| - I, as a fan, do solemnly swear (or affirm), that in order to aid my fellow fans, lend haste to the publication of official errata, improve the state of the art of game design, and ennoble the arts of the editor and the lead designer, I shall point out errors thoroughly and objectively, separate quibbles from substantive concerns, acknowledge the difference between consensus and fact, specify what I believe to be correct while respecting the opinions of others, and employ the virtues of logic, courtesy, and humility to the best of my ability, and never shall I ever,
| - I, as a fan, do solemnly swear (or affirm), that in order to aid my fellow fans, lend haste to the publication of official errata, improve the state of the art of game design, and ennoble the arts of the editor and the lead designer, I shall point out errors thoroughly and objectively, separate quibbles from substantive concerns, acknowledge the difference between consensus and fact, specify what I believe to be correct while respecting the opinions of others, and employ the virtues of logic, courtesy, and humility to the best of my ability, and never shall I ever, claim to know with certainty the moral failures of others, whether players or designers, claim as fact that which can be reasonably contradicted, denigrate the worth or labor that goes into a good game book, forget my role as a lover and not a creator, nor offer my critique only to injure and not help, and if I shall fail to live by this code, may my enemies always critically hit while I always critically fail, may my dice fall from my dice container at inopportune times, and may the spines of all my game books crack and ruin.