| - Like all Yuuzhan Vong biots, villips were fully organic and were biogenetically engineered, not manufactured. Low, water-filled paddies were seeded with villip plants, which would grow into long, fleshy stalks recognizable by their triad of blue leaves. Two to five berries would bud from the stalks, feeding symbiotically and developing telepathic communication channels originally meant to scan for predators on the villip plant's home planet. Soon the berries grew to about the size of a Yuuzhan Vong's head, and Shapers would pluck the matured villips from their stalks. Fully-grown villips resembled distended bags of flesh with a hanging gut sack. Sensory tendrils drooped from the main body, and a furrowed ridge reminiscent of an eye socket sat within a short groove - the outer and eversion
| - Like all Yuuzhan Vong biots, villips were fully organic and were biogenetically engineered, not manufactured. Low, water-filled paddies were seeded with villip plants, which would grow into long, fleshy stalks recognizable by their triad of blue leaves. Two to five berries would bud from the stalks, feeding symbiotically and developing telepathic communication channels originally meant to scan for predators on the villip plant's home planet. Soon the berries grew to about the size of a Yuuzhan Vong's head, and Shapers would pluck the matured villips from their stalks. Fully-grown villips resembled distended bags of flesh with a hanging gut sack. Sensory tendrils drooped from the main body, and a furrowed ridge reminiscent of an eye socket sat within a short groove - the outer and eversion stomas. The communicatory relays between the 'sister' villips, however, would not be lost. Telepathic networks would persist between the stalkmates, allowing them to communicate instantaneously across infinite distances. Yuuzhan Vong took advantage of this natural predilection and utilized villips as the ultimate form of long-range correspondence. Should someone stroke the green Eversion Stoma, the villip would pucker and invert itself around this focal point. A signal instantly reached all the sister villips (though typically only two bud berries ) and suddenly vibrations channeled down the others' outer stomas. The quaking would alert the holder of the other villip, who would stroke the eversion stoma in kind. Both villips, when inverted, would become flawless three-dimensional representations of the other holder's head and speak in their master's voice. In this manner, two Yuuzhan Vong could communicate face-to-face (figuratively) from opposite ends of the galaxy without fear of interception, for technology could not deduce telepathy. When the conversation was finished, a second touch to the eversion stoma returned the villip to its original fleshy state. Through the use of villips, the Yuuzhan Vong had the ability of creating "living light" for centuries.