| - Chaotic evil is referred to as the "Destroyer" or "Demonic" alignment. Characters of this alignment tend to have little, or no, respect for rules, other peoples' lives, or anything but their own selfish desires. They typically only behave themselves out of fear of punishment.
- The simple definition of Evil on Titan would be the "opposite of good". However, the term Evil is often coupled with Chaos to illustrate that which opposes Good in Titan. For example, the Dark Lords of Chaos are those who led the forces of Evil in the First Battle. Although the terms Evil and Chaos are distinct, they are very often used interchangeably or coupled together. For example, the backcover of Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World talks of "the delicate balance between Good and Chaos", and then goes on to talk of the forces "of Good and Evil".
- Every Dofus character has an alignment. However, the system is more akin to factions than the traditional kind of alignment. Becoming part of an alignment lets you enter regular PvP.
- Alignment is the representation of the morals and ethics of characters, planes, factions, or societies used in Planescape: Torment.
- Alignment is a categorization of the moral perspective for each character or clan wherever they are good, neutral, or evil. Alignment is determined by for whatever reasons each character participates in Mortal Kombat, be it for friends and/or family, personal agendas, or a lust for power and domination. Over the course of the story spanning throughout the series, characters are subject to change sides or take no side at all.
- Alignment "means conformance to a policy, standard, and/or goal."
- Alignment is
- Change your alignment!
- Das Konzept der Alignments stammt aus dem D&D-Universum und hat in Minigo kaum eine praktische Bedeutung. Es ist allerdings nützlich, wenn man versucht, Verhaltensmuster zu charakterisieren. Es sei angemerkt, dass die Grenzen dieser Einteilung sehr verschwommen sind und es vor allem bei Charakteren mit einem wechselhaften Lebenswandel sehr schwierig ist, eine treffende Zuordnung zu finden.
- Alignment points will gradually change a god or creature's appearance the further its value strays from zero in a scale of -1.00, which is totally evil to 1.00, meaning completely good (angelic). Alignment descriptions (the creature's mind and what he thinks of you) are in the following order:
* Totally evil
* Nasty
* Black hearted
* On the side of good
* Decent and true
* Kind and nice
* Angelic
- Here are a list of all the Alignments. Alignments increase or decrease the skill of units at a point of day.
- A character's Alignment is a categorization of the ethical and moral perspective of people, creatures and societies. In D&D, the alignment is a combination of two facets - Law vs. Chaos, and Good vs. Evil.
- __TOC__ The NWN Wiki has a good page about your character's alignment (w:c:NWN:Alignment) and you should read the information contained there first. This page contains information about roleplaying your character according to his alignment.
- Alignment or Morals is a seperation between people from a Hero who is Good,Villain who is Evil, and a Anti-Hero who is Neutral all 3 hold a specific character trait and a key to their fighting style.
- Alignment is a rough description of a character's allegiance or philosophical outlook. The concept appeared in Dungeons & Dragons and has remained a popular design element ever since. Alternate terms: motivation, allegiance
- Alignment is a general descriptor of personality and tendencies. On Valenth, this value is determined on a sliding scale between Law and Chaos with many shades in between. Good and Evil are in the eye of the beholder--and even the most virtuous of beings can seem twisted through the eyes of another.
- Każdy gracz posiada alignment. Wszystkie oprócz "Neutral" dają nam nowe możliwości w grze.
- Your alignment shows how good or evil your character is. A character who is good will help those in need and not kill the innocent, while an evil character will rob others or wield a wicked weapon. Having a good or evil character does not currently affect gameplay.
- Alignment is a representation of a creature's general moral and personal attitudes.
- Alignment is a core feature of the mod, a system by which you gain or lose standing among the different factions of Middle-earth. Various actions performed in Middle-earth will raise or lower your player's alignment with various factions, and this will influence the things you are able to do in the mod - such as interaction with NPCs, access to , ability to trade and hire units, making enemies flee from your presence, and eventually the availability of quests.
- Mit Alignment steht den Foldit-Spielern seit Februar 2010 nun auch ein Hauptwerkzeug professioneller Proteinstrukturvorhersage zur Verfügung. Dabei wird bei Proteinen mit unbekannter Tertiärstruktur geschaut, ob ähnliche Aminosäuresequenzen auch bei Proteinen mit bereits bekannter Struktur zu finden sind. Wird man fündig, dann versucht man, Strukturen bekannter Sequenzen auf das "neue" Protein zu übertragen.
- Alignment. Players in Dragon's Gate may choose from one of three possible alignments for their character. These are Order, Entropy and Chaos. Alignment can affect many things, including a character's choice of possible religion and profession.
- Disclaimer: Scotty and TJ would likely be evil, and Ben would likely be neutral, but since this is a wiki about them, we have them down as good. #Pandering
- Many who are born in the Chi World are born with Chi Energy. Althoguh in the early days, they were also born with an Internal Element.
- You can check your alignment by talking to Twilly, and asking to see your moral compass. This won't give you a number (unless you zoom in and count the dots), but it gives you a good idea of where you are. (+6,0) means that you are Aligned to Unity, and (-6,0) means that you are Aligned to Chaos. Likewise, (0,+6) means that you are Aligned to Good and (0,-6) means that you are Aligned to Evil. The two numbers have no effect on each other. You can be Chaos-Good with (-6,+6), Unity-Good with (+6,+6), or anywhere in between.
- Alignment reflects how a character relates to the concepts of good and evil, law and chaos. Alignment is determinated by ethical calculus of the character's current beliefs and (often hypothetical) actions, as well as his thoughts of his past deeds.
- There are two alignments you can choose in Too Human. The first is Human, which gives you runes that increase damage. You also gain an extra combo meter. The Other one is Cybernitics, which gives you increased health and damage.
- Most Megami Tensei games have some form of the staples Law, Neutral, and Chaos to represent different routes the player can take even if each faction is not explicitly stated as such. Additionally, in the classic styled entries, demons have alignments to determine a level of affinity with the player depending on the protagonist's own alignment. Generally, the series uses the color blue to represent Law, green or white for Neutral, and red for Chaos. In total, there are nine possible alignments a demon can have:
- Alignment is a useful tool developed by the creators of D&D. In WoW it is rarely required or necessary to define a player character by these particular classifications, except perhaps in the case of Paladins. The typical classifications on this wiki are from v3.5, not 4.0. It should be noted that for roleplaying purposes these are broad abstracts within a wide spectrum, they should only be taken as the beginnings of a character's personality and ethical/moral axis, not the substantive zeitgeist. Many of these characters alignment descriptions will be a matter of "barely best fit".
- The animosity between the races of the Alliance and Horde can put lawful good characters at each others' throats. An orc can be raised within the shamanistic heritage of his people, learn to channel positive energy and become a healer, follow Thrall and his religion's rules to the letter, and still have no compunctions against killing a lawful good paladin who is following his lord's orders to rid the world of the orcs who killed his parents. It is easy for good characters to be at the wrong ends of swords, and it is just as easy for evil characters to band together to fight the greater good.
- Alignment tendency is determined throughout the course of the game by the player's actions - good, evil, or neutral. Once the player has researched or obtained Xeno Ethics the player can choose an alignment. The alignment closest to their alignment tendency will be free and the remaining alignments are priced according to how close to the alignment tendency they are. Once an alignment is picked, all colonization events will cease, as the alignment has been determined and the alignment tendency is no longer needed.
