| - Here in Khura'in, death is not the end. Even after death, the soul lives on in the Twilight Realm... and priestesses can commune with the spirits of the dead. Fear not death. In the name of the Holy Mother... fear only impurities of your soul. ???: This blight on my soul... I'll have the child take the blame... April 23, 4:26 PM AMKingdom of Khura'in Phoenix: (Whew! I'm finally here. So this is the Kingdom of Khura'in, huh? What a long trip. I wonder how many hours I was in the air. But just look at this place! Get a load of this street! It really feels like I'm in another world here! And that gorgeous temple! I read that's the center of town. Wow! An ox right in the middle of the street! I have to get a picture of that!) ???: E-Excuse me, sir. Phoenix: (I wonder what kind of bird that is. I've never seen anything like it. That's quite a crest it has on its head!) ???: Excuse me, sir! Phoenix: What? Oh! Yes? ???: Pardon me, but are you Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Uh, yes, that's right. (Oops. Hope he hasn't been trying to get my attention all this time...) Wait a minute. Are you...? Ahlbi: That's right! Ahlbi Ur'gaid, at your service! I'm a monk-in-training at Tehm'pul Temple, and I'll be your guide around town. It's very nice to meet you. Hap'piraki! Phoenix: "H-Happy" what, now...? Ahlbi: "Hap'piraki"! That's how we greet people here in Khura'in. It's like "Hello!" or "How do you do?" It's a pretty handy expression to know! Phoenix: Okay, let me give it a try. Hello. I'm Phoenix Wright. Hap'piraki! (My name is Phoenix Wright. And I run a small law office. Well, that's what I do back home, anyway. Right now, I'm just a traveler; a stranger in a strange land.) Ahlbi: Welcome to our country! Welcome to the Kingdom of Khura'in, land of spirit mediums and mystery! This is for you! To celebrate your arrival! Phoenix: S-Speaking of mystery, what is this mysterious green lump, exactly? Ahlbi: Allow me to explain! This is a famous Khura'inese sweet bun. It's called a "magatah'man," or "soul bun"! It's shaped like a magatama. It's so yummy it'll send your soul right to the Twilight Realm! Phoenix: (That... doesn't exactly make me eager to try it...) Th-Thanks. (I think I'll indulge later.) Ahlbi: That will be twenty dahmas. Thank you for your patronage! Phoenix: (I have to pay?) Ahlbi: I always have plenty of those on hand, so just let me know if you ever want any more! Phoenix: (No wonder his bag looks so heavy. It's stuffed with all the tools of his trade.) Ahlbi: Oops! I almost forgot to tell you something really important. It's about Miss Maya. She can't come to see you for a few days yet. Phoenix: Yeah. When I called her from the airport, she said she was still training up in the mountains. I told her I'd wait for her here. Either way, I was glad to hear she's in good spirits. (Maya Fey. She's a spirit medium who used to work as my assistant. I came all the way out here to celebrate the end of her ascetic training with her.) Ahlbi, this is my first time in this country, so I'll be counting on you, okay? Ahlbi: You got it, sir! Please don't hesitate if you need anything at all! Phoenix: Maya was right when she told me I could leave everything in your capable hands. Ahlbi: Aww shucks, she said that? That sure was nice of her! I had a chance to show Miss Maya around a little bit, too. Phoenix: (If there's one person Maya WAS worried about, it's me. "Because we both know trouble likes to follow you wherever you go," she said. Hmph! That girl worries too much.) Ahlbi: But you sure came early to the party, Mr. Wright, sir! I mean, Miss Maya won't be done with her training for another two weeks. Phoenix: (Ugh. I hate to admit it, but I came early because I was worried about her, too...) Oh, well, you know. Ha ha! I thought I'd get in a little sightseeing first. Ahlbi: Ooh, sightseeing?! Well, I'm your man for that! I'll show you all the best sights this country has to offer! Phoenix: Th-Thanks. That would be great. (I guess Ahlbi takes his job very seriously.) Ahlbi: Well?! What are we waiting for? Those sights aren't going to see themselves! Phoenix: Yikes! You don't have to shove! Ahlbi: First