| - This article covers the history of Shadowdale. Originally Shadowdale (then known as the "Land Under Shadow") was controlled by the drow, who constructed the original Twisted Tower to protect their underground routes in the area. The drow maintained a population of humans and other races on the surface, used as slaves. In the early 900s DR, the increasing human population in the area, made up of Dalesmen who had migrated from the other side of the Dragon Reach over several centuries, caused a conflict with the drow. In the face of a siege lasting around a year, Azmaer Dhuurniv, who was the drow marshall of the Twisted Tower at that time, oversaw a general retreat of the drow into the Underdark. Although the Tower was being supplied from beneath with food and water, a human slave poisoned the Tower's well, allowing the human attackers to easily overwhelm it. Azmaer is thought to have retreated into the Underdark.