| - The films opens in a bar, where two men are playing pool. When a man with a red cap has to go to the toilet, he is send outside since the toilet is broken. While doing his business next to a truck, he hears the terrifying screams of a man, combined with blunt noises in a truck further away. Alerted by the screams, he finishes his business and goes looking. He doesn't get any reaction however and decided to leave. After he left, the camera keeps zooming on the truck however, until the door is knocked out of it hinges, towards the camera. The next morning, Detective Dwight Faraday is having a bad time waking up, blissfully on aware that he is about to be confronted with the strangest case in his carreer. When a trucker leaves the bar, he is greeted by a small herd of deer at the truck, who vanish in thin air. Meanwhile Dwight has arrived at his office and thinking about his ruined marriage, something that is cut short by his colleague, Officer Jacob Reed, who informs him that they have a case, before explaining it is a strange case. After some convincing, Jacob manages to convince Dwight and brings him up to speed on the case, revealing they have nothing yet. At the crime scene, the bar owner is waiting on them and quickly he shows them what is wrong. Dwight touches the door on the passenger side, to open it, only for the door to fall out. They quickly learn that the door wasn't busted in from the outside but the inside. When they look inside, they discovered the mangled remains of what at first seems to be some sort of animal but while gathering information about the incident, Dwight quickly finds the lower jaw of the trucker. Dwight starts to interrogate people, starting with the bartender of that evening, who tells him that the man was drunk when he left but that he didn't leave alone. According to the bartender, he left with a beautiful woman of Native American descent. He does describe the woman as very sensual but remarks one odd trait, namely her unusual eye color, as they were yellow, like those of a deer. His description is cut short however when another detective, Detective Patterson, who comes to take over the case, since it wasn't an animal attack case. Back at a husband, he had to listen to a woman, whose dog was attacked by a pet monkey. During the interrogation, while he is doodeling on a piece of paper, he release that the attack on the trucker started from the groin up. Ordering his mind while speaking out loud, he eventually send the woman and the owner of the monkey away. He asks a fellow agent if the autopsy is already performed and if they have a name and the agent answers by stating that the pathologist is Dana, while the corpse had been identified as Henry Multoy. At the autopsy, Dana is working while listening to music, only to be disturbed Dwight. She quickly reveal that no one else wanted to take the case. Despite the fact that she can't figure out the cause of death, she can confirm that the trucker was in a state of arousal at the moment of death, based on the state of his genitals. When she asked Dwight why he is here in the first place, claiming that this should be a case for homicide, he claims it could be an animal attack. He points at the corpse and let Dana look at a strange, which they both identify as a hoove print. The film cuts to the mysterious woman who walks up to a businessman whose on the phone. While she flirts with him, he learns that she is mute. This doesn't faze him for a moment as he is attracted to her beauty. Despite ordering her a drink, she leaves it untouched and eventually convinces him to go to his room. Seducing him, she removes her top, revealing her bare breasts, before removing the man's pants, who believes it to be his lucky day. At the autopsy table, Dana is discussing possible scenarios of how the trucker could have died but Dwight quickly debunks her theories. While he claims to have given up on the case, as he leaves, later that night the case keeps cutting him. He review possible theories of what could have happened but each is more ridiculous than the previous suggestion: the ideas that he has, is the man getting killed by the woman with a stuffed dear leg, the couple being attacked by a white deer and eventually the man being killed and the woman being kidnapped by a deer man. The mysterious woman goes to a pawnshop, where she starts flirting with the pawnshop owner, who is although initially interested, is eventually disturbed by the woman. In the morning, Jacob informs Dwight that another victim of the mysterious killer has been found. While having some small talk, Dwight eventually asks if he wants to get a look at the corpse. Jacob is shocked when he sees the body but Dana distracted them from the sight of the new victim, revealing that she found a hair under the fingernails of the man, which she soon identify to be a deer hair. Although Jacob is a bit critical of the impossiblity of such an attack in a hotel. Dana tells them that while the same woman as before has been spotted with this new victim, no new information about her is available. In the midst of discussion about what could be the killer, Dana's colleague, Bill arrives with another corpse, same M.O. as the other two. Bill has a small argument with Dwight, calling him rude for not saying hello, when he greeted him. When Bill reveals that they are still looking for body parts of the Pawnshop