| - Before Tails left the Zone, there were three Enchanter Kings. The eldest and most powerful was Shirob, but Shirob accidentally made contact with the Evil One and was transformed into Trogg. Believing that Trogg had killed Shirob, the other Enchanter Kings exiled him over the Dimension Bridge into the Land Beyond.
- There was once a time where the three Enchanter Kings ruled peacefully over the Nameless Zone, acting as kindly advisors to their kingdom. The more elderly and vastly superior magic user Shirob accidentally contacted "The Evil One" (perhaps a precursor to The Dark One), the experience driving him insane and turning him into what we now know as Trogg. Without informing his fellows, Trogg fled to the Land Beyond and began his own goblin army, building up an invasion force capable of overthrowing his former home. Fearful of this, the two remaining Kings summoned their champion, Miles "Tails" Prower, to fight Trogg and prevent him from crossing the Dimension Bridge. Tails was accidentally successful and prevented the third King from returning home.
| - There was once a time where the three Enchanter Kings ruled peacefully over the Nameless Zone, acting as kindly advisors to their kingdom. The more elderly and vastly superior magic user Shirob accidentally contacted "The Evil One" (perhaps a precursor to The Dark One), the experience driving him insane and turning him into what we now know as Trogg. Without informing his fellows, Trogg fled to the Land Beyond and began his own goblin army, building up an invasion force capable of overthrowing his former home. Fearful of this, the two remaining Kings summoned their champion, Miles "Tails" Prower, to fight Trogg and prevent him from crossing the Dimension Bridge. Tails was accidentally successful and prevented the third King from returning home. Angered, Trogg tricked the Kings with a faint message stating that Shirob was still alive and needed help. The Kings sent Tails and Errol Blackthorn to rescue him, but discovered Trogg's origins and fled home, vaguely inferring what happened to the Kings. However, they were later captured by Trogg's forces and forced to turn into monsters by the power of Trogg and The Dark One. With the help of Knuckles the Echidna and Morain, Tails threw the Dark Orb into the Non-existent space and reverted all three Kings into their fox selves. This time of peace lasted for many years, until the goblin kingdom decided to rise up even stronger than before. Fearful of an all-out war, the Kings negotiated a peace treaty with Roubal that saw them lose some of their power and forced to serve them one day a year. The Kings were understandably unhappy with the terms but agreed to avoid a battle. Things would get worse with the introduction of a trade route between the two regions, but the Kings appeared resigned to prevent such progress.
- Before Tails left the Zone, there were three Enchanter Kings. The eldest and most powerful was Shirob, but Shirob accidentally made contact with the Evil One and was transformed into Trogg. Believing that Trogg had killed Shirob, the other Enchanter Kings exiled him over the Dimension Bridge into the Land Beyond. The remaining two kings ruled the Nameless Zone together for many years, until Trogg sought to return and lead his armies back into the Zone. However, the Enchanter Kings' magics prevented him from doing so unless he defeated a champion of their choosing on the Dimension Bridge. Believing that their former subject, Miles "Tails" Prower had become a true hero on Mobius, they selected him and granted him a magical suit of armour. When Tails claimed that there had been a misunderstanding, the Enchanter Kings assumed that he was being modest and insisted that he battle Trogg anyway. Fortunately, Tails was able to win on this occasion, largely by chance, thus cementing his reputation as the Nameless Zone's champion. Trogg sought revenge on Tails for his defeat. Taking Shirob's form, he sent a message to the Enchanter Kings claiming to be Trogg's prisoner. The Enchanter Kings once again summoned Tails to the zone, and sent both Tails and Errol Blackthorn, their bravest warrior, to rescue Shirob from the Land Beyond. When the pair returned, having learned the truth, Errol explained Shirob and Trogg were one and the same. Some time later, Trogg kidnapped the Enchanter Kings and took them to the Land Beyond, intending to transform them into monsters like him. Errol Blackthorn was sent to rescue them, only to be captured and transformed himself. However, while Blackthorn's transformation was within Trogg's own power, he required the aid of the Dark One to perform the transformation. Eventually, Tails himself, accompanied by Knuckles the Echidna, set off across the Dimension Bridge to rescue the Enchanter Kings. Trogg summoned the Dark One by means of the Dark Orb and successfully had the demon transform the Enchanter Kings into monsters. However, as part of a rescue attempt by Tails, Knuckles the Echidna and Morain, Tails threw the Dark Orb over the side of the Dimension Bridge into the "non-existent space" below, destroying the Dark One and restoring the Enchanter Kings to their original forms. The Dark One's destruction even turned Trogg back into Shirob, and free of his evil curse he rejoined the ranks of the Enchanter Kings. Some time later, the Nameless Zone was invaded by hordes from the Goblin Nation, who built a castle in the middle of the Nameless Zone. The Enchanter Kings were apparently captured, but had in fact been treated almost as guests by the Goblin King, Roubal, who offered them a deal: the goblins would no longer attack the Nameless Zone, as long as the Enchanter Kings perform a ceremony every year in which they promised to obey the Goblin Empire. Realising that refusal would cause a great and bloody war, which the foxes would certainly lose, the Enchanter Kings agreed. When Tails and Morain broke into the Goblin Castle to rescue the Kings, they were nearly overwhelmed by goblin warriors until the Enchanter Kings demanded that Roubal allow the heroes to leave safely, which he did.