| - When Merlin, a wizard for the past 500 years, decides he is ready to let go of his power and become mortal, he and his true love Nimue head to reforge the Holy Grail into a sword, Excalibur, than can be used to cut away his power. Nimue betrays Merlin though, and drinks from the grail herself to use the power it gives for darkness. She breaks the sword that was forged, but Merlin ends up crafting the broken piece into a dagger, which he then tethers to Nimue, or, the first Dark One. ("Nimue") During at battle between Merlin and Nimue, the latter is able to steal the dagger from her former lover, and she uses it to collect one of his tears, which she then uses to turn him into a tree. ("Dreamcatcher") Merlin's Apprentice, meanwhile, spends his time guarding a hat which can be used to cleave
- The Dark One's Dagger, also known as the "Dark One Dagger", is a magical but very dangerous dagger and the recurring object in the ABC television series Once Upon a Time. This arcane weapon carries the curse of the Darkness, and allows anyone who holds it to control the Dark One , making them virtually unstoppable. If a person holding the dagger uses it to kill the current Dark One, they themselves will become the Dark One and with the title as the "Dark One" comes an immense innate knowledge of all forms of magic, especially dark magic, as well as an virtually unlimited amount magical powers, making the new Dark One the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms (rivaled only by Merlin who has the same form of magic, but light magic instead of dark magic).
| - The Dark One's Dagger, also known as the "Dark One Dagger", is a magical but very dangerous dagger and the recurring object in the ABC television series Once Upon a Time. This arcane weapon carries the curse of the Darkness, and allows anyone who holds it to control the Dark One , making them virtually unstoppable. If a person holding the dagger uses it to kill the current Dark One, they themselves will become the Dark One and with the title as the "Dark One" comes an immense innate knowledge of all forms of magic, especially dark magic, as well as an virtually unlimited amount magical powers, making the new Dark One the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms (rivaled only by Merlin who has the same form of magic, but light magic instead of dark magic). It is said that if someone gained hold of the dagger and owns it, he or she will control the Dark One. As stated above, if someone kills the Dark One with this dagger, he or she will then become the Dark One upon being immediately possessed by the Darkness and takes their magic powers. The dagger is actually the tip of the legendary sword Excalibur, wielded by the first Dark One, the sorceress Nimue. After many centuries, as well as many Dark One's that followed Nimue, the previous Dark Ones Emma Swan and Killian Jones used the magic of the fully reformed Excaliber to absorb all the previous Dark Ones' powers, including their own, and in trying to destroy the darkness once and for all, Emma stabbed Killian while the darkness still resided in the sword, returning them both back to the way they were. However, they did know that the past Dark One Rumplestiltskin used the sword as a conduit to channel and move all the darkness into himself by using a potion he had on it, and in doing so, restoring status and his powers as the Dark One once again, only this time he was far more powerful, having absorbed the powers of every Dark One who has ever lived, including the original recipient of the power and immortality Nimue, Killian Jones (who's power came from that of Merlin's own powers), and Emma Swan (who is the Saviour and was told by Merlin to be the most powerful Dark One to date (until Rumplestiltskin's powers were restored), making him the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms, surpassing even Merlin. The original color scheme of the dagger was a silver curved blade, etched with black writing and designs. However now, since Excaliber absorbing the power of ever Dark One who ever lived, the dagger is a black blade with silver writings and designs (the same designs with exact opposite color scheme).
- When Merlin, a wizard for the past 500 years, decides he is ready to let go of his power and become mortal, he and his true love Nimue head to reforge the Holy Grail into a sword, Excalibur, than can be used to cut away his power. Nimue betrays Merlin though, and drinks from the grail herself to use the power it gives for darkness. She breaks the sword that was forged, but Merlin ends up crafting the broken piece into a dagger, which he then tethers to Nimue, or, the first Dark One. ("Nimue") During at battle between Merlin and Nimue, the latter is able to steal the dagger from her former lover, and she uses it to collect one of his tears, which she then uses to turn him into a tree. ("Dreamcatcher") Merlin's Apprentice, meanwhile, spends his time guarding a hat which can be used to cleave the Dark One from the dagger, and though Nimue's time eventually runs out, others succeed her. The Apprentice battles them all, including Zoso, but does not fail. ("The Apprentice") Zoso is eventually enslaved by a Duke, via the dagger, and so he tricks Rumplestiltskin into breaking into the Duke's castle and stealing the dagger. He then provokes Rumple into killing him, stabbing him with the dagger, thus making him the new Dark One, with the dagger reading his name. ("Desperate Souls") Being the Dark One strains Rumple's relationship with his son Baelfire, and he also grows paranoid about people coming after the dagger that controls him. He kills a mute maid for simply hearing of its existence, and so Bae draws the line, forcing his father to find a way to get rid of his powers. Bae comes up with a magic bean that can take them to a land without magic, but at the last minute Rumple uses the dagger to stop himself from falling through the portal, choosing power over his son. ("The Return") Centuries later, Rumplestiltskin maps out a plan to obtain the Sorcerer's hat, guarded by the Apprentice, for he wishes to cleave himself from the dagger once and for all. With manipulating Anna, a princess from Arendelle, he is able to do so. However, she soon catches on to his plan, learning that the dagger controls him, and so she gets a hold of it and forces him to give her the hat and send her home, promising to not come after her, thus foiling his scheme. ("The Apprentice") Wanting to put an end to Arthur's quest of making Excalibur whole, Guinevere and Lancelot set out with Merlin's gauntlet to find it's missing half, which they discover in the depths of the Vault of the Dark One, and in the Jungle Dimension. They're unable to retrieve it though, for Rumple has cast a protection spell, and so he instead gives them Sands of Avalon to use to make Excalibur appear whole in exchange for the gauntlet. ("The Broken Kingdom")