| - Daughters of the Moon is a series of novels by Lynne Ewing. It's about four girls — five, after The Reveal — who find out they're Goddesses. Or, well, daughters of the moon goddess who are sent to Earth to fight an ancient evil called the Atrox and his followers. The Atrox seeks to devour all hope from the world. Each girl has her own Goddess powers as well: Vanessa, Invisibility; Catty, Time Travel; Serena, Telepathy; Jimena, premonition, and later Tianna, Telekinesis. All girls wear moon amulets. They must choose when they turn 17 whether to ascend and keep their powers or stay on Earth and lose powers and their memories of everything that happened.
| - Daughters of the Moon is a series of novels by Lynne Ewing. It's about four girls — five, after The Reveal — who find out they're Goddesses. Or, well, daughters of the moon goddess who are sent to Earth to fight an ancient evil called the Atrox and his followers. The Atrox seeks to devour all hope from the world. Each girl has her own Goddess powers as well: Vanessa, Invisibility; Catty, Time Travel; Serena, Telepathy; Jimena, premonition, and later Tianna, Telekinesis. All girls wear moon amulets. They must choose when they turn 17 whether to ascend and keep their powers or stay on Earth and lose powers and their memories of everything that happened. There are 13 books in the series and each trades point of view between the girls and their friends: 1.
* Goddess of the Night (Vanessa, the Naive Everygirl) 2.
* Into the Cold Fire (Serena - The Strange Girl) 3.
* Night Shade (Jimena - Hot-Blooded) 4.
* The Secret Scroll (Catty - Genki Girl) 5.
* The Sacrifice (Stanton- The Dragon) 6.
* The Lost One (Tianna - a sort of Long-Lost Relative) 7.
* Moon Demon (Vanessa) 8.
* Possession (Serena) 9.
* The Choice (Jimena) 10.
* The Talisman (Maggie - The Mentor) 11.
* The Prophecy (Catty) 12.
* The Becoming (Tianna) 13.
* The Final Eclipse (Vanessa)
* Action Girl
* All Girls Want Bad Boys - When Serena falls for Stanton, who is a follower of the Atrox and later becomes Prince of Darkness.
* And I Must Scream: Being immortal but always aging comes to mind, as well as people captured and being forced to work for the Atrox.
* Anti-Anti-Christ: Tianna was created to serve the Atrox and bear his child. She decides she'd rather not.
* Another Dimension - The Atrox's world.
* Artifact of Doom: The scroll Catty ends up after.
* Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: When the daughters turn seventeen, they either give up their memories and powers, or vanish, possibly becoming guardian spirits.
* Badass Spaniard: Jimena, despite being Mexican.
* Battle Ballgown: The girls tend to throw down while dolled up.
* Be Careful What You Wish For: Maggie and Catty's mother both wish for immortality, but they forgot to ask to be perpetually young.
* Because Destiny Says So: Maggie dies due to attempting to destroy the Atrox herself, as that's not her destiny. Destiny is rather touchy that way.
* Beast and Beauty - Serena, a Goddess, being with Stanton, a messenger of evil.
* Belligerent Sexual Tension - Jimena and Collin until the third book.
* Blessed with Suck / Cursed with Awesome: The main cast does get magical powers, which is awesome. On the other hand, there's that whole ultimate evil thing that won't leave them alone...
* Contemptible Cover - The cover of The Final Eclipse for many. It's just a badly photoshopped collage of all the other covers. See for yourself.
* The Chosen One: Catty is this in regards to the Secret Scroll.
* Can't Stay Normal: Even though Jimena gives up her memories and powers, she turns out to be the reincarnation of Maggie's old mentor, and gets dragged right back in.
* Dangerous Seventeenth Birthday: Actually, either completely takes away a normal life, or leaves the person with nothing but a normal life. In theory.
* Deal with the Devil: Any deal made with the Atrox is this.
* The Fifth Ranger: Tianna joined the group latest after they established themselves as one.
* Gratuitous Spanish - Jimena does this constantly.
* Hoist by His Own Petard: The Atrox created Tianna to serve him. She partially seals him/it instead.
* Heroic Sacrifice
* I Choose to Stay: Serena remains with Stanton in the alternate dimension after defeating the Atrox.
* I Just Want to Be Normal: Before the series and in the first book, Vanessa would rather not have her invisibility powers. She grows to appreciate them.
* Laser-Guided Amnesia: Tianna is introduced with this, unable to remember anything about herself. She even states that she knows what coffee tastes like, but doesn't know if she likes it or not.
* Lipstick and Load Montage: At least in the first two books, the heroines have a detailed sequence of putting on beautiful clothes and makeup before going to the showdown with the Atrox. Justified, as it works like battle paint - the psychological preparation is very important in a battle.
* Love Redeems - Stanton because his love for Serena keeps him from being totally evil when he's promoted to Prince of Darkness
* Mentor Occupational Hazard: Maggie falls prey to this.
* Morality Chain and Morality Pet: Serena and Vanessa to Stanton.
* Muggle Foster Parents:
* Catty was raised by a normal woman. Her mother was a Daughter and her father was in the enemy's inner circle.
* Tianna's parents were killed when she was young, and was shuffled among foster parents.
* The Obi-Wan: Maggie.
* Parental Abandonment: Catty's raised by a foster mother. Turns out both her parents are alive, but serve the bad guy, though her mother came to regret it.
* Physical God: Essentially what the main cast is.
* The Power of Love - Where the Daughters get their powers from.
* The Reveal - Finding out that there is a fifth Daughter, Tianna.
* Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Maggie was mortal back in Athens a couple millenia ago.
* Sealed Inside a Person Shaped Can: Inverted. The Atrox is actually stronger in a human form (and weaker as pure shadow).
* Secret Legacy: Every member of the group with the exception of Vanessa has this besides being Daughters of the Moon.
* Stalker with a Crush - Stanton to Serena during Into the Cold Fire and to Vanessa in Goddess of the Night.
* Cassandra was like this toward Stanton.
* Spin-Off: Sons Of The Dark was told from the perspective of some male characters.
* Take a Third Option: Serena can give up her memories and powers, become a guardian spirit, or become a goddess of the night. She takes the third one.
* Tomato in the Mirror: For Tianna, Catty and Serena.
* True Companions: The daughters aren't related, but often risk their lives for one another.
* Uncanny Valley Girl: Tianna notes that she's incredibly, unnaturally beautiful, which helps her realize just what she is.
* You Don't Want to Die a Virgin, Do You??: Vanessa goes through this in the last book, between the end of the world and her possible ascension.