- The alignment system in Dungeons & Dragons is a two-dimensional grid, one axis of which measures a "moral" continuum between good and evil, and the other "ethical" between law and chaos. Those characters that fall on one of the extremes are "good" or "evil", "lawful" or "chaotic"; in addition, there is a middle ground of "neutrality" on both axes, describing characters that are indifferent, committed to balance, or conflicted about the struggle between good and evil (or law and chaos). By combining the two axes, any given character has one of nine possible alignments:
- Alignment in NetHack is a trichotomy: lawful, neutral, or chaotic. The following things have an alignment:
* Monsters
* Altars
* Quest artifacts
* Artifact weapons
* Your character In addition to your character's alignment (whether you are lawful, neutral, or chaotic), your character also has an alignment record, the integer u.ualign.record from the source code. Some spoilers refer to this integer as your "alignment", creating ambiguity.
- Alignment reflects how a character relates to the concepts of good and evil, law and chaos. It can affect how certain NPCs react within the game, and will occasionally determine whether an item can be used or not (some items have alignments of their own, and will not allow a conflict with their user). The main purpose of alignment, however, is to act as a guideline for consistent roleplaying, though it is not set in stone. The alignment of a character can change to match the style in which they are played, if deviation is consistent and serious. All of the nine alignments listed are viable choices for adventurers, though the "evil" variants are more often the domain of villains and monsters.
- Alignment is a card property used in some video games. Cards or particular Alignments have strengths and weaknesses against cards or other particular alignments. Although not referred to as Alignments, their earliest mention is in the manga during Dark Yugi and Maximillion J. Pegasus' TV Duel. Alignments are used in some video games. The Bandai OCG adopted some the mentioned Alignments as Types. Konami's OCG and TCG have adopted some as Types and some as Attributes. The Alignments are as follows:
- A typical creature in the worlds of DUNGEONS& DRAGONS has an alignment, which broadly describes its moral and personal attitudes. Alignment is a combination of two factors: one identifies morality (good, evil, or neutraI), and the other describes attitudes toward society and order (lawful, chaotic, or neutral). Thus, nine distinct alignments define the possible combinations. These brief summaries of the nine alignments describe the typical behavior of a creature with that alignment. Individuals might vary significantly from that typical behavior, and few people are perfectly and consistently faithful to the precepts of their alignment.
- First and foremost, alignment is a role-playing tool of the game, which lets you decide who you are or who you want to be. While your decisions about alignment mostly affect role-playing aspect of the game, there are some differences in quests and also some rewards as well. Alignment is separated into three categories: Tradition, Integrity and Duty.
- Sometimes, a clan may choose to have an alignment. Clans can align themselves to anything from a real-world country to a nation in Gielinor, or one of the gods. When a clan has been aligned to a faction, there can be varrying levels of importance of the alignment. In some aligned clans, they may simply prefer members to have the same alignment. Though, for some other clans, if a clan member isn't also aligned to the faction in question, they may receive a temporary or permanent expulsion. Many clans simply remain unaligned.
- Player characters have an alignment in the early Wizardry games of the Llylgamyn saga. Characters can be Good, Evil or Neutral. Both Good and Evil characters may change alignment by attacking or leaving peaceful monster groups, however, Neutral characters will always remain neutral. Alignment is important for using certain equipment, notably Scarlet and Emerald Robes, requiring Evil and Good alignment respectively. The Ring of Skulls is another item that can only be used by Evil characters. Certain character classes are available only when certain alignment requirements are met.
- The alignment system is a two-dimensional grid, one axis of which measures a "moral" continuum between good and evil, and the other "ethical" between law and chaos. Those characters that fall on one of the extremes are "good" or "evil", "lawful" or "chaotic"; in addition, there is a middle ground of "neutrality" on both axes, describing characters that are indifferent, committed to balance, or conflicted about the struggle between good and evil (or law and chaos). By combining the two axes, any given character has one of nine possible alignments.
- Alignment is a device for defining a character's attitude to the world and other characters. It is used to determine the creatures' reactions when they are encountered and will sometimes dictate a character's own actions. Generally speaking, only characters of the same alignment are going to get on well. There will always be some degree of antipathy between characters of different alignments. The basic tenets of the five alignments are summarised on their own pages. They are only guidelines and are always subject to interpretation by the GM.