stop, Tehm'pul Temple, right there in the center of town! There's something there I really want to show you! April 23, 4:45 PM AMTehm'pul Temple Plaza Phoenix: (Wow! It's even more impressive up close!) Ahlbi: Allow me to explain! This is the heart of our town, Tehm'pul Temple. It was created by the founder of Khura'inism, the Holy Mother, herself! I'm training right here at this temple to be a monk someday. Phoenix: (I read that the people of this country are all adherents of Khura'inism. According to my guidebook, it's a religion in which ancestral spirits are venerated.) Ahlbi: The Holy Mother was a great spirit medium who could commune with our ancestors' souls. And spirit mediums become queen to this day, direct descendants of the Holy Mother. Phoenix: (A spirit medium rules the entire country, huh. Talk about power and influence...) Ahlbi: The main thing you'll want to see when you come to Tehm'pul Temple is... the Dance of Devotion rite! The Dance of Devotion takes place twice, one in the morning and once in the afternoon. This dance, along with the Song of Ceremony, is performed in offering to the Holy Mother! The Dance of Devotion has the power to summon forth souls from the Twilight Realm! In Khura'inism, we believe the soul is carried by the sacred Khura'inese butterfly! Its wings form a loop that wraps around the soul to transport it-- Phoenix: Hold it! Slow down! I can't remember all of that at once. Ahlbi: Oh! I'm sorry! I guess I got a little overexcited. Phoenix: Anyway, the main thing I got from all that is that you really, really love your country. Ahlbi: Heh heh. Well, that's sure true! Phoenix: (I like this kid. He pours his heart into everything he does.) Ahlbi: Let's see. I guess I just explained about half of what I usually explain... so I'll give you a special discount and only charge you ten dahmas for the tour fee. Thank you for your patronage! Phoenix: (I guess he pours his heart into agressive salesmanship, too.) Ahlbi: Come to think of it, Miss Maya told me she could tell I love my country, too. We stood here for about an hour while I told her all about the Holy Mother. Phoenix: Really?! An hour?! (Hope that counted as patience training...) Ahlbi: And she seemed really interested, too. She listened to my whole speech! Phoenix: (Huh. That doesn't sound like the Maya I know.) Ahlbi: Miss Maya is so kind and nice! She treats me really well, like a little brother. She's kinda like a big sister to me! Phoenix: (This IS Maya Fey you're talking about, right? Maybe she's grown up since I last saw her...) Clang! Clang! Clang! Ahlbi: Oh, nooooooooooo! Phoenix: What's the matter? Ahlbi: Is it that time already?! We have to hurry into the temple right away! But first... let me give you this lyrics card for the Song of Ceremony I told you about. There's an English translation of the lyrics there, too, so give it a read, okay? Let's go! Phoenix: B-But why the big rush? Ahlbi: If we don't hurry, we'll miss the beginning of Her Benevolence's Dance of Devotion! Phoenix: ("Her Benevolence"?) April 24, 10:10 PM AMHigh Court of Khura'in - Accused Lobby Phoenix: Let me in! Why won't you let me in?! Bailiff: 'Cause you're a foreigner! What business could you have with this court?! Phoenix: I told you! My friend is on trial in there! (The police raided the temple in the middle of the dance performance yesterday... and arrested Ahlbi on suspicion of treason. I was worried about Ahlbi, so I just had to come see his trial.) Bailiff: A trial isn't a tourist attraction! So, clear off! If you want a picture for your scrapbook, take one of me, and get outta here! Phoenix: Look, you've got it all wrong! (Just great... Well, I guess there's only one thing to do!) Phoenix: Yes, I'm a foreigner, but I'm not your average foreigner. Bailiff: What? Phoenix: I'm actually a lawyer! (Back at home, anyway.) ............ Bailiff: What...? A... lawyer...? I can't... That's not possible...! Phoenix: (What's he so shocked about? Well, whatever...Now's my chance!) Nothing wrong with a lawyer entering the courtroom, right? Bailiff: Wait! Get back here, you! Phoenix: (So this is a Khura'inese courtroom... Wait. Isn't that..."Her Benevolence"? What's she doing here in court?) Judge: The Divination Séance has been performed. I will now hand down my verdict against the accused. Guilty Phoenix: (What? A verdict already? But the trial just started!) Ahlbi: G-Guilty?! There's gotta be some kind of mistake! Please take another look! Judge: Séances performed by Princess Rayfa are infallible. They show only the truth. What right do you have to question her abilities? Ahlbi: But I... I didn't...! Payne: Isn't it ironic that you, a devout adherent of Khura'inism, would dare doubt her Insight? Heh heh. Nonbelievers will only be met with suffering in the Twilight Realm, you know. Ahlbi: But...I didn't do it! Your Benevolence! Allow me to explain, I beg of you! Rayfa: ......Be silent, impudent whelp! There is no merit to be had in indulging the ramblings born of a criminal's unclean soul. Ahlbi: B-But... Phoenix: (What in the world is going on here? The judge made his ruling based on something called a "Divination Séance"? What is Ahlbi's attorney doing? Wait a minute! Where IS Ahlbi's attorney?!) Ahlbi: Why is this happening...? I didn't do anything wrong! Rayfa: Foolish child. Doubting the Divination Séance is tantamount to doubting the Holy Mother herself. Your Magistry! As royal priestess and in the name of the Holy Mother, I command you! Impose the highest penalty against this unclean soul! Judge: As you command, so shall it be done, Your Benevolence. May Her Holiness grant us her divine favor! Ur dihara Khura'in! Gallery: Ur dihara Khura'in! Ur dihara Khura'in! Ur dihara Khura'in! Phoenix: File:SoJ Objection!.png Judge: What? Rayfa: ! Payne: ! Phoenix: Wait just one moment! Payne: Y-You're...! Phoenix: (Ugh. Me and my big mouth. Now what?) Ahlbi: Mr. Wright...? What are you doing here, sir? Phoenix: (Well, I'm in it now! So I have to do this right!) Your Honor! It's too soon to give your verdict! This trial has only been underway for a few minutes! Judge: E-Excuse me? Who on earth are you?! Phoenix: I'm... well...an ordinary tourist, Your Honor -- just passing through. Judge: Ah, a tourist, are you? Hap'piraki. Phoenix: But, more importantly, where is this boy's defense attorney?! Judge: Defense... attorney...? Ha ha ha ha! What ever are you talking about? He doesn't need a defense attorney! Phoenix: Wait. What? Judge: Of course you wouldn't be aware, being a foreigner and all...but we have no need for defense attorneys here in the Kingdom of Khura'in. We leave it all up to Her Benevolence's sacred power of Spirit Communion. Her Divination Séances determine all. Phoenix: What?! But surely you see how unfair that is! (What kind of insane court system are they running here?!) Rayfa: You would dare mock me, you barb-headed buffoon? If you value your life, you will leave posthaste... Or shall I summon the bailiff? Phoenix: (The bailiff is that big, scary dude with the big, scary gun, isn't he...?) Rayfa: I'm sure he would be happy to oblige you with a bullet or two as a souvenir of your travels. Phoenix: (At the cost of an arm and a leg, no doubt...) Ahlbi: N-Now, hold on! Mr. Wright has nothing to do with any of this! Phoenix: Ahlbi! Ahlbi: I appreciate what you're trying to do, Mr. Wright, but never mind about me. You just go ahead and see Miss Maya. Phoenix: But... Ahlbi: Forget about me! You have to go, now! I'm sure you can find another guide. There were lots more places I wanted to show you...but it looks like I won't get a chance now. I'm sorry. Phoenix: (......The poor kid. He's trying to put on a brave face, but look how terrified he is. What can I do? What should I do?) Phoenix: (I can't just let a verdict be handed down with nobody standing in Ahlbi's corner!) If Ahlbi doesn't have a defense attorney, then I'll do it. I'll defend him! Judge: D-Defend him?! You can't be serious! Gallery: Did you hear that?! Is he out of his mind? Heaven forbid! Ahlbi: Defend me?! Mr. Wright! What are you saying? You can't do that! Phoenix: I most certainly can. Don't worry, I'm quite used to tackling all sorts of trials. Besides, can you imagine how furious Maya would be if I let anything happen to you? Ahlbi: Mr. Wright... Judge: You are but a naïve tourist, ignorant