Kategorie:Item The Metamaterial Optical Camouflage mantle refers to a very rare mantle with a Metamaterial Optical Camouflage (光歪曲迷彩(メタマテリアル・オプチカル・カモ), Metamateriaru Opuchikaru Kamo?, lit. "light distortion camouflage") ability in Gun Gale Online. This mantle was used by Sterben (Shinkawa Shouichi) during and before the third Bullet of Bullets (BoB). The mantle's price on the Real Money Trade (RMT) system is estimated to be around 300,000 yen.
Kategorie:Item The Metamaterial Optical Camouflage mantle refers to a very rare mantle with a Metamaterial Optical Camouflage (光歪曲迷彩(メタマテリアル・オプチカル・カモ), Metamateriaru Opuchikaru Kamo?, lit. "light distortion camouflage") ability in Gun Gale Online. This mantle was used by Sterben (Shinkawa Shouichi) during and before the third Bullet of Bullets (BoB). The mantle's price on the Real Money Trade (RMT) system is estimated to be around 300,000 yen.