May is the fifth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and the third month to have the length of 31 days.
* 1999: The Fairy Flu! premiered.
* 2010: Wishology! the big beginning premiered.
* 2003: Most Wanted Wish and This is Your Wish premiered.
* 2010: Wishology! The Exciting Middle Part premiered.
* 2010: Wishology! The Final Ending premiered.
* 2001: Dream Goat and The Same Game premiered.
* 2013: Turner & Pooch premiered.
* 2004: Jimmy Timmy Power Hour premiered.
* 2003: The Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad and Engine Blocked premiered.
* 2005: Go Young, West Man! and Birthday Wish! premiered.
* 2002: Timvisible and That Old Black Magic premiered.
* 2005: Timmy's 2-D House of Horror and It's A Wishful
May is the fifth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and the third month to have the length of 31 days.
* 1999: The Fairy Flu! premiered.
* 2010: Wishology! the big beginning premiered.
* 2003: Most Wanted Wish and This is Your Wish premiered.
* 2010: Wishology! The Exciting Middle Part premiered.
* 2010: Wishology! The Final Ending premiered.
* 2001: Dream Goat and The Same Game premiered.
* 2013: Turner & Pooch premiered.
* 2004: Jimmy Timmy Power Hour premiered.
* 2003: The Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad and Engine Blocked premiered.
* 2005: Go Young, West Man! and Birthday Wish! premiered.
* 2002: Timvisible and That Old Black Magic premiered.
* 2005: Timmy's 2-D House of Horror and It's A Wishful Life premiered.
* 2004: Jimmy Timmy Power Hour (DVD and VHS) was released.
* 2005: Escape From Unwish Island and The Gland Plan premiered.
* 2013: Dumbbell Curve premiered.
* 2005: Hassle in the Castle and Remy Rides Again premiered.
* 2008: Odd Squad premiered.
* The Day that When Nerds Collide! and Bad Heir Day Take place.
* 1960: Denzel Crocker was born.
* 2005: Talkin' Trash and Timmy TV premiered.
* 2008: For Emergencies Only premiered.
* 2008: Cheese & Crockers premiered.
* 2008: Land Before Timmy premiered.
* 2011: Season 3 DVD was released.
* 2008: King Chang premiered.
* 2003: Sleepover and Over and Mother Nature premiered.
* 2004: Power Pals! and Emotion Commotion! premiered.
* 2006: Fairy Idol premiered.
* 2010: Stupid Cupid premiered in Canada.
* 2003: Beddy Bye and The Grass is Greener
* 2006: Fairy Idol (DVD and VHS) was Released.
* 2005: Nick Picks Volume 1 was Released.
* 2014: School of Crock premiered.