owner, they go to the crime scene. After blood drips on his shoe, Dwight discovers that the arm is on the roof. At the crim scene, Dwight is confronted by Detective Fuches, who works on the case with Detective Patterson and has the feeling that Dwight is trying to steal his case. On the roof, the arm is found. While Fuches and Jacob are arguing, Dwight discovers a series of hoove prints and deduced that the killer has deer legs and can run fast. When offered a ride home by Jacob, he refuses, telling he only lives a mile away. On his way home, he is spooked, believing to hear hooves. He is however jumped by a mugger who threatens him with a knife. He quickly disarms the man and holds him at gun point. He reveals himself to be a cop, much to the mugger's disbelief. In a reaction to this, Dwight reconsider calling back up and instead stabs the mugger in the arm with his own knife and orders him to let a doctor remove it. After he leave, it is revealed that Dwight indeed had reason to be paranoid, as the mysterious woman is watching him from the shadows. On the bureau of Chief Einhorn, he tries to make a case for an animal attack, only to be ridiculed by Detective Patterson and Fuches. Einhorn agrees with Dwight on some points but dismiss his claims, as no animal matches this profile. But eventually, he does give Dwight permission to be the first to investigate the first next case that turns up. As Dwight reviews the pictures of the bloody hoove prints, Jacob comes to inform him that Dana has found deer DNA on the corpse. He invites Dwight to Native Indian Eat House/Casino, River Rock. At River Rock, they go to drink a coffee, where Dwight explains his background to Jacob and why he was demoted. During an intervention, he and his then-partner, didn't call for back-up and tried to catch the perp on himself. Dwight shot at the guy three times, two bullets went through the guy and hit his partner as well. Although, it was later dismissed as an accident, he lost his wife and friends and his carreer was ruined. He quickly continues by bringing up his latest theory on who, or rather what the monster can be. He claims that the woman that is often sighted with the men, before their death, is in fact some kind of deer monster that takes the form of a man. A bartender overhears this whole discussion and decides to join their conversation. He calls the thing they are describing a "Deer Woman" and explains that she's a creature from Native American mythology. Impressing Dwight, he asks the man to sit down. Dwight explains to the man that they weren't discussing a myth but a crime case. The man is humored by the idea that they think this could be their perp, but continues to explain the myth anyway. He explains that the Deer Woman appeared on social festivities of Native Americans. She blent in, appearing as the most beautiful woman, from the waist up, while hiding her lower body, which is of a deer. Although he isn't sure if they are kidding or not, he continues by stating that the creature is bipedal, lures men away and after having sex with the man, she tramples him to death. When asked about her motives or how to capture the creature, the man can't answer it, claiming that it is just a story but that in myth, she was never captured. Jacob asks if Dwight wants to go gamble with him, once the shift is over but he refuses. When he works at late, he is made fun of by Fuches, unknowing that the Deer Woman is closing in on her new victim, Jacob. With his gambling not going great, he is indulged on alcohol, before being seduced by the Deer Woman. With her on his side, his luck returns and eventually they end up in his apartment. As she is seducing him, he is called by Dwight, who reveals this isn't the first that these kind of murders have been committed. Jacob tries to put off Dwight, before revealing that he has a girl with him, just as she removes her top. Alerted by this news, Dwight asks him if he have seen her feet and to his horror, Jacob realizes what he let into his house. Asking for back-up, Jacob is forced to hang up. When Dwight tries to get to Jacob, he is forced to evade a deer and when he arrives at the apartment, he only finds his mangled corpse. The Deer Woman sneaks up to him and he shoots her in reflects. Although he regrets this at first, once he discovers that she indeed has Deer legs, he is altered. He also learns quickly that she is a lot harder to kill than humans as the shot only harmed her slightly. She kicks him against the wall, before fleeing by jumping over balcony. When he tries to forestall her and hold her under fire. She escapes however, by kicking his car out of the way and flee in the forest. Once he is back in the car, he is surrounded and eventually attacked by a herd of deer. While the Deer Woman drinks from a puddle of water, she is altered by gunshots and immediately flees as Dwight is following pursuit. When she crosses the road however, he drives by. Her eyes light up in his headlights and he steers his vehicle to her, trying to trap her between car and a tree. Despite the heavy impact, she isn't dead, although severly hurt. She tries to break free, by lifting up the car. Dwight starts shooting at her to prevent her escape. But in the end, the Deer Woman simply vanished. When the police cars arrive, Dwight is sitting next to his car, tired and relieved that it all over... Or at least for another 100 years.