| - The darkspawn, known as night-gangers among the Avvar, are a race of humanoid tainted creatures that mostly dwell in the underground of Thedas. When the darkspawn uncover one of the Old Gods, they expose it to the taint, changing it into an Archdemon, which then leads them in an attack against the surface world called a Blight. The darkspawn are perhaps the single greatest threat to all of Thedas; they are bloodthirsty, exceptionally numerous and willing to indiscriminately kill or corrupt all in their path.
- The Darkspawn, also known as Imps or Gremlins, are a faction within the Primus caste that have a fascination and affinity for melding demonic magic with technology. They are insatiable in their search for the new and unknown, so they often roam the streets and tunnels of London looking for caches of items or - better yet - adventurers with powerful gear. The Darkspawn not only craft their own equipment, but can also use any that they find during their patrols. It is not uncommon to see one wielding weapons of human design that have been separated from their original owners.
- Their are two types of darkspawn: ghouls and true darkspawn. Ghouls are created by the Darkspawn Taint, while true darkspawn are created by the Broodmothers. The different types of each are listed below.
| - The Darkspawn, also known as Imps or Gremlins, are a faction within the Primus caste that have a fascination and affinity for melding demonic magic with technology. They are insatiable in their search for the new and unknown, so they often roam the streets and tunnels of London looking for caches of items or - better yet - adventurers with powerful gear. The Darkspawn not only craft their own equipment, but can also use any that they find during their patrols. It is not uncommon to see one wielding weapons of human design that have been separated from their original owners. There are several distinct groups within the Darkspawn that are identified by both their specializations and their size and markings. Knowing their individual strengths and weaknesses is vital for an optimal chance of surviving an encounter.
- Their are two types of darkspawn: ghouls and true darkspawn. Ghouls are created by the Darkspawn Taint, while true darkspawn are created by the Broodmothers. The different types of each are listed below.
* Hurlock - The most basic type of darkspawn, the hurlocks are corrupted humans. They're generally warriors or emissaries, the darkspawn equivalent of mages. A subfaction of hurlocks, known as the Disciples, possess greater intelligence than most darkspawn.
* Genlock - Much like the hurlocks, genlocks are corrupted as well. However, instead of being human, they are created from dwarves.
* Shrieks - Sharlocks, although most call them shrieks because of the high-pitched shriek they let out before attacking, are elven darkspawn. Unlike the hurlock and genlock, little of them resembles their uncorrupted counterparts. They are some of the most dangerous assasins in the darkspawn horde, jumping from the shadows to tear apart anyone with their long, jagged wrist-blades.
* Ogres - The ogres are the tallest and most powerful type of basic darkspawn. Created from corrupted qunari, ogres generally work solo or in two man groups, using their immense strength two tear their enemies apart.
* Broodmothers - Men are lucky when they've been captured, as they are killed and eaten. Women, however, are forced to eat their own kind, while being corrupted by the taint. This transforms them into broodmothers, massive bloated monsters designed to create more darkspawn. See the descriptions above to see what race's females create which darkspawn after being transformed.
* Archdemons - The Chantry says that when the Maker became the master of the heavens, he cast down all the old gods. Every once in a while, the darkspawn find one of these old gods, which they corrupt into the dragon-like archdemon. The archdemon then leads the entire horde to the surface in what is known as the blight. Since they were first discovered, their have been five blights, the last ending with the events of Dragon Age: Origins.
* Children - Darkspawn created by a strangly intelligent broodmother known as The Mother. As they eat, they grow, changing from large worm-like creatures to even larger worm-like creatures with massive claws and legs.
* The Architect - A powerful darkspawn commander who has gained his freedom from the old gods and wishes to free the rest of the darkspawn from their eternal servitude as well. Though intelligent, he has little understanding of the other major races. Because of his appearance, he is most likely a hurlock. However, he seems more human than darkspawn.
* Tainted Animals - Creatures that have been corrupted by the Taint. Types include the blight wolf, corrupted spider and bereskarn (corrupted bear). These creatures are technically ghouls, as they are created during a blight, not by a broodmother.
- The darkspawn, known as night-gangers among the Avvar, are a race of humanoid tainted creatures that mostly dwell in the underground of Thedas. When the darkspawn uncover one of the Old Gods, they expose it to the taint, changing it into an Archdemon, which then leads them in an attack against the surface world called a Blight. The darkspawn are perhaps the single greatest threat to all of Thedas; they are bloodthirsty, exceptionally numerous and willing to indiscriminately kill or corrupt all in their path.