of our ways. But if you are smart, you will heed my advice. Do not pursue this matter any further. Phoenix: (Looks like defending somebody is easier said than done in this country.) Judge: Bailiff, throw this man out! ???: File:SoJ Hold it!.png Payne: Your Magistry, if you please... Judge: You have something to say, Mr. Payne? Payne: Heh heh heh. Why not allow it, Your Magistry? Why not have him defend the accused? It could prove very interesting. Right, Mr. Phoenix Wright? Phoenix: Right... (Mr. Whoever-You-Are...) Judge: Prosecutor, are you acquainted with this traveler? Payne: That's "Chief Prosecutor"... Your Magistry. And yes, I am acquainted with him. He's a defense attorney from my native land. I've had dealing with him in the courtroom before. Rayfa: Heavens to Betsy! Ahlbi: What?! Mr. Wright! You're a... defense attorney? Judge: A defense attorney! Well! This is a shock! Phoenix: You may be surprised to hear that I have more than ten years of experience. (I guess there aren't all that many lawyers around here.) Payne: Your Magistry, would you kindly allow us to proceed in the manner of my old country? Judge: But, Mr. Payne! I've already made a ruling in this case. Payne: Heh heh heh. Call it nostalgia, if you will, but I am most eager to give it a try. Judge: Hmm... But I have a previous engagement, you see. A class together with the missus. Rayfa: Your Magistry, I agree we should have a whack at it. It sounds amusing. A score of years have passed since we last saw a defense attorney in this courtroom. Phoenix: (A score... As in twenty years?! What's the deal with this country?!) Rayfa: Mr. Payne, I want that barbed head brought to me on a stick. Payne: As you wish, Your Benevolence! I, Chief Prosecutor Payne, will see to it myself. Judge: Very well, Mr. Payne. If that is what you and Her Benevolence want, I will acquiesce. As for the defense, I hope you are prepared for every eventuality. Phoenix: ("Every eventuality"? What is he talking about?) Payne: There. Are you satisfied now, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Payne. (And sorry for not remembering you earlier.) Payne: That's "Chief Prosecutor"... or "The Incredible Payne" as I'm also known in this country. And you'll see soon enough just why that is...when you're forced to capitulate to me before this very court of law! Heh heh heh. Phoenix: (Why is he so strangely confident? And not only that, but...what's with the gallery?) Gallery: Just you watch! That defense attorney will try and twist the truth! You can bet on it! Get him, Chief Prosecutor! Crush that defense devil! Phoenix: (This is way more lawyer hate than even back home.) Judge: Now, if you would please give your opening argument once again, Mr. Payne. Payne: Certainly, Your Magistry. The accused is charged with two crimes: larceny... and murder. Yesterday, the Founder's Orb was stolen from the treasure room of Tehm'pul Temple. In addition to the theft, two other things were discovered in the treasure room: the dead body of Mr. Paht Rohl, temple security guard, and...the empty treasure box that housed the orb which Mr. Rohl was in charge of guarding. We believe that Mr. Rohl was murdered by the thief who stole the treasure. Judge: To kill a guard armed with a gun... What a terrifyingly bold act! Payne: I couldn't agree more, Your Magistry. Please allow me to submit as evidence the victim's autopsy report and crime photo. Judge: Hmm... It's been a long time since we had evidence presented in court as well. It's kind of refreshing, actually. Ha ha ha! Payne: We may rely on the power of the Séances, but our police still carry out investigations. Thus, any proof I provide is indisputable! Phoenix: (Oh, really? Well, forgive me if I don't just take your word for it. I can check the evidence out myself by looking at them in the Court Record. We'll see just how thorough you and your police were, Mr. Payne.) Judge: Such a deplorable crime! The audacity of stealing the sacred treasure of Her Holiness, our founding mother... It's a crime that strikes at the very heart of our nation! Payne: Exactly, Your Magistry! We mustn't let the culprit get away with these neinous deeds. Indeed, such