Rona shakes her head sharply. "It sounds like your claim is no better than the Chernoffs'. Like you're equals, not a sitting [lord/lady] and a pretender."
"Isn't that good? We've been looking for a way to get them to hear our side."
"Even if we make a strong case, the power for decision is all with the magistrate."
"What should we prepare to be certain they'll rule in our favor?"
"We must make it clear, I'm [lord/lady] of [Your Holding], no one else."
Rona storms into your library. "Now the [Your Great House] are sending a magistrate to 'hear your claim!' I don't like the sound of that."
Gammer laughs. "M'[lord/lady], that gives the [Your Great House] all the excuse they need to decide these lands make a good bribe for their supporters."
"I trust the [Your Great House]. I've served them well. They wouldn't turn on me."
Maester Lucas steps in. "I'll prepare testimony about King Robert's reason for granting you your title, as well as your acts while steward here."