Partials can be partial layouts or views which can be output, a good use of this would be to split elements you might need to repeat into their own files.
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| - Partials can be partial layouts or views which can be output, a good use of this would be to split elements you might need to repeat into their own files.
- After the war with the Partials, the RM virus kills almost all of humanity except about 40 thousand who have taken refuge in a suburb of New York City. It has been 11 years since The Break and all of the babies born since then have not survived. Kira Walker, a 16-year old medic-in-training, is tired of watching RM kill off every baby within three days of birth and has come up with a plan to find a cure: go to the ones who started the outbreak in the first place.
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| - Partials can be partial layouts or views which can be output, a good use of this would be to split elements you might need to repeat into their own files.
- After the war with the Partials, the RM virus kills almost all of humanity except about 40 thousand who have taken refuge in a suburb of New York City. It has been 11 years since The Break and all of the babies born since then have not survived. Kira Walker, a 16-year old medic-in-training, is tired of watching RM kill off every baby within three days of birth and has come up with a plan to find a cure: go to the ones who started the outbreak in the first place.
* Action Girl: Kira is this.
* Adults Are Useless: Somewhat justified as the kids who grew up without many memories before the Partials War aren't as "woe is me" as the adults and are more likely to do things the adults are too prejudiced to try.
* Apocalypse How
* After the End
* Artificial Human: Partials.
* Babies Make Everything Better / Baby Factory: This is the logic behind the Hope Act--without babies the human race will die out.
* The Complainer Is Always Wrong: The Senate's stance towards the Voice.
* Conveniently an Orphan: Everyone.
* Crapsack World
* Depopulation Bomb: The Break
* Determinator: Kira
* During the War
* Dystopia
* Failsafe Failure: Inverted. ParaGen designed a failsafe for Partials in that they would dissolve after ten years.
* Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke
* The Government: The Senate
* Government Conspiracy
* Hive Mind: Sort of. The Partials' pheromones means that they can sense each other's emotional states.
* Hopeless War
* Immortal Infertility: Partials. except for the immortal part.
* La RĂ©sistance: The Voice.
* The Medic: Kira
* One Mans Trash Is Anothers Treasure: Characters regularly raid all the stuff left behind by the rest of humanity. Some characters even collect certain things, like Xochi who collects music players.
* Power of Trust: Literally: it's one of the Partials' pheromones.
* Pride Before a Fall: ParaGen. Just watch their commercial.
* Promotion to Parent: All the adults who take in the orphaned children. Technically true for all women 18 and older (and their significant other), although their parenthood never lasts long.
* The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: The Voice tends to have destructive habits in their protesting.
* Shown Their Work: The biology behind the RM virus is accurate, except that the virus doesn't actually exist.
* Slave Mooks: Partials were essentially this until they rebelled.
* Slave to PR: The Senate
* Spell My Name with an "S": Samm, whose name was originally "Sam M." but he just started including the second m as part of his first name.
* Super Senses: Partials
* Super Soldier: Partials
* Teen Pregnancy: All women 18 and older must be pregnant as frequently as possible. And they're thinking about lowering the age to 16...
* They Walk Among Us: The Senate warns that the Voice looks like normal people.
* Think Happy Thoughts: Parodied
* Time for Plan B: Discussed
* The Virus: The RM virus
* Untrusting Community The Senate with regards to Samm
* Well-Intentioned Extremist: Basically everyone.
* We Have Been Researching Phlebotinum for Years: The medics have been researching the RM virus for years. And so have the Partials.
* What Measure Is a Non-Human??: Partials. It's even Lampshaded in their name.
* You Fail Biology Forever: Averted (see Shown Their Work)