deeds are best described as "treason against the crown." Phoenix: Is this treasure really such a valuable object? Judge: H-How can you even ask such a thing?! Of course it is! Why, sealed within this treasure is the very soul -- the mitamah -- of the Holy Mother! Phoenix: Her soul is sealed within the treasure? (I think I'll take that with a grain of salt.) Judge: Grrr. You don't believe it, do you?! Phoenix: O-Of course I believe it! (Something tells me I'd better play along.) Judge: Hmph. This kind of irreverence is exactly why I dislike defense attorneys so much. Phoenix: Your Honor-- Er, Your Magistry? Judge: What is it now? Phoenix: This treasure... I've never seen it, so it's a little hard for me to imagine. Could I see a photo of it or something? Judge: Of all the outlandish requests! You defense attorneys are truly beyond the pale! Phoenix: (He's been getting awfully angry with me. And are those veins popping out of his forehead?!) Payne: It's forbidden for anyone outisde of the royal family to view the treasure itself. They say that anyone without the proper spiritual power would be blinded instantly. That is why the average person has never seen the treasure, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: (I guess there are national treasures that are off-limits to the public back home, too.) Payne: For the benefit of the shamelessly uninformed defense, let me share this newspaper article. It includes photos taken about eight years ago when the treasure was unearthed. These are the only public photos of the outer box in existence. What's more, the treasure box only leaves the temple's treasure room but once a year...for a special New Year's rite that takes place at the palace. Therefore, this treasure box has only ever been seen by a handful of people. Judge: I hear there's been a string of thefts lately of historic artifacts from the temple. Payne: Right, Your Magistry. Inexcusable thievery of precious national treasures for personal gain. And the culprit is the accused. Judge: So he used his position as monk-in-training to get his hands on the treasure, is that it? Payne: The accused's family is by no means wealthy. To help with family finances, he works as a tour guide in addition to his ascetic training. Judge: Thank you for giving an excellent outline of the case, Mr. Payne. Now, then. No more questions from the defense, I presume? Phoenix: What? No, I DO have questions! Judge: Even more? But you just asked a bunch. Well, make it snappy. My class starts in just a few short minutes. Phoenix: (What?! He's still planning on going to that thing...? There's still a lot I don't know about the case. I should ask now while I have the chance. Let's see. What else do I need to know more about?) Phoenix: Mr. Payne, what was the murder weapon? Payne: The murder weapon was... the treasure box itself. The empty treasure box left at the scene had a large bloodstain on it. Judge: How utterly reprehensible, using the sacred treasure box for murder! Payne: The accused came to the treasure room with the express purpose of stealing the treasure. He climbed the altar stairs and snatched the box, ready to abscond with the treasure. But he was discovered by Mr. Rohl, who had come to the room in the course of his rounds. After walloping Mr. Rohl on the head with the treasure box...the accused forced the bloodied housing open and made off with the treasure inside. Phoenix: But the defendant is just a little boy. I hardly think he would be able to hit the victim -- a grown man -- on the head. Payne: Ah, a very good point, Mr. Wright... but I'm afraid that won't help you. At the time of the crime, the accused was on the stairs leading up to the altar. The accused's elevated position would more than make up for their difference in stature. Phoenix: (Yeah... I guess that makes sense...) Judge: Ha ha ha ha! Mr. Payne, your reasoning is flawless. What an elegant argument! Hats off to you, Chief Prosecutor! Your title is obviously well-earned! Well, the accused's guilt is certainly conclusive. Unless there is anything else, I am ready to announce my verdict. Very well. In that case, I find the accused... Phoenix: J-Just one moment, Your Magistry! Don't-- Don't you think you're rushing the verdict just a little bit?! Judge: I told you. I have plans to attend to, and... