| - You got the caps, I got the goods.
- {seeing signs of radiation sickness} All right. Let's flush your system.
- {seeing signs of radiation sickness} Blood pooling in the gums. Signs of anemia. Yeah. We better clean you up.
- Got nothing, sorry. Just trying to practice medicine.
- Hmm. I do have a few notes here. You're welcome to them.
- {Apologetic} You're definitely sick, but you don't have enough money to cover my fee. Sorry. Was there something else?
- {Apologetic} We can help you when you have enough money. Addiction isn't cheap to cure. Anything else?
- Been out of the loop. Lot of sick and injured taking up my time. Now, if you need treatment, let me know.
- {examining a patient, who says they are not addicted to any chems} Glad to hear it. Anything else?
- {examining a patient / Thinking} Severe lacerations, puncture wounds, muscle spasms in the eyes from high levels of stress... Yeah, let's patch you up.
- {patient just told you they aren't in pain} Good. Anything else?
- {curing patient's chem addiction} Yeah, you got it bad. Let's flush your system. It's gonna burn like crazy, afterwards, all right?
- {Apologetic} You're hurt, all right, but you're also dead broke. Sorry. Anything else?
- All done. Any other complaints?
- All right, but go easy on the Chems.
- All right. Excuse me.
- And that's that. Anything else bothering you?
- Done. Now, was there anything else bothering you?
- Fine.
- Go over your symptoms with me.
- I suppose I could spare some Stimpaks.
- If you need fixing up, let's get a look at you.
- Let me know if that changes.
- Let's see what I can spare...
- My theory is you're a little off your rocker.
- Now, go over your symptoms for me. One at a time.
- Off you go, then.
- {Apologetic} I'm sorry. Cleaning up addiction costs money, and you're short on caps. Was there anything else?
- Take better care of yourself in the future, okay?
- Tell me your symptoms.
- Uh, if it's free, sure. Thanks.
- University? You're not serious, right?
- {medical examination} Eh, I've seen worse. Better stitch you up before infection sets in, though.
- Very well.
- What's feeling off today? What can you tell me?
- {medical examination / Surprised} Oh wow, that's a lot of blood. We'll need to operate right away.
- {curing patient's chem addiction} Let's clean you up. Not gonna be pleasant...
- {Apologetic} I can help, but not for free. You'll need to come back when you have the caps. You need anything else?
- We're lucky to even get close to what they knew back then. Well, unless you're the Institute.
- {Apologetic} We can clean you up, but you don't have enough money to cover the costs. Anything else?
- Nothing that would interest you. Now, let's talk about you and your health.
- Not many doctors around these days. Should let me take a look at you.
- I can patch you up if you need it. For a small fee, of course.
- {examining a patient, they just told you their radiation levels are normal} Good. Keep an eye on it, though. What else?
- If you get that hospital up and running, yeah, sign me up.
- {seeing signs of radiation sickness} We'll clean you up, don't worry.
- {played asked for help, then changed his mind} Very well, then.
- {patient just told you they aren't in pain} Glad to hear it. Anything else?
- {medical examination / Puzzled} Huh, you look fine, but... oh wait... yep, that's gonna need to be set back in place. Let's get started.
- Most people look at medicine as a business these days. Makes no sense to share stuff with your competition.
- {played asked for help, then changed his mind} Fine. Come back later.
- {medical examination} Scrapes and bruises, but it's probably a good idea to get them fixed up.
- {patient just told you they aren't in pain} Good. Hope it stays that way. Anything else?
- {curing patient's chem addiction} You're strung out all right. I got something that can clean you up.
- Sure there are. Just a couple hundred years old, though.
- {medical examination / Thinking} Hmm... gonna need to brace those fractures, apply some cream for the burns, a few sets of stitches. Better get to it...
- {Apologetic} Well, I'd patch you up, but I have costs to cover, and you're short on caps. What else is bothering you?
- All right. Don't ruin my hard work by dying out there.
- {Apologetic} I'd like to help you, but I got costs to cover, and you're low on caps. Was there anything else?
- {Apologetic} You don't have enough caps for the fee. Sorry. Anything else?
- {played asked for help, then changed his mind} On your way, then.
- Got to love the Commonwealth. So much death and destruction, I'll never be out of work.
- Doc Weathers is guaranteed to patch up any bruises, holes, and diseases you've picked up. But I ain't got no fix for personality.
- {Nervous, intimidated} You haven't missed anything, I promise. It's been quiet as a whisper out here.
- {Nervous, intimidated} I guess the road's kept me busy, but if I see any runaway synths, you'll be the first to know.
- Am I doctor? Let me show you my degree from the school of "Saving Wise Asses Like You."
- Tell the good Doc what's wrong with you. Spend your caps and I'll make it all better.
- Done. You got more problems? Here's hoping, right?
- {Nervous, intimidated} To be honest, I just haven't see anything that was worth telling you about.
- I got loads of Stimpaks, Chems, You-Name-It.
- Tell me your problems, I got solutions.
- We doing business or what?
- {Nervous, intimidated} Well, you know how it is. Sometimes things are just quiet.
- You got the look of a soon-to-be repeat customer.
- Dangerous world out there. Good thing, too, otherwise no business for doctors, am I right?
- So is anyone hurt here or not? Jesus, what I'd give for a compound fracture or something. You know, cha-ching.
- {curing patient's chem addiction} All part of good living, am I right? Lemme give you something that'll flush out the after taste.
- You want news? Want me to rub your feet at the same time? I only got time for one thing: making caps. Oh, and, you know, helping people.
- {Nervous, intimidated} That's just how it's been. You guys have put the fear in those runaway synths, and now they won't show their faces.
- {Nervous, intimidated} Maybe you Coursers are doing such a good job, there aren't any synths left to capture.
- I'm a positive institution in these parts. So you need help or what?
- You have some sort of medical problem here? Or are you just yanking my chain.
- You have any of those... symptoms. Tell me about 'em.