for the first time. He was out in the desert, near a mass of buildings that must have been a city. 'Strange.' He thought. 'How did I get here? Why am I here? Why can I not remember anything before this?' He got up and started walking towards the city. Perhaps he could find some awnsers there. He suddenly realized that he was holding something in each hand. In his right hand, he held a sharp blaster ax. In his left, he held a shield. He couldn't remember where he had gotten them, but he couldn't remember anything else, so it wasn't too big of an issue. Suddenly, a two-headed creature sprang out of the sand and knocked him down. He tried to push it off, but it had pinned his arms down. Kovastrin may not have been able to remember anything, but he was very smart. And he knew just what was going on. This creature was a hungry predator. And he was the filling prey. As the creature was about to tear out his throat, there was a loud bang, and the creature yelped. It jumped off Kovastrin and ran a few feet away. It was still eyeing him, though. Kovastrin heard a second bang. Something wooshed by his head too fast for the eye to see. The creature sprang out of the way of whatever it was, and wisely deciding health over a full belly, it ran away. Kovastrin turned to see what had launched the things. He saw a single being, much like him in body structure, but obviously a different species, walking towards him, "Sheesh, that's the third one this week." It said. "Got to watch out for those wild Spikit. By the way, my name's Grank. What's yours?" "My name is Kovastrin. I see that you have experience in fighting." "How?" "It's obvious. Your armor has the marks of multiple repairs, your weapons have scratches on them, and your launchers are worn from multiple launches." Grank laughed. "Wow, I'd never notice stuff like that. But you're right. I am an experienced fighter. Mostly to protect city's from wild animals, like that Spikit. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you're an Akaku Nuva Kanohi in disguise. Hey, maybe that could be your nickname. Akakunuva." Kovastrin smiled. "I like it. However, it may be a good idea to be inside the city before dark." "Well, come on then." As they walked into the city, they never noticed a pair of gleaming, red eyes watching them from beneath the sand. 22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC)22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC)22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC)User:ChromastoneandTabby 22:56, April 25, 2011 (UTC) Makuta Chiroxia sat in his chamber, thinking. 'A new toa? I hope that he doesn't get in my way. For his sake.' Chiroxia stood up. "I have made up my mind." He said. "We shall leave at dawn. Prepare for conquest!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 1. "Well, from you're telling me, it sounds like you just came into being." Grank said. "I've heard about that happening, but all the other Toa were created long ago. You popping up all of a sudden doesn't make much sense." "Most everything doesn't make much sense to me." Kovastrin replied. "It's like I know I'm supposed to do something...I just don't know what it is." "Now, that part makes sense. Everyone has a destiny to fulfill, they just don't know what it is until it happens, except in certain conditions." "Like what?" "Like, if there are prophecys about it. I don't believe in that mumbo jumbo, but other people do." Kovastrin looked at Grank. "There might be some truth to that. After all, a lot of things seem weird at the moment." "You know, something that I don't get is how you seem to know about a lot of stuff despite being about ten minutes old." "I don't know how that is either. But the weirdest thing is that I seem to retain something from before I even came into being." "Okay, now that is creepy. Like what?" "Just some things that don't make sense...a special mask, an ocean, other beings, and something...evil." Just as Grank was about to say something, there was a blinding light and a deafening explosion. There was smoke everywhere, and Kovastrin was havingahard time breathing. When the smoke cleared, he saw that the entire structure they were in was just rubble now. Looking around, he saw Grank laying on the ground, unmoving. After checking to make sure that Grank was alive, Kovastrin looked around for the source of the devestation. He spotted an evil-looking being in black armor walking aroind, destroying other structures with a beam coming from a shoulder-mounted, high-tech gun. Kovastrin grabbed his axe and shield, and rammed into the being, taking it by surprise. However, the being simply shrugged off Kovastrins attack, and pinned him to a wall with a shadow hand. "So, you are the new Toa." The being said. "Looks like you don't have much idea of what power you face, taking on a Makuta single-handedly." The Makuta slammed Kovastrin into the ground. "A foolish decesion, as well as a fatal one."