| - Subspace relay station, or subspace relay booster station, was a specific type of communication relay station incorporating a subspace relay. Typically, they were part of a Subspace relay network. In the Federation, the performance of these stations was tested according to criteria established in STFL spec 0473/111243. If a station was not up to spec, it was repaired on site. A 4.2 gigawatt power generator was enough to sustain such a station. (TNG: "Conspiracy" , okudagram; TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers" )
- A subspace relay station was used to broadcast news through the galaxy, and transmit subspace communication signals. The subspace relay station in the Laim system was a 100 meter-long, spindle-shaped, unmanned, intra-system space station in a distant orbit around its star. In addition to broadcasting systems, the station had a collision defense system. This defense system had 12 lasers arrayed around the station's radial exterior, designed to destroy any orbiting asteroids or planetoids which might have threatened to collide with the station. It was also fitted with defensive shields.
| - Subspace relay station, or subspace relay booster station, was a specific type of communication relay station incorporating a subspace relay. Typically, they were part of a Subspace relay network. In the Federation, the performance of these stations was tested according to criteria established in STFL spec 0473/111243. If a station was not up to spec, it was repaired on site. A 4.2 gigawatt power generator was enough to sustain such a station. (TNG: "Conspiracy" , okudagram; TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers" ) In 2364, prior to stardate 41775, the Federation starships USS Aleo and USS White Sands tested the stations on the Rigel/Andor link. (TNG: "Conspiracy" , okudagram) In the Treaty of Armens (2255), one of the provisions read, "Third party assistance may be requested from a Federation Starfleet vessel or a Sheliak Corporate spacecraft if the distance from the vessel to the respective homeworld is greater than five thousand (5.0×103) light years. UFP Standards Measurement Bureau Units. Assistance may also be requested if the vessel is less than 1,000 light years from a standard UFP subspace relay booster station." (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command" , okudagram) The Cardassian world Loval contained a a small subspace relay station associated with its civilian outpost. (DS9: "Return to Grace") In 2371, a joint effort between the Federation and Cardassian scientists led to the creation of a relay station being built on the Gamma Quadrant side of the Bajoran wormhole to aid communications. (DS9: "Destiny")
- A subspace relay station was used to broadcast news through the galaxy, and transmit subspace communication signals. The subspace relay station in the Laim system was a 100 meter-long, spindle-shaped, unmanned, intra-system space station in a distant orbit around its star. In addition to broadcasting systems, the station had a collision defense system. This defense system had 12 lasers arrayed around the station's radial exterior, designed to destroy any orbiting asteroids or planetoids which might have threatened to collide with the station. It was also fitted with defensive shields. Not all subspace relay station have the capability to originate broadcasts. Some can only relay broadcasts. In the Rayter sector, for example, only eight of sixty-four relay stations (including the station at Laim) had the capability to originate broadcasts, the rest only having the capability to relay.