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! I'm late! It's already started! How did the time fly by so fast?! Phoenix: (He's STILL stuck on that...?) We haven't even heard the defendant's side of the story yet! Your Magistry, the defense asserts its right to cross-exmaine the defendant! ............ Phoenix: (Huh? Did I say something funny?) Judge: "Cross-examine the"...? What do you mean by that? Phoenix: What?! What do you mean, "what do I mean"?! Judge: I seem to have some dim recollection of the process, but I can't quite recall... Payne: And little wonder! A so called "defendant" hasn't been questioned in over twenty years. Phoenix: (Should I even be surprised anymore?) Anyway, I demand we let the defendant -- or the "accused" -- tell his side of the story! Judge: ......Is that really necessary? Phoenix: Of course it's necessary, Your Magistry! Payne: Heh heh heh. What harm could it do? I say we allow the boy to speak, Your Magistry. Though I doubt he'll have anything of relevance to say... Heh heh heh heh heh heh. Phoenix: (Oh, how kind of you, Your Royal Payne-ness.) Judge: Hmm... Very well. As long as it's okay with you, Mr. Payne. I'm already hopelessly late for my class, anyway. Payne: In that case, the prosecution calls the accused back to the witness stand. Judge: Oh! But before we do, I'd better call my wife and apologize for missing that class. Any objections...? Phoenix: ...Go for it, Your Magistry. Payne: Accused, state your name and occupation again, if you would. Ahlbi: Ahlbi Ur'gaid... I'm in training to be a monk... and I'm a tour guide, too. Judge: *sigh*... Why me...? Now, where were we? Phoenix: Cross-examining the defendant, Your Magistry. Judge: Right, right. Let's do that, then. At the defense attorney's insistence, I might add. *sigh*... Phoenix: (He sounds a little dispirited. His wife must've given him a piece of her mind.) Judge: Well, the defense had better get to it. And make it quick, if you please. Ahlbi: "Th-The defense"... Mr. Wright... I didn't know you were a lawyer... Phoenix: Well, I am, and I'm here to defend you, Ahlbi. Don't worry. All you have to do is tell the truth, and you'll be all right. Ahlbi: You... You tricked me! Phoenix: What? Ahlbi: If I knew you were a lawyer, I wouldn't have given you that tour! Give back that magatah'man I gave you yesterday! Phoenix: A-Ahlbi, what's gotten into you? Ahlbi: Don't talk to me. You... You disgust me! Phoenix: (Now even Ahlbi's against me! But why?!) Payne: Heh heh heh. This must be a new experience for you, Mr. Wright, being loathed by a client. Ahlbi: ............ Payne: Now, then, accused, please give the court your testimony. The incident occurred around noon...during the break between the morning and afternoon Dances of Devotion. I want you to tell the court what you were doing around that time. Ahlbi: All right... Witness Testimony -- The Accused's Account -- Ahlbi: I didn't kill Mr. Rohl, and I didn't steal the treasure. I'm not allowed to go anywhere near the treasure room. I've never even seen that treasure box with the green Khura'inese butterfly on it! When the incident happened, I was in the hallway, planning out my tour route. Judge: Were you well-acquainted with the victim? Ahlbi: Yes. He used to chat with me whenever we ran into each other in the temple. Mr. Rohl was a monk-in-training when he was a kid, too, you know. Phoenix: (I bet Ahlbi looked up to him.) Ahlbi: But he had to give that up and go work when his family needed money... That's why he became a guard. But at least that way, he could still stay on at the temple. He was so proud when he was put in charge of guarding the treasure box! He even got to carry the box to the palace for the New Year's rite! Payne: The victim's parents apparently both died relatively young. So Mr. Rohl had to support his younger brothers and sisters as well. But even with his job as a security guard, I'm sure things couldn't have been easy for him. Phoenix: (It sounds like his circumstances and Ahlbi's were very