| - :[Cleveland returns to Quahog and rings the Griffins' doorbell. Brian is heard barking.]
:Stewie: [from inside the house] Hey, get back! Get back! Go to your crate! Brian, go to your crate!
:Brian: [from inside the house] I don't have a crate, I've never had a crate.
:Stewie: You should. You'd feel safer there.
:[Cleveland rings the doorbell again]
:Brian: Who is it, Stewie?
:[The curtain is the window is pulled back a little]
:Stewie: Some black guy.
:Brian: Uh, we don't want any candy bars.
:Stewie: Or magazines.
:Cleveland: Brian, it's Cleveland.
:Brian: Oh. Hi, Cleveland.
:Stewie: Has he been cancelled already? He doesn't just get to come back!
:Cleveland: Is Peter home?
:Brian:[whispering to Stewie] It's Cleveland!...[out loud, to Cleveland]...not.
:Cleveland: Did he say when he'd be back?
:Brian: No....uh...vember.
:[Peter is seen sneaking into his car and tries to get away from Cleveland]
:Cleveland: Peter!
:[Peter runs into his car and tries to get his key]
:Peter: Come on, come on!
:Cleveland: Peter, it's Cleveland! Hello! Peter, I'm standin' right here!
:Peter: [mouthing silently] Fuck. [gets out of the car and says out loud] Oh, hey, Cleveland, I didn't see you there.
:Tim: So, uh, Lester, wha-uh-what the-what can we expect from this?
:Lester: [in the same intonation as "I don't know"] Mmmm. I'm not usually on the Ned Beatty side of this situation. Best I can guess is...ouchie in the boom boom.
:Peter: Leggo my negro.
:Peter: See Cleveland, that's the difference between our shows. On our show we would have shown the rape, and had a show tune about the rape.
:Cleveland: And I would have just been the black guy.