Josef Stalin (18 desembre 1878 - Moscva 5 marto 1953) ia es la presidente de la Consilio de Ministros de la Uni Soviet de 6 maio 1941 asta 5 marto 1953. El ia es entre la bolxevices revoluiste ci ia lansa la Revolui de Otobre en Rusia en 1917. Plu tarda, el ia ocupa la posto de Ministro Jeneral de la Comite Jeneral de la Partito Comuniste de la Uni Soviet de 1922 asta la supresa de la posto en 1952, a un tempo corta ante se mori.
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| - Josef Stalin
- Josef Stalin
| - Josef Jewgeni Sergej Wladimir Andrej Jaroslav Jakob Dmitrij Aljoscha Pawel Pjotr Jurij Georgij Alexej Ivan Stjepan Artjom Wjatscheslaw Jegor Michail Igor Dmitrij Ivan Nikolaj Stalin (geb. 6. Dezember 1878) ist einer der berühmtesten lebenden Politiker. Er wurde bekannt durch seine sehr liberale Politik in Russland 1927 bis 1953. Er gilt auch als Begründer der modernen Demokratie und ist noch immer Vorbild für viele heutige Linke. right|thumb|300px|Josef Stalin und sein pixeliges Ebenbild
- Josef Stalin (18 desembre 1878 - Moscva 5 marto 1953) ia es la presidente de la Consilio de Ministros de la Uni Soviet de 6 maio 1941 asta 5 marto 1953. El ia es entre la bolxevices revoluiste ci ia lansa la Revolui de Otobre en Rusia en 1917. Plu tarda, el ia ocupa la posto de Ministro Jeneral de la Comite Jeneral de la Partito Comuniste de la Uni Soviet de 1922 asta la supresa de la posto en 1952, a un tempo corta ante se mori.
- Josef Stalin ist ein Mensch und Politiker, sowie Diktator der Sowjetunion im 20. Jahrhundert auf der Erde. 1953 behauptet Douglas Pabst in einer verbalen Auseinandersetzung, dass Herbert Rossoff seit dem Tod Stalins verärgert ist. Rossoff wehrt sich gegen die Unterstellung, ein Bolschewist zu sein. (DS9: )
- Stalin Return to the list of Important People Return to the Main Gallery
- Josef Stalin (1878- 1953) was the leader of the Soviet Union until his downfall. He was also a Lucian (possibly a leader) willing to do almost anything to get his way.
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- Stalin was born on December 18th, 1878, to a Georgian mother and father. He grew up as a tough kid in a lawless Georgian town which frequently held organised street brawls. Stalin died on 5th March, 1953, after apparently suffering a stroke on 1st March.
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| - Politiciste, poesiste, scrivor e revoluiste
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| - Josef Jewgeni Sergej Wladimir Andrej Jaroslav Jakob Dmitrij Aljoscha Pawel Pjotr Jurij Georgij Alexej Ivan Stjepan Artjom Wjatscheslaw Jegor Michail Igor Dmitrij Ivan Nikolaj Stalin (geb. 6. Dezember 1878) ist einer der berühmtesten lebenden Politiker. Er wurde bekannt durch seine sehr liberale Politik in Russland 1927 bis 1953. Er gilt auch als Begründer der modernen Demokratie und ist noch immer Vorbild für viele heutige Linke. right|thumb|300px|Josef Stalin und sein pixeliges Ebenbild
- Stalin was born on December 18th, 1878, to a Georgian mother and father. He grew up as a tough kid in a lawless Georgian town which frequently held organised street brawls. Stalin died on 5th March, 1953, after apparently suffering a stroke on 1st March. The extent to which Stalin had created a terror state can be seen in him not being discovered until 10pm on 1st March, as his guards were under order not to disturb him. He hadn't emerged from his room since he went into it the previous night and his guards were too scared to enter his chamber without permission, they had to receive authorisation from the Politburo instead. It took a long time before anyone felt able to call a doctor, Stalin had sent the best doctors to prison. Eventually doctors saw Stalin and were pessimistic, the doctors in prison who had previously treated Stalin were consulted, (not released) and agreed things were bad. Stalin hung on for a few days and died on the 5th of March. It's unknown if earlier intervention could have saved Stalin, it's also not certain if Stalin died of a stroke or was poisoned.
- Josef Stalin (18 desembre 1878 - Moscva 5 marto 1953) ia es la presidente de la Consilio de Ministros de la Uni Soviet de 6 maio 1941 asta 5 marto 1953. El ia es entre la bolxevices revoluiste ci ia lansa la Revolui de Otobre en Rusia en 1917. Plu tarda, el ia ocupa la posto de Ministro Jeneral de la Comite Jeneral de la Partito Comuniste de la Uni Soviet de 1922 asta la supresa de la posto en 1952, a un tempo corta ante se mori.