similar.) Ahlbi: Mr. Rohl encouraged me to never give up. "Ahlbi, you train hard and make sure you become a monk one day!" "Don't end up like me," he'd say. He was always cheering me on, in my training, and in my tour guide business, too. Why in the world would I kill a nice man like that?! Judge: Yes, yes. I see. You expressed yourself well. Defense, now that you've heard the accused's account, are you finally satisfied? If so, let's draw this to an expeditious conclusion... Phoenix: But, Your Magistry! I haven't even cross-examined the defendant yet! Judge: Hm? That wasn't the end of it? It's been so long, I don't rightly recall what this "cross-examining" thing is all about. Phoenix: (A judge who doesn't know what a "cross-examination" is... What fresh hell is this?) Judge: I really do wish I could remember how it works... Phoenix: (Should I give the judge a refresher on cross-examination?) Cross-Examination -- The Accused's Account -- Ahlbi: I didn't kill Mr. Rohl, and I didn't steal the treasure. Phoenix: (I certainly don't think Ahlbi committed murder. However...) Ahlbi: Don't talk to me. You... You disgust me! Phoenix: (...That outburst earlier makes me wonder if he'd willingly tell me the truth. I'd better compare his statements and the Court Record carefully. If I find an inconsistency, I can Present some evidence and maybe get him to open up.) Phoenix: (Oh, Ahlbi... Why would you lie to me...?) So, you say you've never laid eyes on the treasure box. Is that right? Ahlbi: That's right. It's forbidden, so I'd never do that. Phoenix: In that case... how did you know there was a green butterfly on it? Ahlbi: Huh? B-Because... I saw the picture of it... in that newspaper article. Phoenix: Nope. Take another look. These photos are in black and white. You couldn't possibly tell what color the butterfly is from these pictures! Ahlbi: Aaaaagh! Phoenix: (Hold on. His bag... Did it just... move?) Judge: P-P-Pohlkunka! Phoenix: I beg your pardon? Payne: "Pohlkunka" is a word in Khura'inese that people use when they're surprised. Judge: Y-You just exposed a lie! So this is the power of "cross-examination," is it?! Phoenix: (I should be the one shocked here by your shocking lack of understanding...) Judge: But, just a moment. If the accused was lying...then that just makes him more suspicious than ever! Phoenix: (Ugh... And this just makes things worse for me than ever...) Ahlbi, are you hiding something? Please give only true statements. I can't help you if you don't tell the truth. Ahlbi: ............ Phoenix: (Darn. I just can't seem to get him to open up to me.) Payne: Heh heh heh. So, accused, you HAVE seen the treasure box with your own eyes after all, haven't you? Ahlbi: Well... Maybe I did take a peek one time a long time ago, when I was cleaning the treasure room. Phoenix: But you weren't in the treasure room at the time of the incident, right? Ahlbi: ......O-Of course I wasn't. Payne: File:SoJ Objection!.png Payne: Hmph. That is a lie. You were most definitely inside the treasure room on the day of the incident. And I have proof. Phoenix: (He does?!) Payne: File:SoJ Objection!.png Payne: This was found on the floor of the treasure room. It's a scroll entitled "Notice," and contains a list of temple monk duties. These instructions pertain to the day of the incident. Phoenix: A-And what exactly is that supposed to prove?! Payne: The accused's fingerprints were found on the scroll. Phoenix: Wh-Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! Ahlbi: Oh, no! Where is it? It's not here! I must've dropped it somewhere... Payne: Indeed. You must've dropped it when you were busy murdering the victim! Ahlbi: Ngh! Phoenix: (No, no, no, no, no... Then that means...Ahlbi was there on the day of the incident?) Judge: Ha ha ha ha! So this is the power of "cross-examination"! The more the accused talks, the guiltier he paints himself. Payne: Yes, it would seem so, Your Magistry. Heh heh heh. Phoenix: (Argh! He predicted my argument and had evidence ready to refute it!) Gallery: How was any of that supposed to help the accused? See?! I told you you can't trust lawyers and their lies! Her Benevolence already said the kid's