| - One thing your child should probably realise at one point or another is that a man can't have a baby. So don't let your child embarass his/her father like that. Tell him/her about it. Let him/her know.
- Pregnancy is the state of being pregnant. In general (albeit not always), the female of a mammalian species, after either sexual intercourse, assisted reproduction (e. g. in vitro fertilization) or the implantation of an embryo after cloning, carries one or more offspring.
- Pregnancy is the development of offspring within the female's uterus. Seahorse males actually carry the young. Pregnant bellies are often seen as a sexual fetish. Too many pregnancies lead to Overpopulation and Contraception, properly done generally prevents pregnancy.
- Pregnancy was the fertilization and development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo or fetus, in a woman's uterus.
- Ratbert accidentally sets off Dilbert’s DNA-collecting model rocket into space, but comes back and impregnates Dilbert.
- Pregnancy is when the offspring of two sexual partners develops inside a female, eventually resulting in childbirth. Pregnant Point is a place so named due to the fact that it is a popular spot for teenagers to have sex at, which resulted in a number of young girls getting pregnant.
- After a mare is covered, it will become pregnant. This takes 12 months to progress. After this, your horse must be in an equestrian center so that it can foal safely.
- Pregnancy is a parasitic and sexually transmitted disease that is commonly suffered by female mammals and reptiles, including women. Though males are immune to pregnancy, they are potential carriers and may infect their female partner(s) during the act of sex unless they practice adequate means of prevention. Pregnancy is also known as the only STD that causes Death -100% of the time. If you are the male who infects her, you are screwed.
- Pregnancy was the carrying of one or more offspring inside a womb, characteristically by the females of a species.
- If a female character has 16 lays, she is allowed no more than 3 children. But with a 1 in 11 chance every login, chances are higher that she'll have zero. If the Random Number Generator pulls a 20 (see below), then the pregnancy will result in a stillbirth. This was added to the game code when Seth Robinson's married friends suffered this tragedy in real life. He was moved to add this realism into his game--one of the things that gives this old text game such dimension and depth.
- Pregnancy is a biological function, a period within the process of reproduction of many species in which a member of the species carries their developing offspring internally until they are ready for birth. Gorn babies were born live, as opposed to hatching from eggs. They were vicious from birth. (TOS video game: Star Trek) On Ferenginar, pregnancy is considered a rental, with rental agreements being signed by would-be Ferengi parents. (DS9 episode: "Nor the Battle to the Strong", DS9 novel: Legends of the Ferengi)
- Since before I can remember, I've wanted to be a mother. It seemed my whole childhood and my teenage years were spent yearning for a child of my own. By the time I was nine, I had names and color schemes for the nursery picked out. All I needed was someone to make them with. College was disappointing. I went through a long string of bad boyfriends and poor father material. I couldn't explain all the weight I was losing, however. I kept getting thinner — everything except for my belly. My friends all joked that it had to be twins at the very least, or the biggest baby they had ever seen.
- Pregnancy is the period of reproduction during which a member of a species (typically, but not always, a female) carries one or more live offspring from implantation through gestation. As Jean-Luc Picard once succinctly noted of Deanna Troi, "She's pregnant. She's going to have a baby." (TNG: "The Child" )
- Pregnancy is a game mechanic and multiple-day event that begins after a successful 'Try for Baby' interaction between two Sims of opposite sex, and ends with the pregnant female Sim giving birth to one or more newborn children. Pregnancy primarily affects adult and young adult female Sims. Pregnancy brings many physical and lifestyle changes to the pregnant Sim, including increasing body size, faster-decreasing motives, and forced vacation/maternity leave from work.
- Pregnancy is the process that female creatures go through in order to produce new creatures. The process begins with a kiss-pop which may or may not result in pregnancy - as in humans and other mammals, whether or not pregnancy occurs is dependent on if the female is fertile at the time. To make this easier on the Hand, female Norns at least generally only become friendly when they are fertile, and tend to slap males away if advances are attempted at any other point in their cycle. In creatures 3 and docking station, the start of pregnancy is almost immediately followed by noticable expansion of the belly.
- Teen Pregnancy: One of the most famous pregnancy story-lines in the tribe was Trudy's pregnancy. Were did it start, Well it started well before virus when Trudy was at school. Trudy went to the some school as Ebony, Bray and Martin aka Zoot. Martin had a big crush on Trudy but Trudy had a crush on Bray who is Martin's brother. Bray never knew how to feel about Trudy. Ebony started school and every man alive liked the look of her and she liked the look of Bray and she was not going to let Trudy get in the way. So she went to Bray and showed him a love note that Trudy had written about him and that Martin really liked Trudy and if he was any brother he wouldn't stand in the way of his brother's love for Trudy.
- In 1925, Merope Gaunt gave Love Potion to Tom Riddle Snr, thereby inducing him to marry her. A few months into the marriage, she became pregnant and stopped the doses of Love Potion, presumably because she believed that Tom had come to genuinely love her or would stay with her for the benefit of their child. However, Tom left her, returning to his parents' manor in Little Hangleton.
- Pregnancy is the state where a female mammal of the order placentia is carrying a fetus in the uterus until it reaches a size where it is viable and the female can give birth. In humans, the process from fertilization of the ovum until birth takes approximately 270 days. The loss of the fetus spontaneously is known as a miscarriage when it happens early in the pregnancy, premature labor when it happens just before the fetus is viable, and stillbirth if the infant is delivered dead at or near full term.