- Alignment is one of the many attributes of the PC in ADOM, representing — as the manual words it — the basic moral/religious outlook on the world. Alignment is a dynamic attribute: while its starting value is strictly determined by a set of factors, it may freely change during the game as a result of the PC's actions. The Law skill gives a chance to identify the nature of such actions (lawful or chaotic).
- Aligmentler sistemi 3'e ayrilir: 1-Neutral 2-Brakmarian 3-Bontariandsa Neutrallar hic bir aligmenti olmayanlardir Brakmarianlar Bontalarin dusmanidir.Bontalara agres atip honour point toplayabilirler, ve bu topladiklari honour pointle brakmarian ranklarini atlatabilirler.Brakmarianlarin kalesi dofus haritasinin en assagisindadir.Brakmarian olabilmek icin brakmarian kalesindeki militia ya gitmelisiniz ve ordaki adama 10 twiggy dagger vermelisiniz.
- "Alignment" is an unofficial Transformers novella written by Simon Furman, designed to tie up the loose threads left over from the Generation 2 comic book, and to bridge the gap between the Generation One era and the Beast Era. The storyline was produced without Hasbro's approval, and as such, is considered non-canon, but is included here on Teletraan-1 due to the insight it offers into the author's thought processes regarding the earlier storylines that it follows. As such, those elements of the story that enlighten official stories (namely, the true nature of the Liege Maximo and the purpose of the Hub) could reasonably be considered pseudocanon.
- Alignment is a statistic that measures how good or evil your character is. NPCs will enforce a system that makes random killing of players more difficult. Killing a player of your own race or of an aligned race, except during a declared war, will lower your alignment. Alignment can range from -100 (ultimate evil) to +10 (paragon of good). Players with an alignment score that is below a certain level (0) will not be allowed to trade with or accept quests from all NPCs. Alignment can be raised by killing players of opposing races, or players of the same or aligned race who have an evil alignment.
- Any person, creature, deity or extraplanar realm in Dungeons & Dragons can have one of the nine Alignments. The sourcebook Complete Scoundrel cites real world fictional characters as examples of aligned individuals. In an attempt to simplify the codes of conduct for characters, non-canon takes on alignment sometimes occur.
- The commotion of usual traffic fills the main roadway as traffic passes to and fro. Magnum has found himself here, as he simply watches the commotion pass him by. He'll have none of those hassles as he's not on duty now - simply considering his options on what to do with his spare time. Magnum grins as Jackknife performs her aerial stunt. "Show off." Magnum says with a chuckle, knowing all too well about his transformation sequence. "Good cycle to you too, Jackknife. What have you been up to?" Magnum asks, noting both her exhilaration and dirt.
- In Fall From Heaven 2, there are three alignments: Good, Neutral, and Evil. Alignment is not how a leader is perceives him or herself, nor is it how the public views the leader - it is where the leader is placed in the struggle against the apocalypse. Good leaders - consciously or not - fight to lower the Armageddon Counter, while Evil leaders are raising it. Neutral leaders are indifferent to the struggle between Good and Evil. Throughout the course of Fall From Heaven 2, a leader's alignment may change. The easiest way to change alignment is to adopt a religion which mirrors the alignment the leader wants. Adopting the Order or the Ashen Veil will set the leader's alignment Good or Evil respectively. Adopting Octopus Overlords or Council of esus will shift a leader's alignment from good
- Alignment replaces what once on the character sheet was your schedule for classes. Alignments represent the personal beliefs of your character or a force of nature they've aligned themselves with in this bold new world made from the slowly connecting worlds. While some shun taking a side, others that embrace either the Light or the Dark will find themselves gaining new exclusive powers as they proceed. One important thing to note is that just because we have Light and Dark this does not specifically mean Good and Bad. Some that side with the Light could easily become over zealous and do terrible things. Likewise, someone might descend into the Dark solely to have more power, the power they need to protect others.