guilty! Just declare him guilty and get it over with! Ahlbi: Ngh... No... Everything's going all wrong... Shah'do... What do I do? Judge: As I suspected, this "cross-examination" session has served no purpose whatsoever. Phoenix: (No...! You're wrong!) Judge: But armed as we are with Her Benevolence's Insight, there's no reason to doubt his guilt. Phoenix: (Then I guess I'll just have to poke holes in this "Insight" of hers!) Judge: By the way, this didn't prove to be "very interesting" at all, Mr. Payne. Nevertheless, I will now finally announce my verdict. Phoenix: Wait just one moment, Your Magistry! I haven't seen this Divination Séance for myself yet. As the defense, I have the right to check it! Judge: Hmm... Is that really necessary? I have to get home and apologize to my wife... Phoenix: (I guess she really did give him the business...) Payne: Your Magistry, I enthusiastically support having Mr. Wright see the Séance. Judge: You do? And why is that, Mr. Payne? Payne: Don't you want to see it? See the lawyer being utterly crushed by the power of the Séance...and then watch him tearfully beg for mercy? Judge: Well, now! Payne: I'm sure it'll make up for not getting to go to that class with your wife. Judge: It certainly does sound worth seeing! And it'd give me a juicy tidbit to tell the missus. Ha ha ha ha! Phoenix: (I've been reduced to a "juicy tidbit"...?) Judge: Well, foreign interloper, I imagine you do have to see it for yourself to be convinced. It's certainly unprecedented, but let's have the Divination Séance performed again. But, then, right after the tearful begging, I really do have to be going. Phoenix: (The only "tearful begging" is going to come from the prosecution when we're through!) Payne: Heh heh heh. How pitiful the defense looks, still scrambling desperately for a foothold...blissfully unaware that defeat and despair are all that await him. Rayfa: ............ Phoenix: (There she is: "Her Benevolence"...) Judge: Your Benevolence, Rayfa Padma Khura'in. Thank you for coming all this way once again. Rayfa: Your gratitude is unnecessary. This is simply my duty......Barb-headed attorney! Phoenix: Y-Yes? Rayfa: I am told you question the veracity of the sacred Divination Séance. It would seem the depths of your irreverence and blasphemy are lost on you. Phoenix: I'm just a foreigner, ignorant in the ways and customs of this country. I apologize in advance for anything rude I might say or do, Your Benevolence. All I want is a fair trial for Ahlbi. Rayfa: You would imply that the trials of this country are unfair? Do explain, outsider...how verdicts founded on truths imparted by the very souls of the dead lack impartiality. Phoenix: What's fair about trials with no defense and no chance for the accused to tell their story?! Judge: H-How dare you speak to Her Benevolence in that manner?! Gallery: Did you hear that?! Did you hear how he talked to Her Benevolence?! What does he know about anything?! Ignorant outsider! We won't stand for it! He must be punished! Phoenix: (Yikes. Looks like I really stuck my foot in it this time...) Gallery: Punish him! Punish him! Punish him! Punish him! Rayfa: Silence, one and all! Phoenix: (Is she... standing up for me?) Rayfa: Be not disquieted, my people. He merely expresses his opinion. Phoenix: (Well, well. Looks like "Her Benevolence" is going to be more reasonable than I thought.) Rayfa: Attorneys are ghastly creatures, with souls stained black by brazen untruths. The words of a lowly worm such as that are not worth troubling yourselves over. Phoenix: (All right, I take that back...) Rayfa: None of his prattling can sway the truth of my Insights. Rest assurred, he will soon see the error of his foolish ways! Judge: Now then, Your Benevolence. The Divination Séance, if you would. Rayfa: Certainly. Nayna, my robe... O Holy Mother! We hold this Divination Séance in your name! Let the eyes of everyone here be clear, and our ears be unstopped! O Dance of Devotion! Guide the victim's soul to me! So that we may receive their final memories in the Pool of Souls! (Incense, Song of Ceremony, Boy's voice, Pain) Phoenix: (What just happened?! An image appeared in the pool!)