| - Laurasia Prime, also known as Imperial Center, Galactic Center, or as simply Laurasia, is the the capital and most populous world of the Laurasian Empire, located in the northern Core Worlds. The politically most important world in the galaxy since the late fourteenth century, Laurasia Prime has a long and extensive history. The Founders modified the DNA of human-like lifeforms on the planet c. 100,000 BH, which had evolved into the modern Laurasians by 10,000 BH. From c. 6000 BH, the Laurasians had consolidated into a number of nation-states, and remained divided into such for over five thousand years. Pre-Space Age Laurasian history fell into the epoches of Antiquity (c. 6000-2500 BH), the Laurasian Middle Ages (2500-1500 BH), and the Laurasian Modern Era (1500-1043 BH). In 1043 BH, the first Laurasian satellite was dispatched into space, commencing the First Laurasian Space Age (1043 BH-AH 333). The invention of the warp drive in the 8th century BH allowed for the further extension of Laurasian influence in space. The Laurasian Nations were unified under the Stellar Republic of Laurasia by the 500s BH, which remained in existence, in various forms, until the 4th century BH. After the invention of the hyperdrive in 1 BH, the Laurasians became aware of the Caladarian Galaxy. By the early 4th century, after the times of the Galactic Confederation and the Theocratic Dictatorship of Almitism, Laurasia Prime had fallen under the rule of the Arachosian Empire of Sargon the Conqueror. It regained independence in 412 as the Stellar Kingdom of Laurasia, commencing the First Laurasian Period. The First Laurasian Period witnessed a extension of Laurasian power throughout the Core Regions and lasted until AH 630, when Laurasia Prime was subdued by the Lacian Khanate. After twenty-seven years under Lacian overlordship, King Perseus reasserted Laurasia's position in 657, commencing the Second Laurasian Period. Laurasia experienced even greater prosperity and strength during the Second Laurasian Period. Under the successive kings Constantine (659-87); Marcus Aurelius (687-712); Flavius Aetius (712-46); Hercules I (746-62); Gordian II (762-76); Hercules II (776-99); and Polares (799-809), the Stellar Kingdom of Laurasia extended its power from the Galactic Center and the Wild Marshes to the Shendonanan and Roastafarian systems. By the time of Polares however, Laurasia had become overextended and was under severe strains. The devastating Trajanic Civil War (810-32), caused by the ascension of the baby King Trajan (809-23) to the Laurasian throne, resulted in the severe disruption of Laurasian power. Heredotus (823-30); Andrea Septimia (830-32); and Neuchrus (830-32), struggled with each other for control of the Laurasian state. Eventually, Gordian III (832-40) emerged victorious, but was soon after confronted with the formidable Dasian challenge. In 840, the Dasian Khan and military commander Batya, as part of his campaigns throughout the Core Regions, overwhelmed Laurasia Prime and subdued the world, commencing the Dasian Yoke. During the Dasian Yoke (840-1080), Laurasia Prime and the Laurasian Purse Worlds were under the rule of a Dasian Bey, who acted as the military and political governor for the Dasian Golden Horde in the region. From 978-82, Arasces Arcracius, a Laurasian noble, briefly managed to restore Laurasian independence, but was eventually defeated by the Dasian Khan Tokhtamysh in 982. After nearly another century however, Laurasia emerged as a Grand Principality in 1075, as the Khan Ahmad attempted to instate measures in order to insure loyalty to the Dasians. The Grand Prince Honorius took advantage of the weakened Golden Horde's troubles, and in 1079, instigated a rebellion. In 1080, he defeated Ahmad and proclaimed himself King, thus ending the Dasian Yoke. During the Third Laurasian Period (1080-1321), Laurasia recovered from the Dasian Yoke, reconstituted its home territories, and at times even dominated the Core Regions, during the first half of the twelfth century. The reign of Honorius the Terrible (1133-84) and the following Time of Laurasian Troubles, however, resulted in territorial losses to Polonia, Briannia, and Solidarita. Laurasia Prime was sacked by the Solidaritan Sultanate under Alp Arslan in 1171 and was held by the Polonians from 1210-12, during the Time of Troubles. The Leonidian Dynasty came to power in 1213, restoring stability to the Laurasian dominions, although for most of the century, Laurasia remained weaker then it had been before. It did recover territories lost to Polonia however, and waged successful wars with Solidarita, while continuing expansion in the Western Regions. In 1282, Seleucus I the Victor ascended to the Laurasian throne, and from the 1290s, launched vigorous campaigns and reforms, eventually transforming the Stellar Kingdom into the Laurasian Empire, in 1321. Under the successors of Seleucus, including the Leonidian Dynasty (1321-1416), the Tiberian Dynasty (1416-68), the Vespansian Dynasty (1468-96), the Nervian Dynasty (1496-1592), the Severan Dynasty (1593-1635), and the Neuchrian Dynasty (1685-1803), Laurasia gradually expanded from its position in the central-western Core Worlds to encompassing the entire Caladarian Galaxy. Enemies such as the Solidaritans, Venasians, Korjians, Amelianians, Huntites, Shendonanans, Mellorites, Markians, Destianians, Neo-Arachosians, Marasahrites, and numerous others gradually succumbed to the Laurasian might. By the end of the reign of Aurelia the Great (1758-1803), Laurasia Prime had consolidated its rule over the entire Caladarian Galaxy and its two Satellite Galaxies. In the present time, Laurasia Prime is the capital world of the galaxy-spanning Laurasian Empire. From Laurasia Prime, the Emperor and Autocrat of All the Laurasians extends his authority over nearly seventy million inhabited star systems, spread across 150,000 light years of space. Two of the galaxy's most important trade routes, the Rebeccan Galactic Trade Route and the Kimanian Trade Run, alongside the minor Clancian Trunk Line and the Metallasian Corridor run through Laurasia, making it one of the most economically prosperous and wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. The planet is also the main world of the Laurasian Star System, the Imperial Laurasian Province, and the Imperial Laurasian Governorate, with the star system, provincial, and regional governors all residing on the world, besides the planetary governor and the Imperial Government. The planet is covered by cities, forests, swamps, volcanoes, plains, and rivers, and has seven major landmasses. Christiania, which had been the capital city of the Lycian Union from the eleventh to the eighth centuries BH, is the capital and largest city of Laurasia Prime. Osraninpolis, Constantinople, Heliotrope, Uris, Ralispont, Ravenna, and Columbia are other major Laurasian cities. Laurasia Prime, with one trillion inhabitants, has a population and population density far exceeding that of any other world within the Empire.