| - The two may be lovers, who have now become a family through adoption, a helpful donor, or through the wonders of magic or science. The two may be close siblings (but not that close) or the best of friends, with one of them wishing to help out their single parent buddy. The two may be in that very fine line between the previous two examples, giving much Ship Tease and Ho Yay to the delight of their fans. Taken to its literal extreme, this trope results in Homosexual Reproduction. Compare All Lesbians Want Kids. Examples of Has Two Mommies include:
| - The two may be lovers, who have now become a family through adoption, a helpful donor, or through the wonders of magic or science. The two may be close siblings (but not that close) or the best of friends, with one of them wishing to help out their single parent buddy. The two may be in that very fine line between the previous two examples, giving much Ship Tease and Ho Yay to the delight of their fans. Whatever the reason, it's all the same: A family unit that cheerfully ignores the traditional view of a family requiring a father and mother, by having two (or more!) parental figures of the same gender. Nevertheless, one of these characters may be referred to by the opposite gender parental term; sometimes in jest, sometimes to fit with the standard family unit. In fiction, Cast Speciation will usually result in the two parents fitting into a father and a mother role anyway. Usually the child will be the same gender as their parents. If done poorly and strictly, it can touch the Unfortunate Implication that a child can't be raised properly without a parent of the same sex, or that lesbians are misandrists and gays are misogynists. The name of this trope came from Heather Has Two Mommies, a children's book by Lesléa Newman and Diana Souza that drew the ire of many conservative groups for its proposed use in the New York school system to portray a lesbian family as normal, wholesome, and happy. Taken to its literal extreme, this trope results in Homosexual Reproduction. Compare All Lesbians Want Kids. Examples of Has Two Mommies include: