| - Overview The Map itself, the number of units, and their locations remain the same, but pretty much everything else has been added or corrected as necessary. Humans:
* USArmy (human player or AI)
* CitizensMilitia (AI, or human)
* (Hard AI plays an excellent CitizensMilitia, a position of tedious tactics, reduce CitizensMilitia to Medium AI for a more challenging game against the AI zombies) Zombies:
* GreenZombies (human player or AI)
* BrownZombies (human player or AI)
* GrayZombies (human player or AI) Neutrals:
* Neutrals (AI only, passive position) Rules of Engagement:
* This is the APOCALYPSE so expect MASSIVE losses on BOTH sides during the first few turns, til things settle down.
* This game is not for the faint of heart (losing 100 or more units on the 1st turn is normal), strike and counter strike.
* Zombies may kill 60 units and only lose 6, USArmy counter strike of cannonfodder and airpower may kill 50 and only lose 5.
* In The END, There Can Be ONLY ONE.
* Neutrals are passive (they have no turns).
* Trucks can blitz, move 3 and supply 1 fuel per turn; Tanks and halftracks can blitz if paired with a truck.
* Trucks and tanks can transport 1 infantry or 1 special forces.
* Non-stealth Bombers can transport 1 infantry or 1 special forces.
* Helicopters give artillery support and can transport 1 infantry, or 1 special forces, or 1 artillery.
* Humans collect income through national objectives rather than map income.
* You can build in any territory you own, upto the production value (invisible factories in all the lands).
* Purchase and place units comes before movement phase.
* There is no home territory. No such thing as liberating allied territory. Whatever you take becomes yours.
* Zombies may produce in newly captured territory.
* Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake City, and the Great Basin are now connected by road for reduced movement cost.
* Better to attack than be attacked. When in doubt, shoot first, ask questions later. Zombie Notes:
* Juggernauts can blitz, move 2, and carry 1 zombieling.
* Ghouls receive +1 on attack and defense vs 1/1 freedom fighters (low strength unit)
* Ghouls give bonuses to zombielings, undead, and mutants if stacked with them (+1 to die roll on attacks or extra roll on defense)
* For zombling: 1 ghoul = 1 extra defence roll and is unaffected by artillery tech.
* For undead or mutant: 1 ghoul = +1 to attack die roll for 1 undead or 1 mutant and Is affected by artillery tech.
* USArmy can be quite good at wiping out unsuspecting zombie stacks, with cannon fodder and air assault.
* Zombie_hunters are particulary effective, especially in numbers, not to be underestimated.
* Better to Eat than be Eaten. When in doubt Eat First and ask questions later. Research, Rumors and Changes:
* Zomblings get +1 on offense when 2 or more zomblings are stacked together.
* Undead get +1 on offense when 2 or more undead are stacked together.
* Undead get an extra die roll on defense when 2 or more undead are stacked together.
* No strength or Zero strength units (0/0 trucks) give bonuses to some zombie types: Ghouls, Juggernauts, and Mutants.
* Each Truck will give one Ghoul an extra die roll on defense upto the number of trucks encountered.
* Each Truck will give one Juggernaut +1 and an extra die roll on offense and defense upto the number of trucks encountered.
* Each Truck will give one Mutant an extra die roll on defense upto the number of trucks encountered.
* Mutants now cost Fuel instead PUs; a zombieling must also be consumed to place the Mutant. Other Stuff:
* Zombies generate more zombies and more zombies and more zombies. This is represented by map income.
* Humans have no such income, so they have to make do with what they have.
* Small amounts of income can be generated from capturing certain Round cities (national objectives).
* Zombies receive a one time bonus of 2 PUs from capturing a Round city. (but only the ones the other side started the game with)
* The CitizensMilitia receives 1 PU each turn from a captured Round city (city now pink), but only from the ones that the other side started the game with.
* The USArmy receives 4 PUs each turn from a captured Round city (city now blue), but only from the ones that the other side started the game with.
* Some Round cities and the Great Basin still have roads between them at movement cost = 1 each.
* Kansas City, to Denver, to Salt Lake City, to Great Basin, forms a straight line road East to West. Fuel Facts:
* Helicopters use 1 fuel per move, Bombers and Fighters use 2 fuel per move, Stealth bombers use 3 fuel per move.
* Trucks supply 1 fuel per turn at the end of the turn; only regular territories supply fuel (round cities don't supply fuel).
* Texas, North Dakota, and Louisianna territories generate 25 fuel each, California territories and territories that share a border with Texas or Louisianna generate 5 fuel each and all others generate 3 fuel each except Wyoming and Colorado which generate 5 each.
* USArmy starts with 605 Fuel and 605 fuel income (variable from territories) and also receives fuel income from trucks.
* USArmy receives 1 fuel for each truck at the end of the turn for logistic efficiencies. News from the Front:
* This is a fight for the species, its a matter of numbers, the other side needs less.
* Better to Eat than be Eaten. When in doubt Eat First, and eat the one asking questions later.Good luck! Improvements/Additions:
* -added zombie bonuses and Fuel use for game balance and interest
* -added Fuel supply strategy issue to attempt to remedy USArmy overwhelming air power issue, and because it wasn't much fun to be a zombie.
* -removed Chuck Norris air power for same reason above.
* -added source of income for USArmy because the AI needed it, and for game balancing.
* -CREDIT to VEQRYN for the examples and the information on how to do things found in:(pact_of_steel_2 A MOD of original POS by VEQRYN version 3.8) and also (Europe 1940 SeaLion Balanced Mod by Veqryn version=2.6)
* -credit to maker of the original zombieland and map pulicatNotable Issues ZombielandUSA version corrects:
* - issue with AI keeping 70 units in center of map the whole game and the AI losing because of it.
* - issue with AI destroying itself by ploughing through Neutral territories.
* - issue of not being able to pick-up or drop-off paratroops.
* - issue of factories sometimes disappearing, dispite the fact they're invisable.
* The game should be good to go. The income of USArmy can be adjusted by using a bid for the USArmy, or by changing the 4 PU Round City Capture bonus, to a different amount, up or down in the xml.
* If you don't want the city capture bonus income for any players just deselect national objectives under options at start-up.
* The computer AI is probably better at playing zombies, since TripleA AI does not make use of trucks or planes to load and unload troops.
* A Human player playing USArmy with CitizensMilitia on Hard AI, against Medium AI zombies should be able to win, with repeated games, if not the 1st time.
* A Human player playing USArmy with CitizensMilitia on Medium AI against the zombies is going to have more of a challenge. At Medium level AI, CitizensMilitia does not "clean-up" after the Big strikes that the USArmy does with its air power.
* Of course, the clean-up or mop-up operations may not go as planned and the zombies might get outta hand, or foot, and maybe an arm or leg too.